Abstract:Gaussian Splatting (GS) is a recent and pivotal technique in 3D computer graphics. GS-based algorithms almost always bypass classical methods such as ray tracing, which offers numerous inherent advantages for rendering. For example, ray tracing is able to handle incoherent rays for advanced lighting effects, including shadows and reflections. To address this limitation, we introduce MeshSplats, a method which converts GS to a mesh-like format. Following the completion of training, MeshSplats transforms Gaussian elements into mesh faces, enabling rendering using ray tracing methods with all their associated benefits. Our model can be utilized immediately following transformation, yielding a mesh of slightly reduced quality without additional training. Furthermore, we can enhance the reconstruction quality through the application of a dedicated optimization algorithm that operates on mesh faces rather than Gaussian components. The efficacy of our method is substantiated by experimental results, underscoring its extensive applications in computer graphics and image processing.
Abstract:3D Gaussian Splatting (3DGS) is a process that enables the direct creation of 3D objects from 2D images. This representation offers numerous advantages, including rapid training and rendering. However, a significant limitation of 3DGS is the challenge of incorporating light and shadow reflections, primarily due to the utilization of rasterization rather than ray tracing for rendering. This paper introduces RaySplats, a model that employs ray-tracing based Gaussian Splatting. Rather than utilizing the projection of Gaussians, our method employs a ray-tracing mechanism, operating directly on Gaussian primitives represented by confidence ellipses with RGB colors. In practice, we compute the intersection between ellipses and rays to construct ray-tracing algorithms, facilitating the incorporation of meshes with Gaussian Splatting models and the addition of lights, shadows, and other related effects.
Abstract:In computer graphics, there is a need to recover easily modifiable representations of 3D geometry and appearance from image data. We introduce a novel method for this task using 3D Gaussian Splatting, which enables intuitive scene editing through mesh adjustments. Starting with input images and camera poses, we reconstruct the underlying geometry using a neural Signed Distance Field and extract a high-quality mesh. Our model then estimates a set of Gaussians, where each component is flat, and the opacity is conditioned on the recovered neural surface. To facilitate editing, we produce a proxy representation that encodes information about the Gaussians' shape and position. Unlike other methods, our pipeline allows modifications applied to the extracted mesh to be propagated to the proxy representation, from which we recover the updated parameters of the Gaussians. This effectively transfers the mesh edits back to the recovered appearance representation. By leveraging mesh-guided transformations, our approach simplifies 3D scene editing and offers improvements over existing methods in terms of usability and visual fidelity of edits. The complete source code for this project can be accessed at \url{https://github.com/WJakubowska/NeuralSurfacePriors}
Abstract:Endoscopic procedures are crucial for colorectal cancer diagnosis, and three-dimensional reconstruction of the environment for real-time novel-view synthesis can significantly enhance diagnosis. We present PR-ENDO, a framework that leverages 3D Gaussian Splatting within a physically based, relightable model tailored for the complex acquisition conditions in endoscopy, such as restricted camera rotations and strong view-dependent illumination. By exploiting the connection between the camera and light source, our approach introduces a relighting model to capture the intricate interactions between light and tissue using physically based rendering and MLP. Existing methods often produce artifacts and inconsistencies under these conditions, which PR-ENDO overcomes by incorporating a specialized diffuse MLP that utilizes light angles and normal vectors, achieving stable reconstructions even with limited training camera rotations. We benchmarked our framework using a publicly available dataset and a newly introduced dataset with wider camera rotations. Our methods demonstrated superior image quality compared to baseline approaches.
Abstract:Implicit Neural Representations (INRs) employ neural networks to approximate discrete data as continuous functions. In the context of video data, such models can be utilized to transform the coordinates of pixel locations along with frame occurrence times (or indices) into RGB color values. Although INRs facilitate effective compression, they are unsuitable for editing purposes. One potential solution is to use a 3D Gaussian Splatting (3DGS) based model, such as the Video Gaussian Representation (VGR), which is capable of encoding video as a multitude of 3D Gaussians and is applicable for numerous video processing operations, including editing. Nevertheless, in this case, the capacity for modification is constrained to a limited set of basic transformations. To address this issue, we introduce the Video Gaussian Splatting (VeGaS) model, which enables realistic modifications of video data. To construct VeGaS, we propose a novel family of Folded-Gaussian distributions designed to capture nonlinear dynamics in a video stream and model consecutive frames by 2D Gaussians obtained as respective conditional distributions. Our experiments demonstrate that VeGaS outperforms state-of-the-art solutions in frame reconstruction tasks and allows realistic modifications of video data. The code is available at: https://github.com/gmum/VeGaS.
Abstract:Implicit Neural Representations (INRs) have recently gained attention as a powerful approach for continuously representing signals such as images, videos, and 3D shapes using multilayer perceptrons (MLPs). However, MLPs are known to exhibit a low-frequency bias, limiting their ability to capture high-frequency details accurately. This limitation is typically addressed by incorporating high-frequency input embeddings or specialized activation layers. In this work, we demonstrate that these embeddings and activations are often configured with hyperparameters that perform well on average but are suboptimal for specific input signals under consideration, necessitating a costly grid search to identify optimal settings. Our key observation is that the initial frequency spectrum of an untrained model's output correlates strongly with the model's eventual performance on a given target signal. Leveraging this insight, we propose frequency shifting (or FreSh), a method that selects embedding hyperparameters to align the frequency spectrum of the model's initial output with that of the target signal. We show that this simple initialization technique improves performance across various neural representation methods and tasks, achieving results comparable to extensive hyperparameter sweeps but with only marginal computational overhead compared to training a single model with default hyperparameters.
Abstract:Low-rank adaptation (LoRA) is a fine-tuning technique that can be applied to conditional generative diffusion models. LoRA utilizes a small number of context examples to adapt the model to a specific domain, character, style, or concept. However, due to the limited data utilized during training, the fine-tuned model performance is often characterized by strong context bias and a low degree of variability in the generated images. To solve this issue, we introduce AutoLoRA, a novel guidance technique for diffusion models fine-tuned with the LoRA approach. Inspired by other guidance techniques, AutoLoRA searches for a trade-off between consistency in the domain represented by LoRA weights and sample diversity from the base conditional diffusion model. Moreover, we show that incorporating classifier-free guidance for both LoRA fine-tuned and base models leads to generating samples with higher diversity and better quality. The experimental results for several fine-tuned LoRA domains show superiority over existing guidance techniques on selected metrics.
Abstract:In various scenarios motivated by real life, such as medical data analysis, autonomous driving, and adversarial training, we are interested in robust deep networks. A network is robust when a relatively small perturbation of the input cannot lead to drastic changes in output (like change of class, etc.). This falls under the broader scope field of Neural Network Certification (NNC). Two crucial problems in NNC are of profound interest to the scientific community: how to calculate the robustness of a given pre-trained network and how to construct robust networks. The common approach to constructing robust networks is Interval Bound Propagation (IBP). This paper demonstrates that IBP is sub-optimal in the first case due to its susceptibility to the wrapping effect. Even for linear activation, IBP gives strongly sub-optimal bounds. Consequently, one should use strategies immune to the wrapping effect to obtain bounds close to optimal ones. We adapt two classical approaches dedicated to strict computations -- Dubleton Arithmetic and Affine Arithmetic -- to mitigate the wrapping effect in neural networks. These techniques yield precise results for networks with linear activation functions, thus resisting the wrapping effect. As a result, we achieve bounds significantly closer to the optimal level than IBPs.
Abstract:Implicit Neural Representations (INRs) approximate discrete data through continuous functions and are commonly used for encoding 2D images. Traditional image-based INRs employ neural networks to map pixel coordinates to RGB values, capturing shapes, colors, and textures within the network's weights. Recently, GaussianImage has been proposed as an alternative, using Gaussian functions instead of neural networks to achieve comparable quality and compression. Such a solution obtains a quality and compression ratio similar to classical INR models but does not allow image modification. In contrast, our work introduces a novel method, MiraGe, which uses mirror reflections to perceive 2D images in 3D space and employs flat-controlled Gaussians for precise 2D image editing. Our approach improves the rendering quality and allows realistic image modifications, including human-inspired perception of photos in the 3D world. Thanks to modeling images in 3D space, we obtain the illusion of 3D-based modification in 2D images. We also show that our Gaussian representation can be easily combined with a physics engine to produce physics-based modification of 2D images. Consequently, MiraGe allows for better quality than the standard approach and natural modification of 2D images.
Abstract:Physics simulation is paramount for modeling and utilization of 3D scenes in various real-world applications. However, its integration with state-of-the-art 3D scene rendering techniques such as Gaussian Splatting (GS) remains challenging. Existing models use additional meshing mechanisms, including triangle or tetrahedron meshing, marching cubes, or cage meshes. As an alternative, we can modify the physics grounded Newtonian dynamics to align with 3D Gaussian components. Current models take the first-order approximation of a deformation map, which locally approximates the dynamics by linear transformations. In contrast, our Gaussian Splatting for Physics-Based Simulations (GASP) model uses such a map (without any modifications) and flat Gaussian distributions, which are parameterized by three points (mesh faces). Subsequently, each 3D point (mesh face node) is treated as a discrete entity within a 3D space. Consequently, the problem of modeling Gaussian components is reduced to working with 3D points. Additionally, the information on mesh faces can be used to incorporate further properties into the physics model, facilitating the use of triangles. Resulting solution can be integrated into any physics engine that can be treated as a black box. As demonstrated in our studies, the proposed model exhibits superior performance on a diverse range of benchmark datasets designed for 3D object rendering.