Abstract:We introduce LumiNet, a novel architecture that leverages generative models and latent intrinsic representations for effective lighting transfer. Given a source image and a target lighting image, LumiNet synthesizes a relit version of the source scene that captures the target's lighting. Our approach makes two key contributions: a data curation strategy from the StyleGAN-based relighting model for our training, and a modified diffusion-based ControlNet that processes both latent intrinsic properties from the source image and latent extrinsic properties from the target image. We further improve lighting transfer through a learned adaptor (MLP) that injects the target's latent extrinsic properties via cross-attention and fine-tuning. Unlike traditional ControlNet, which generates images with conditional maps from a single scene, LumiNet processes latent representations from two different images - preserving geometry and albedo from the source while transferring lighting characteristics from the target. Experiments demonstrate that our method successfully transfers complex lighting phenomena including specular highlights and indirect illumination across scenes with varying spatial layouts and materials, outperforming existing approaches on challenging indoor scenes using only images as input.
Abstract:The field of novel view synthesis from images has seen rapid advancements with the introduction of Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF) and more recently with 3D Gaussian Splatting. Gaussian Splatting became widely adopted due to its efficiency and ability to render novel views accurately. While Gaussian Splatting performs well when a sufficient amount of training images are available, its unstructured explicit representation tends to overfit in scenarios with sparse input images, resulting in poor rendering performance. To address this, we present a 3D Gaussian-based novel view synthesis method using sparse input images that can accurately render the scene from the viewpoints not covered by the training images. We propose a multi-stage training scheme with matching-based consistency constraints imposed on the novel views without relying on pre-trained depth estimation or diffusion models. This is achieved by using the matches of the available training images to supervise the generation of the novel views sampled between the training frames with color, geometry, and semantic losses. In addition, we introduce a locality preserving regularization for 3D Gaussians which removes rendering artifacts by preserving the local color structure of the scene. Evaluation on synthetic and real-world datasets demonstrates competitive or superior performance of our method in few-shot novel view synthesis compared to existing state-of-the-art methods.
Abstract:Point cloud completion aims to recover the complete 3D shape of an object from partial observations. While approaches relying on synthetic shape priors achieved promising results in this domain, their applicability and generalizability to real-world data are still limited. To tackle this problem, we propose a self-supervised framework, namely RealDiff, that formulates point cloud completion as a conditional generation problem directly on real-world measurements. To better deal with noisy observations without resorting to training on synthetic data, we leverage additional geometric cues. Specifically, RealDiff simulates a diffusion process at the missing object parts while conditioning the generation on the partial input to address the multimodal nature of the task. We further regularize the training by matching object silhouettes and depth maps, predicted by our method, with the externally estimated ones. Experimental results show that our method consistently outperforms state-of-the-art methods in real-world point cloud completion.
Abstract:In addition to color and textural information, geometry provides important cues for 3D scene reconstruction. However, current reconstruction methods only include geometry at the feature level thus not fully exploiting the geometric information. In contrast, this paper proposes a novel geometry integration mechanism for 3D scene reconstruction. Our approach incorporates 3D geometry at three levels, i.e. feature learning, feature fusion, and network supervision. First, geometry-guided feature learning encodes geometric priors to contain view-dependent information. Second, a geometry-guided adaptive feature fusion is introduced which utilizes the geometric priors as a guidance to adaptively generate weights for multiple views. Third, at the supervision level, taking the consistency between 2D and 3D normals into account, a consistent 3D normal loss is designed to add local constraints. Large-scale experiments are conducted on the ScanNet dataset, showing that volumetric methods with our geometry integration mechanism outperform state-of-the-art methods quantitatively as well as qualitatively. Volumetric methods with ours also show good generalization on the 7-Scenes and TUM RGB-D datasets.
Abstract:Existing methods in neural scene reconstruction utilize the Signed Distance Function (SDF) to model the density function. However, in indoor scenes, the density computed from the SDF for a sampled point may not consistently reflect its real importance in volume rendering, often due to the influence of neighboring objects. To tackle this issue, our work proposes a novel approach for indoor scene reconstruction, which instead parameterizes the density function with the Signed Ray Distance Function (SRDF). Firstly, the SRDF is predicted by the network and transformed to a ray-conditioned density function for volume rendering. We argue that the ray-specific SRDF only considers the surface along the camera ray, from which the derived density function is more consistent to the real occupancy than that from the SDF. Secondly, although SRDF and SDF represent different aspects of scene geometries, their values should share the same sign indicating the underlying spatial occupancy. Therefore, this work introduces a SRDF-SDF consistency loss to constrain the signs of the SRDF and SDF outputs. Thirdly, this work proposes a self-supervised visibility task, introducing the physical visibility geometry to the reconstruction task. The visibility task combines prior from predicted SRDF and SDF as pseudo labels, and contributes to generating more accurate 3D geometry. Our method implemented with different representations has been validated on indoor datasets, achieving improved performance in both reconstruction and view synthesis.
Abstract:Designing high-quality indoor 3D scenes is important in many practical applications, such as room planning or game development. Conventionally, this has been a time-consuming process which requires both artistic skill and familiarity with professional software, making it hardly accessible for layman users. However, recent advances in generative AI have established solid foundation for democratizing 3D design. In this paper, we propose a pioneering approach for text-based 3D room design. Given a prompt in natural language describing the object placement in the room, our method produces a high-quality 3D scene corresponding to it. With an additional text prompt the users can change the appearance of the entire scene or of individual objects in it. Built using in-context learning, CAD model retrieval and 3D-Gaussian-Splatting-based stylization, our turnkey pipeline produces state-of-the-art 3D scenes, while being easy to use even for novices. Our project page is available at https://sceneteller.github.io/.
Abstract:This paper introduces a novel approach to illumination manipulation in diffusion models, addressing the gap in conditional image generation with a focus on lighting conditions. We conceptualize the diffusion model as a black-box image render and strategically decompose its energy function in alignment with the image formation model. Our method effectively separates and controls illumination-related properties during the generative process. It generates images with realistic illumination effects, including cast shadow, soft shadow, and inter-reflections. Remarkably, it achieves this without the necessity for learning intrinsic decomposition, finding directions in latent space, or undergoing additional training with new datasets.
Abstract:Humans have a remarkable ability to perceive and reason about the world around them by understanding the relationships between objects. In this paper, we investigate the effectiveness of using such relationships for object detection and instance segmentation. To this end, we propose a Relational Prior-based Feature Enhancement Model (RP-FEM), a graph transformer that enhances object proposal features using relational priors. The proposed architecture operates on top of scene graphs obtained from initial proposals and aims to concurrently learn relational context modeling for object detection and instance segmentation. Experimental evaluations on COCO show that the utilization of scene graphs, augmented with relational priors, offer benefits for object detection and instance segmentation. RP-FEM demonstrates its capacity to suppress improbable class predictions within the image while also preventing the model from generating duplicate predictions, leading to improvements over the baseline model on which it is built.
Abstract:Intrinsic decomposition is to infer the albedo and shading from the image. Since it is a heavily ill-posed problem, previous methods rely on prior assumptions from 2D images, however, the exploration of the data representation itself is limited. The point cloud is known as a rich format of scene representation, which naturally aligns the geometric information and the color information of an image. Our proposed method, Point Intrinsic Net, in short, PoInt-Net, jointly predicts the albedo, light source direction, and shading, using point cloud representation. Experiments reveal the benefits of PoInt-Net, in terms of accuracy, it outperforms 2D representation approaches on multiple metrics across datasets; in terms of efficiency, it trains on small-scale point clouds and performs stably on any-scale point clouds; in terms of robustness, it only trains on single object level dataset, and demonstrates reasonable generalization ability for unseen objects and scenes.
Abstract:Intrinsic image decomposition (IID) is an under-constrained problem. Therefore, traditional approaches use hand crafted priors to constrain the problem. However, these constraints are limited when coping with complex scenes. Deep learning-based approaches learn these constraints implicitly through the data, but they often suffer from dataset biases (due to not being able to include all possible imaging conditions). In this paper, a combination of the two is proposed. Component specific priors like semantics and invariant features are exploited to obtain semantically and physically plausible reflectance transitions. These transitions are used to steer a progressive CNN with implicit homogeneity constraints to decompose reflectance and shading maps. An ablation study is conducted showing that the use of the proposed priors and progressive CNN increase the IID performance. State of the art performance on both our proposed dataset and the standard real-world IIW dataset shows the effectiveness of the proposed method. Code is made available at https://github.com/Morpheus3000/SIGNet