Abstract:Existing data-dependent and best-of-both-worlds regret bounds for multi-armed bandits problems have limited adaptivity as they are either data-dependent but not best-of-both-worlds (BOBW), BOBW but not data-dependent or have sub-optimal $O(\sqrt{T\ln{T}})$ worst-case guarantee in the adversarial regime. To overcome these limitations, we propose real-time stability-penalty matching (SPM), a new method for obtaining regret bounds that are simultaneously data-dependent, best-of-both-worlds and $T$-optimal for multi-armed bandits problems. In particular, we show that real-time SPM obtains bounds with worst-case guarantees of order $O(\sqrt{T})$ in the adversarial regime and $O(\ln{T})$ in the stochastic regime while simultaneously being adaptive to data-dependent quantities such as sparsity, variations, and small losses. Our results are obtained by extending the SPM technique for tuning the learning rates in the follow-the-regularized-leader (FTRL) framework, which further indicates that the combination of SPM and FTRL is a promising approach for proving new adaptive bounds in online learning problems.
Abstract:Learning in games is the problem where multiple players interact in a shared environment, each aiming to minimize their own regret, and it is known that an approximate equilibrium can be obtained when all players employ no-regret algorithms. Notably, by adopting optimistic follow-the-regularized-leader (OFTRL), the regret of each player after $T$ rounds is constant in two-player zero-sum games, implying that an equilibrium can be computed at a faster rate of $O(1/T)$. However, this acceleration is limited to the honest regime, where all players fully adhere to the given algorithms. To address this limitation, this paper presents corrupted learning dynamics that adaptively find an equilibrium at a rate dependent on the degree of deviation by each player from the given algorithm's output. First, in two-player zero-sum games, we provide learning dynamics where the external regret of the x-player (and similarly for the y-player) in the corrupted regime is roughly bounded by $O(\log (m_\mathrm{x} m_\mathrm{y}) + \sqrt{C_\mathrm{y}} + C_\mathrm{x})$, which implies a convergence rate of $\tilde{O}((\sqrt{C_\mathrm{y}} + C_\mathrm{x})/T)$ to a Nash equilibrium. Here, $m_\mathrm{x}$ and $m_\mathrm{y}$ are the number of actions of the x- and y-players, respectively, and $C_\mathrm{x}$ and $C_\mathrm{y}$ are the cumulative deviations of the x- and y-players from their given algorithms. Furthermore, we extend our approach to multi-player general-sum games, showing that the swap regret of player $i$ in the corrupted regime is bounded by $O(\log T + \sqrt{\sum_j C_j \log T} + C_i)$, where $C_i$ is the cumulative deviations of player $i$ from the given algorithm. This implies a convergence rate of $O((\log T + \sqrt{\sum_j C_j \log T} + C_i)/T)$ to a correlated equilibrium. Our learning dynamics are agnostic to the corruption levels and are based on OFTRL with new adaptive learning rates.
Abstract:Follow-the-Regularized-Leader (FTRL) is a powerful framework for various online learning problems. By designing its regularizer and learning rate to be adaptive to past observations, FTRL is known to work adaptively to various properties of an underlying environment. However, most existing adaptive learning rates are for online learning problems with a minimax regret of $\Theta(\sqrt{T})$ for the number of rounds $T$, and there are only a few studies on adaptive learning rates for problems with a minimax regret of $\Theta(T^{2/3})$, which include several important problems dealing with indirect feedback. To address this limitation, we establish a new adaptive learning rate framework for problems with a minimax regret of $\Theta(T^{2/3})$. Our learning rate is designed by matching the stability, penalty, and bias terms that naturally appear in regret upper bounds for problems with a minimax regret of $\Theta(T^{2/3})$. As applications of this framework, we consider two major problems dealing with indirect feedback: partial monitoring and graph bandits. We show that FTRL with our learning rate and the Tsallis entropy regularizer improves existing Best-of-Both-Worlds (BOBW) regret upper bounds, which achieve simultaneous optimality in the stochastic and adversarial regimes. The resulting learning rate is surprisingly simple compared to the existing learning rates for BOBW algorithms for problems with a minimax regret of $\Theta(T^{2/3})$.
Abstract:This paper discusses the revenue management (RM) problem to maximize revenue by pricing items or services. One challenge in this problem is that the demand distribution is unknown and varies over time in real applications such as airline and retail industries. In particular, the time-varying demand has not been well studied under scenarios of unknown demand due to the difficulty of jointly managing the remaining inventory and estimating the demand. To tackle this challenge, we first introduce an episodic generalization of the RM problem motivated by typical application scenarios. We then propose a computationally efficient algorithm based on posterior sampling, which effectively optimizes prices by solving linear programming. We derive a Bayesian regret upper bound of this algorithm for general models where demand parameters can be correlated between time periods, while also deriving a regret lower bound for generic algorithms. Our empirical study shows that the proposed algorithm performs better than other benchmark algorithms and comparably to the optimal policy in hindsight. We also propose a heuristic modification of the proposed algorithm, which further efficiently learns the pricing policy in the experiments.
Abstract:An online decision-making problem is a learning problem in which a player repeatedly makes decisions in order to minimize the long-term loss. These problems that emerge in applications often have nonlinear combinatorial objective functions, and developing algorithms for such problems has attracted considerable attention. An existing general framework for dealing with such objective functions is the online submodular minimization. However, practical problems are often out of the scope of this framework, since the domain of a submodular function is limited to a subset of the unit hypercube. To manage this limitation of the existing framework, we in this paper introduce the online $\mathrm{L}^{\natural}$-convex minimization, where an $\mathrm{L}^{\natural}$-convex function generalizes a submodular function so that the domain is a subset of the integer lattice. We propose computationally efficient algorithms for the online $\mathrm{L}^{\natural}$-convex function minimization in two major settings: the full information and the bandit settings. We analyze the regrets of these algorithms and show in particular that our algorithm for the full information setting obtains a tight regret bound up to a constant factor. We also demonstrate several motivating examples that illustrate the usefulness of the online $\mathrm{L}^{\natural}$-convex minimization.
Abstract:Follow-The-Regularized-Leader (FTRL) is known as an effective and versatile approach in online learning, where appropriate choice of the learning rate is crucial for smaller regret. To this end, we formulate the problem of adjusting FTRL's learning rate as a sequential decision-making problem and introduce the framework of competitive analysis. We establish a lower bound for the competitive ratio and propose update rules for learning rate that achieves an upper bound within a constant factor of this lower bound. Specifically, we illustrate that the optimal competitive ratio is characterized by the (approximate) monotonicity of components of the penalty term, showing that a constant competitive ratio is achievable if the components of the penalty term form a monotonically non-increasing sequence, and derive a tight competitive ratio when penalty terms are $\xi$-approximately monotone non-increasing. Our proposed update rule, referred to as \textit{stability-penalty matching}, also facilitates constructing the Best-Of-Both-Worlds (BOBW) algorithms for stochastic and adversarial environments. In these environments our result contributes to achieve tighter regret bound and broaden the applicability of algorithms for various settings such as multi-armed bandits, graph bandits, linear bandits, and contextual bandits.
Abstract:This paper studies the optimality of the Follow-the-Perturbed-Leader (FTPL) policy in both adversarial and stochastic $K$-armed bandits. Despite the widespread use of the Follow-the-Regularized-Leader (FTRL) framework with various choices of regularization, the FTPL framework, which relies on random perturbations, has not received much attention, despite its inherent simplicity. In adversarial bandits, there has been conjecture that FTPL could potentially achieve $\mathcal{O}(\sqrt{KT})$ regrets if perturbations follow a distribution with a Fr\'{e}chet-type tail. Recent work by Honda et al. (2023) showed that FTPL with Fr\'{e}chet distribution with shape $\alpha=2$ indeed attains this bound and, notably logarithmic regret in stochastic bandits, meaning the Best-of-Both-Worlds (BOBW) capability of FTPL. However, this result only partly resolves the above conjecture because their analysis heavily relies on the specific form of the Fr\'{e}chet distribution with this shape. In this paper, we establish a sufficient condition for perturbations to achieve $\mathcal{O}(\sqrt{KT})$ regrets in the adversarial setting, which covers, e.g., Fr\'{e}chet, Pareto, and Student-$t$ distributions. We also demonstrate the BOBW achievability of FTPL with certain Fr\'{e}chet-type tail distributions. Our results contribute not only to resolving existing conjectures through the lens of extreme value theory but also potentially offer insights into the effect of the regularization functions in FTRL through the mapping from FTPL to FTRL.
Abstract:This study considers the linear contextual bandit problem with independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) contexts. In this problem, existing studies have proposed Best-of-Both-Worlds (BoBW) algorithms whose regrets satisfy $O(\log^2(T))$ for the number of rounds $T$ in a stochastic regime with a suboptimality gap lower-bounded by a positive constant, while satisfying $O(\sqrt{T})$ in an adversarial regime. However, the dependency on $T$ has room for improvement, and the suboptimality-gap assumption can be relaxed. For this issue, this study proposes an algorithm whose regret satisfies $O(\log(T))$ in the setting when the suboptimality gap is lower-bounded. Furthermore, we introduce a margin condition, a milder assumption on the suboptimality gap. That condition characterizes the problem difficulty linked to the suboptimality gap using a parameter $\beta \in (0, \infty]$. We then show that the algorithm's regret satisfies $O\left(\left\{\log(T)\right\}^{\frac{1+\beta}{2+\beta}}T^{\frac{1}{2+\beta}}\right)$. Here, $\beta= \infty$ corresponds to the case in the existing studies where a lower bound exists in the suboptimality gap, and our regret satisfies $O(\log(T))$ in that case. Our proposed algorithm is based on the Follow-The-Regularized-Leader with the Tsallis entropy and referred to as the $\alpha$-Linear-Contextual (LC)-Tsallis-INF.
Abstract:In this paper, we explore online convex optimization (OCO) and introduce a new analysis that provides fast rates by exploiting the curvature of feasible sets. In online linear optimization, it is known that if the average gradient of loss functions is larger than a certain value, the curvature of feasible sets can be exploited by the follow-the-leader (FTL) algorithm to achieve a logarithmic regret. This paper reveals that algorithms adaptive to the curvature of loss functions can also leverage the curvature of feasible sets. We first prove that if an optimal decision is on the boundary of a feasible set and the gradient of an underlying loss function is non-zero, then the algorithm achieves a regret upper bound of $O(\rho \log T)$ in stochastic environments. Here, $\rho > 0$ is the radius of the smallest sphere that includes the optimal decision and encloses the feasible set. Our approach, unlike existing ones, can work directly with convex loss functions, exploiting the curvature of loss functions simultaneously, and can achieve the logarithmic regret only with a local property of feasible sets. Additionally, it achieves an $O(\sqrt{T})$ regret even in adversarial environments where FTL suffers an $\Omega(T)$ regret, and attains an $O(\rho \log T + \sqrt{C \rho \log T})$ regret bound in corrupted stochastic environments with corruption level $C$. Furthermore, by extending our analysis, we establish a regret upper bound of $O\Big(T^{\frac{q-2}{2(q-1)}} (\log T)^{\frac{q}{2(q-1)}}\Big)$ for $q$-uniformly convex feasible sets, where uniformly convex sets include strongly convex sets and $\ell_p$-balls for $p \in [1,\infty)$. This bound bridges the gap between the $O(\log T)$ regret bound for strongly convex sets ($q=2$) and the $O(\sqrt{T})$ regret bound for non-curved sets ($q\to\infty$).
Abstract:Partial monitoring is a generic framework of online decision-making problems with limited observations. To make decisions from such limited observations, it is necessary to find an appropriate distribution for exploration. Recently, a powerful approach for this purpose, exploration by optimization (ExO), was proposed, which achieves the optimal bounds in adversarial environments with follow-the-regularized-leader for a wide range of online decision-making problems. However, a naive application of ExO in stochastic environments significantly degrades regret bounds. To resolve this problem in locally observable games, we first establish a novel framework and analysis for ExO with a hybrid regularizer. This development allows us to significantly improve the existing regret bounds of best-of-both-worlds (BOBW) algorithms, which achieves nearly optimal bounds both in stochastic and adversarial environments. In particular, we derive a stochastic regret bound of $O(\sum_{a \neq a^*} k^2 m^2 \log T / \Delta_a)$, where $k$, $m$, and $T$ are the numbers of actions, observations and rounds, $a^*$ is an optimal action, and $\Delta_a$ is the suboptimality gap for action $a$. This bound is roughly $\Theta(k^2 \log T)$ times smaller than existing BOBW bounds. In addition, for globally observable games, we provide a new BOBW algorithm with the first $O(\log T)$ stochastic bound.