Abstract:Product Retrieval (PR) and Grounding (PG), aiming to seek image and object-level products respectively according to a textual query, have attracted great interest recently for better shopping experience. Owing to the lack of relevant datasets, we collect two large-scale benchmark datasets from Taobao Mall and Live domains with about 474k and 101k image-query pairs for PR, and manually annotate the object bounding boxes in each image for PG. As annotating boxes is expensive and time-consuming, we attempt to transfer knowledge from annotated domain to unannotated for PG to achieve un-supervised Domain Adaptation (PG-DA). We propose a {\bf D}omain {\bf A}daptive Produc{\bf t} S{\bf e}eker ({\bf DATE}) framework, regarding PR and PG as Product Seeking problem at different levels, to assist the query {\bf date} the product. Concretely, we first design a semantics-aggregated feature extractor for each modality to obtain concentrated and comprehensive features for following efficient retrieval and fine-grained grounding tasks. Then, we present two cooperative seekers to simultaneously search the image for PR and localize the product for PG. Besides, we devise a domain aligner for PG-DA to alleviate uni-modal marginal and multi-modal conditional distribution shift between source and target domains, and design a pseudo box generator to dynamically select reliable instances and generate bounding boxes for further knowledge transfer. Extensive experiments show that our DATE achieves satisfactory performance in fully-supervised PR, PG and un-supervised PG-DA. Our desensitized datasets will be publicly available here\footnote{\url{https://github.com/Taobao-live/Product-Seeking}}.
Abstract:Automatic kinship verification aims to determine whether some individuals belong to the same family. It is of great research significance to help missing persons reunite with their families. In this work, the challenging problem is progressively addressed in two respects. First, we propose a deep siamese network to quantify the relative similarity between two individuals. When given two input face images, the deep siamese network extracts the features from them and fuses these features by combining and concatenating. Then, the fused features are fed into a fully-connected network to obtain the similarity score between two faces, which is used to verify the kinship. To improve the performance, a jury system is also employed for multi-model fusion. Second, two deep siamese networks are integrated into a deep triplet network for tri-subject (i.e., father, mother and child) kinship verification, which is intended to decide whether a child is related to a pair of parents or not. Specifically, the obtained similarity scores of father-child and mother-child are weighted to generate the parent-child similarity score for kinship verification. Recognizing Families In the Wild (RFIW) is a challenging kinship recognition task with multiple tracks, which is based on Families in the Wild (FIW), a large-scale and comprehensive image database for automatic kinship recognition. The Kinship Verification (track I) and Tri-Subject Verification (track II) are supported during the ongoing RFIW2020 Challenge. Our team (ustc-nelslip) ranked 1st in track II, and 3rd in track I. The code is available at https://github.com/gniknoil/FG2020-kinship.
Abstract:Retrieval of family members in the wild aims at finding family members of the given subject in the dataset, which is useful in finding the lost children and analyzing the kinship. However, due to the diversity in age, gender, pose and illumination of the collected data, this task is always challenging. To solve this problem, we propose our solution with deep Siamese neural network. Our solution can be divided into two parts: similarity computation and ranking. In training procedure, the Siamese network firstly takes two candidate images as input and produces two feature vectors. And then, the similarity between the two vectors is computed with several fully connected layers. While in inference procedure, we try another similarity computing method by dropping the followed several fully connected layers and directly computing the cosine similarity of the two feature vectors. After similarity computation, we use the ranking algorithm to merge the similarity scores with the same identity and output the ordered list according to their similarities. To gain further improvement, we try different combinations of backbones, training methods and similarity computing methods. Finally, we submit the best combination as our solution and our team(ustc-nelslip) obtains favorable result in the track3 of the RFIW2020 challenge with the first runner-up, which verifies the effectiveness of our method. Our code is available at: https://github.com/gniknoil/FG2020-kinship
Abstract:Facial landmark localization is a very crucial step in numerous face related applications, such as face recognition, facial pose estimation, face image synthesis, etc. However, previous competitions on facial landmark localization (i.e., the 300-W, 300-VW and Menpo challenges) aim to predict 68-point landmarks, which are incompetent to depict the structure of facial components. In order to overcome this problem, we construct a challenging dataset, named JD-landmark. Each image is manually annotated with 106-point landmarks. This dataset covers large variations on pose and expression, which brings a lot of difficulties to predict accurate landmarks. We hold a 106-point facial landmark localization competition1 on this dataset in conjunction with IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME) 2019. The purpose of this competition is to discover effective and robust facial landmark localization approaches.