Abstract:Signed networks, where edges are labeled as positive or negative to indicate friendly or antagonistic interactions, offer a natural framework for studying polarization, trust, and conflict in social systems. Detecting meaningful group structures in these networks is crucial for understanding online discourse, political division, and trust dynamics. A key challenge is to identify groups that are cohesive internally yet antagonistic externally, while allowing for neutral or unaligned vertices. In this paper, we address this problem by identifying $k$ polarized communities that are large, dense, and balanced in size. We develop an approach based on Frank-Wolfe optimization, leading to a local search procedure with provable convergence guarantees. Our method is both scalable and efficient, outperforming state-of-the-art baselines in solution quality while remaining competitive in terms of computational efficiency.
Abstract:Gaussian process (GP) bandits provide a powerful framework for solving blackbox optimization of unknown functions. The characteristics of the unknown function depends heavily on the assumed GP prior. Most work in the literature assume that this prior is known but in practice this seldom holds. Instead, practitioners often rely on maximum likelihood estimation to select the hyperparameters of the prior - which lacks theoretical guarantees. In this work, we propose two algorithms for joint prior selection and regret minimization in GP bandits based on GP Thompson sampling (GP-TS): Prior-Elimination GP-TS (PE-GP-TS) and HyperPrior GP-TS (HP-GP-TS). We theoretically analyze the algorithms and establish upper bounds for their respective regret. In addition, we demonstrate the effectiveness of our algorithms compared to the alternatives through experiments with synthetic and real-world data.
Abstract:Reinforcement learning (RL) shows promise in control problems, but its practical application is often hindered by the complexity arising from intricate reward functions with constraints. While the reward hypothesis suggests these competing demands can be encapsulated in a single scalar reward function, designing such functions remains challenging. Building on existing work, we start by formulating preferences over trajectories to derive a realistic reward function that balances goal achievement with constraint satisfaction in the application of mobile robotics with dynamic obstacles. To mitigate reward exploitation in such complex settings, we propose a novel two-stage reward curriculum combined with a flexible replay buffer that adaptively samples experiences. Our approach first learns on a subset of rewards before transitioning to the full reward, allowing the agent to learn trade-offs between objectives and constraints. After transitioning to a new stage, our method continues to make use of past experiences by updating their rewards for sample-efficient learning. We investigate the efficacy of our approach in robot navigation tasks and demonstrate superior performance compared to baselines in terms of true reward achievement and task completion, underlining its effectiveness.
Abstract:Fine-tuning a pre-trained generative model has demonstrated good performance in generating promising drug molecules. The fine-tuning task is often formulated as a reinforcement learning problem, where previous methods efficiently learn to optimize a reward function to generate potential drug molecules. Nevertheless, in the absence of an adaptive update mechanism for the reward function, the optimization process can become stuck in local optima. The efficacy of the optimal molecule in a local optimization may not translate to usefulness in the subsequent drug optimization process or as a potential standalone clinical candidate. Therefore, it is important to generate a diverse set of promising molecules. Prior work has modified the reward function by penalizing structurally similar molecules, primarily focusing on finding molecules with higher rewards. To date, no study has comprehensively examined how different adaptive update mechanisms for the reward function influence the diversity of generated molecules. In this work, we investigate a wide range of intrinsic motivation methods and strategies to penalize the extrinsic reward, and how they affect the diversity of the set of generated molecules. Our experiments reveal that combining structure- and prediction-based methods generally yields better results in terms of molecular diversity.
Abstract:In the last years, many neural network-based approaches have been proposed to tackle combinatorial optimization problems such as routing problems. Many of these approaches are based on graph neural networks (GNNs) or related transformers, operating on the Euclidean coordinates representing the routing problems. However, GNNs are inherently not well suited to operate on dense graphs, such as in routing problems. Furthermore, models operating on Euclidean coordinates cannot be applied to non-Euclidean versions of routing problems that are often found in real-world settings. To overcome these limitations, we propose a novel GNN-related edge-based neural model called Graph Edge Attention Network (GREAT). We evaluate the performance of GREAT in the edge-classification task to predict optimal edges in the Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP). We can use such a trained GREAT model to produce sparse TSP graph instances, keeping only the edges GREAT finds promising. Compared to other, non-learning-based methods to sparsify TSP graphs, GREAT can produce very sparse graphs while keeping most of the optimal edges. Furthermore, we build a reinforcement learning-based GREAT framework which we apply to Euclidean and non-Euclidean asymmetric TSP. This framework achieves state-of-the-art results.
Abstract:The landscape of deep learning has vastly expanded the frontiers of source code analysis, particularly through the utilization of structural representations such as Abstract Syntax Trees (ASTs). While these methodologies have demonstrated effectiveness in classification tasks, their efficacy in regression applications, such as execution time prediction from source code, remains underexplored. This paper endeavours to decode the behaviour of tree-based neural network models in the context of such regression challenges. We extend the application of established models--tree-based Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), Code2Vec, and Transformer-based methods--to predict the execution time of source code by parsing it to an AST. Our comparative analysis reveals that while these models are benchmarks in code representation, they exhibit limitations when tasked with regression. To address these deficiencies, we propose a novel dual-transformer approach that operates on both source code tokens and AST representations, employing cross-attention mechanisms to enhance interpretability between the two domains. Furthermore, we explore the adaptation of Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) to this tree-based problem, theorizing the inherent compatibility due to the graphical nature of ASTs. Empirical evaluations on real-world datasets showcase that our dual-transformer model outperforms all other tree-based neural networks and the GNN-based models. Moreover, our proposed dual transformer demonstrates remarkable adaptability and robust performance across diverse datasets.
Abstract:Most of the recent studies tackling routing problems like the Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) with machine learning use a transformer or Graph Neural Network (GNN) based encoder architecture. However, many of them apply these encoders naively by allowing them to aggregate information over the whole TSP instances. We, on the other hand, propose a data preprocessing method that allows the encoders to focus on the most relevant parts of the TSP instances only. In particular, we propose graph sparsification for TSP graph representations passed to GNNs and attention masking for TSP instances passed to transformers where the masks correspond to the adjacency matrices of the sparse TSP graph representations. Furthermore, we propose ensembles of different sparsification levels allowing models to focus on the most promising parts while also allowing information flow between all nodes of a TSP instance. In the experimental studies, we show that for GNNs appropriate sparsification and ensembles of different sparsification levels lead to substantial performance increases of the overall architecture. We also design a new, state-of-the-art transformer encoder with ensembles of attention masking. These transformers increase model performance from a gap of $0.16\%$ to $0.10\%$ for TSP instances of size 100 and from $0.02\%$ to $0.00\%$ for TSP instances of size 50.
Abstract:We develop a deep reinforcement learning framework for tactical decision making in an autonomous truck, specifically for Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) and lane change maneuvers in a highway scenario. Our results demonstrate that it is beneficial to separate high-level decision-making processes and low-level control actions between the reinforcement learning agent and the low-level controllers based on physical models. In the following, we study optimizing the performance with a realistic and multi-objective reward function based on Total Cost of Operation (TCOP) of the truck using different approaches; by adding weights to reward components, by normalizing the reward components and by using curriculum learning techniques.
Abstract:We propose a novel framework for contextual multi-armed bandits based on tree ensembles. Our framework integrates two widely used bandit methods, Upper Confidence Bound and Thompson Sampling, for both standard and combinatorial settings. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our framework via several experimental studies, employing XGBoost, a popular tree ensemble method. Compared to state-of-the-art methods based on neural networks, our methods exhibit superior performance in terms of both regret minimization and computational runtime, when applied to benchmark datasets and the real-world application of navigation over road networks.
Abstract:Correlation clustering is a powerful unsupervised learning paradigm that supports positive and negative similarities. In this paper, we assume the similarities are not known in advance. Instead, we employ active learning to iteratively query similarities in a cost-efficient way. In particular, we develop three effective acquisition functions to be used in this setting. One is based on the notion of inconsistency (i.e., when similarities violate the transitive property). The remaining two are based on information-theoretic quantities, i.e., entropy and information gain.