Abstract:The Poisson compound decision problem is a classical problem in statistics, for which parametric and nonparametric empirical Bayes methodologies are available to estimate the Poisson's means in static or batch domains. In this paper, we consider the Poisson compound decision problem in a streaming or online domain. By relying on a quasi-Bayesian approach, often referred to as Newton's algorithm, we obtain sequential Poisson's mean estimates that are of easy evaluation, computationally efficient and with a constant computational cost as data increase, which is desirable for streaming data. Large sample asymptotic properties of the proposed estimates are investigated, also providing frequentist guarantees in terms of a regret analysis. We validate empirically our methodology, both on synthetic and real data, comparing against the most popular alternatives.
Abstract:Bayesian Neural Networks represent a fascinating confluence of deep learning and probabilistic reasoning, offering a compelling framework for understanding uncertainty in complex predictive models. In this paper, we investigate the use of the preconditioned Crank-Nicolson algorithm and its Langevin version to sample from the reparametrised posterior distribution of the weights as the widths of Bayesian Neural Networks grow larger. In addition to being robust in the infinite-dimensional setting, we prove that the acceptance probabilities of the proposed methods approach 1 as the width of the network increases, independently of any stepsize tuning. Moreover, we examine and compare how the mixing speeds of the underdamped Langevin Monte Carlo, the preconditioned Crank-Nicolson and the preconditioned Crank-Nicolson Langevin samplers are influenced by changes in the network width in some real-world cases. Our findings suggest that, in wide Bayesian Neural Networks configurations, the preconditioned Crank-Nicolson method allows for more efficient sampling of the reparametrised posterior distribution, as evidenced by a higher effective sample size and improved diagnostic results compared with the other analysed algorithms.
Abstract:Density deconvolution addresses the estimation of the unknown (probability) density function $f$ of a random signal from data that are observed with an independent additive random noise. This is a classical problem in statistics, for which frequentist and Bayesian nonparametric approaches are available to deal with static or batch data. In this paper, we consider the problem of density deconvolution in a streaming or online setting where noisy data arrive progressively, with no predetermined sample size, and we develop a sequential nonparametric approach to estimate $f$. By relying on a quasi-Bayesian sequential approach, often referred to as Newton's algorithm, we obtain estimates of $f$ that are of easy evaluation, computationally efficient, and with a computational cost that remains constant as the amount of data increases, which is critical in the streaming setting. Large sample asymptotic properties of the proposed estimates are studied, yielding provable guarantees with respect to the estimation of $f$ at a point (local) and on an interval (uniform). In particular, we establish local and uniform central limit theorems, providing corresponding asymptotic credible intervals and bands. We validate empirically our methods on synthetic and real data, by considering the common setting of Laplace and Gaussian noise distributions, and make a comparison with respect to the kernel-based approach and a Bayesian nonparametric approach with a Dirichlet process mixture prior.
Abstract:In online randomized experiments or A/B tests, accurate predictions of participant inclusion rates are of paramount importance. These predictions not only guide experimenters in optimizing the experiment's duration but also enhance the precision of treatment effect estimates. In this paper we present a novel, straightforward, and scalable Bayesian nonparametric approach for predicting the rate at which individuals will be exposed to interventions within the realm of online A/B testing. Our approach stands out by offering dual prediction capabilities: it forecasts both the quantity of new customers expected in future time windows and, unlike available alternative methods, the number of times they will be observed. We derive closed-form expressions for the posterior distributions of the quantities needed to form predictions about future user activity, thereby bypassing the need for numerical algorithms such as Markov chain Monte Carlo. After a comprehensive exposition of our model, we test its performance on experiments on real and simulated data, where we show its superior performance with respect to existing alternatives in the literature.
Abstract:Accurately predicting the onset of specific activities within defined timeframes holds significant importance in several applied contexts. In particular, accurate prediction of the number of future users that will be exposed to an intervention is an important piece of information for experimenters running online experiments (A/B tests). In this work, we propose a novel approach to predict the number of users that will be active in a given time period, as well as the temporal trajectory needed to attain a desired user participation threshold. We model user activity using a Bayesian nonparametric approach which allows us to capture the underlying heterogeneity in user engagement. We derive closed-form expressions for the number of new users expected in a given period, and a simple Monte Carlo algorithm targeting the posterior distribution of the number of days needed to attain a desired number of users; the latter is important for experimental planning. We illustrate the performance of our approach via several experiments on synthetic and real world data, in which we show that our novel method outperforms existing competitors.
Abstract:We study how to recover the frequency of a symbol in a large discrete data set, using only a compressed representation, or sketch, of those data obtained via random hashing. This is a classical problem in computer science, with various algorithms available, such as the count-min sketch. However, these algorithms often assume that the data are fixed, leading to overly conservative and potentially inaccurate estimates when dealing with randomly sampled data. In this paper, we consider the sketched data as a random sample from an unknown distribution, and then we introduce novel estimators that improve upon existing approaches. Our method combines Bayesian nonparametric and classical (frequentist) perspectives, addressing their unique limitations to provide a principled and practical solution. Additionally, we extend our method to address the related but distinct problem of cardinality recovery, which consists of estimating the total number of distinct objects in the data set. We validate our method on synthetic and real data, comparing its performance to state-of-the-art alternatives.
Abstract:We study the distribution of a fully connected neural network with random Gaussian weights and biases in which the hidden layer widths are proportional to a large constant $n$. Under mild assumptions on the non-linearity, we obtain quantitative bounds on normal approximations valid at large but finite $n$ and any fixed network depth. Our theorems show both for the finite-dimensional distributions and the entire process, that the distance between a random fully connected network (and its derivatives) to the corresponding infinite width Gaussian process scales like $n^{-\gamma}$ for $\gamma>0$, with the exponent depending on the metric used to measure discrepancy. Our bounds are strictly stronger in terms of their dependence on network width than any previously available in the literature; in the one-dimensional case, we also prove that they are optimal, i.e., we establish matching lower bounds.
Abstract:There is a growing interest on large-width asymptotic properties of Gaussian neural networks (NNs), namely NNs whose weights are initialized according to Gaussian distributions. A well-established result is that, as the width goes to infinity, a Gaussian NN converges in distribution to a Gaussian stochastic process, which provides an asymptotic or qualitative Gaussian approximation of the NN. In this paper, we introduce some non-asymptotic or quantitative Gaussian approximations of Gaussian NNs, quantifying the approximation error with respect to some popular distances for (probability) distributions, e.g. the $1$-Wasserstein distance, the total variation distance and the Kolmogorov-Smirnov distance. Our results rely on the use of second-order Gaussian Poincar\'e inequalities, which provide tight estimates of the approximation error, with optimal rates. This is a novel application of second-order Gaussian Poincar\'e inequalities, which are well-known in the probabilistic literature for being a powerful tool to obtain Gaussian approximations of general functionals of Gaussian stochastic processes. A generalization of our results to deep Gaussian NNs is discussed.
Abstract:There is a growing literature on the study of large-width properties of deep Gaussian neural networks (NNs), i.e. deep NNs with Gaussian-distributed parameters or weights, and Gaussian stochastic processes. Motivated by some empirical and theoretical studies showing the potential of replacing Gaussian distributions with Stable distributions, namely distributions with heavy tails, in this paper we investigate large-width properties of deep Stable NNs, i.e. deep NNs with Stable-distributed parameters. For sub-linear activation functions, a recent work has characterized the infinitely wide limit of a suitable rescaled deep Stable NN in terms of a Stable stochastic process, both under the assumption of a ``joint growth" and under the assumption of a ``sequential growth" of the width over the NN's layers. Here, assuming a ``sequential growth" of the width, we extend such a characterization to a general class of activation functions, which includes sub-linear, asymptotically linear and super-linear functions. As a novelty with respect to previous works, our results rely on the use of a generalized central limit theorem for heavy tails distributions, which allows for an interesting unified treatment of infinitely wide limits for deep Stable NNs. Our study shows that the scaling of Stable NNs and the stability of their infinitely wide limits may depend on the choice of the activation function, bringing out a critical difference with respect to the Gaussian setting.
Abstract:A flexible method is developed to construct a confidence interval for the frequency of a queried object in a very large data set, based on a much smaller sketch of the data. The approach requires no knowledge of the data distribution or of the details of the sketching algorithm; instead, it constructs provably valid frequentist confidence intervals for random queries using a conformal inference approach. After achieving marginal coverage for random queries under the assumption of data exchangeability, the proposed method is extended to provide stronger inferences accounting for possibly heterogeneous frequencies of different random queries, redundant queries, and distribution shifts. While the presented methods are broadly applicable, this paper focuses on use cases involving the count-min sketch algorithm and a non-linear variation thereof, to facilitate comparison to prior work. In particular, the developed methods are compared empirically to frequentist and Bayesian alternatives, through simulations and experiments with data sets of SARS-CoV-2 DNA sequences and classic English literature.