Abstract:Reinforcement learning algorithms typically rely on the assumption that the environment dynamics and value function can be expressed in terms of a Markovian state representation. However, when state information is only partially observable, how can an agent learn such a state representation, and how can it detect when it has found one? We introduce a metric that can accomplish both objectives, without requiring access to--or knowledge of--an underlying, unobservable state space. Our metric, the $\lambda$-discrepancy, is the difference between two distinct temporal difference (TD) value estimates, each computed using TD($\lambda$) with a different value of $\lambda$. Since TD($\lambda$=0) makes an implicit Markov assumption and TD($\lambda$=1) does not, a discrepancy between these estimates is a potential indicator of a non-Markovian state representation. Indeed, we prove that the $\lambda$-discrepancy is exactly zero for all Markov decision processes and almost always non-zero for a broad class of partially observable environments. We also demonstrate empirically that, once detected, minimizing the $\lambda$-discrepancy can help with learning a memory function to mitigate the corresponding partial observability. We then train a reinforcement learning agent that simultaneously constructs two recurrent value networks with different $\lambda$ parameters and minimizes the difference between them as an auxiliary loss. The approach scales to challenging partially observable domains, where the resulting agent frequently performs significantly better (and never performs worse) than a baseline recurrent agent with only a single value network.
Abstract:Catastrophic interference is common in many network-based learning systems, and many proposals exist for mitigating it. Before overcoming interference we must understand it better. In this work, we provide a definition and novel measure of interference for value-based reinforcement learning methods such as Fitted Q-Iteration and DQN. We systematically evaluate our measure of interference, showing that it correlates with instability in control performance, across a variety of network architectures. Our new interference measure allows us to ask novel scientific questions about commonly used deep learning architectures and study learning algorithms which mitigate interference. Lastly, we outline a class of algorithms which we call online-aware that are designed to mitigate interference, and show they do reduce interference according to our measure and that they improve stability and performance in several classic control environments.
Abstract:In many, if not every realistic sequential decision-making task, the decision-making agent is not able to model the full complexity of the world. The environment is often much larger and more complex than the agent, a setting also known as partial observability. In such settings, the agent must leverage more than just the current sensory inputs; it must construct an agent state that summarizes previous interactions with the world. Currently, a popular approach for tackling this problem is to learn the agent-state function via a recurrent network from the agent's sensory stream as input. Many impressive reinforcement learning applications have instead relied on environment-specific functions to aid the agent's inputs for history summarization. These augmentations are done in multiple ways, from simple approaches like concatenating observations to more complex ones such as uncertainty estimates. Although ubiquitous in the field, these additional inputs, which we term auxiliary inputs, are rarely emphasized, and it is not clear what their role or impact is. In this work we explore this idea further, and relate these auxiliary inputs to prior classic approaches to state construction. We present a series of examples illustrating the different ways of using auxiliary inputs for reinforcement learning. We show that these auxiliary inputs can be used to discriminate between observations that would otherwise be aliased, leading to more expressive features that smoothly interpolate between different states. Finally, we show that this approach is complementary to state-of-the-art methods such as recurrent neural networks and truncated back-propagation through time, and acts as a heuristic that facilitates longer temporal credit assignment, leading to better performance.
Abstract:We present a new approach for efficient exploration which leverages a low-dimensional encoding of the environment learned with a combination of model-based and model-free objectives. Our approach uses intrinsic rewards that are based on the distance of nearest neighbors in the low dimensional representational space to gauge novelty. We then leverage these intrinsic rewards for sample-efficient exploration with planning routines in representational space for hard exploration tasks with sparse rewards. One key element of our approach is the use of information theoretic principles to shape our representations in a way so that our novelty reward goes beyond pixel similarity. We test our approach on a number of maze tasks, as well as a control problem and show that our exploration approach is more sample-efficient compared to strong baselines.
Abstract:To solve a text-based game, an agent needs to formulate valid text commands for a given context and find the ones that lead to success. Recent attempts at solving text-based games with deep reinforcement learning have focused on the latter, i.e., learning to act optimally when valid actions are known in advance. In this work, we propose to tackle the first task and train a model that generates the set of all valid commands for a given context. We try three generative models on a dataset generated with Textworld. The best model can generate valid commands which were unseen at training and achieve high $F_1$ score on the test set.