Abstract:This article investigates the critical issue of dataset bias in medical imaging, with a particular emphasis on racial disparities caused by uneven population distribution in dataset collection. Our analysis reveals that medical segmentation datasets are significantly biased, primarily influenced by the demographic composition of their collection sites. For instance, Scanning Laser Ophthalmoscopy (SLO) fundus datasets collected in the United States predominantly feature images of White individuals, with minority racial groups underrepresented. This imbalance can result in biased model performance and inequitable clinical outcomes, particularly for minority populations. To address this challenge, we propose a novel training set search strategy aimed at reducing these biases by focusing on underrepresented racial groups. Our approach utilizes existing datasets and employs a simple greedy algorithm to identify source images that closely match the target domain distribution. By selecting training data that aligns more closely with the characteristics of minority populations, our strategy improves the accuracy of medical segmentation models on specific minorities, i.e., Black. Our experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of this approach in mitigating bias. We also discuss the broader societal implications, highlighting how addressing these disparities can contribute to more equitable healthcare outcomes.
Abstract:Large language models (LLMs) have revolutionised numerous fields, with LLM-as-a-service (LLMSaaS) having a strong generalisation ability that offers accessible solutions directly without the need for costly training. In contrast to the widely studied prompt engineering for task solving directly (in vivo), this paper explores its potential in in-vitro applications. These involve using LLM to generate labels to help the supervised training of mainstream models by (1) noisy label correction and (2) training data augmentation with LLM-generated labels. In this paper, we evaluate this approach in the emerging field of empathy computing -- automating the prediction of psychological questionnaire outcomes from inputs like text sequences. Specifically, crowdsourced datasets in this domain often suffer from noisy labels that misrepresent underlying empathy. By leveraging LLM-generated labels to train pre-trained language models (PLMs) like RoBERTa, we achieve statistically significant accuracy improvements over baselines, achieving a state-of-the-art Pearson correlation coefficient of 0.648 on NewsEmp benchmarks. In addition, we bring insightful discussions, including current challenges in empathy computing, data biases in training data and evaluation metric selection. Code and LLM-generated data are available at https://github.com/hasan-rakibul/LLMPathy (available once the paper is accepted).
Abstract:In response to the global need for efficient early diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), this paper bridges the gap between traditional, time-consuming diagnostic methods and potential automated solutions. We propose a multi-atlas deep ensemble network, MADE-for-ASD, that integrates multiple atlases of the brain's functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) data through a weighted deep ensemble network. Our approach integrates demographic information into the prediction workflow, which enhances ASD diagnosis performance and offers a more holistic perspective on patient profiling. We experiment with the well-known publicly available ABIDE (Autism Brain Imaging Data Exchange) I dataset, consisting of resting state fMRI data from 17 different laboratories around the globe. Our proposed system achieves 75.20% accuracy on the entire dataset and 96.40% on a specific subset $-$ both surpassing reported ASD diagnosis accuracy in ABIDE I fMRI studies. Specifically, our model improves by 4.4 percentage points over prior works on the same amount of data. The model exhibits a sensitivity of 82.90% and a specificity of 69.70% on the entire dataset, and 91.00% and 99.50%, respectively, on the specific subset. We leverage the F-score to pinpoint the top 10 ROI in ASD diagnosis, such as \emph{precuneus} and anterior \emph{cingulate/ventromedial}. The proposed system can potentially pave the way for more cost-effective, efficient and scalable strategies in ASD diagnosis. Codes and evaluations are publicly available at TBA.
Abstract:Objective: Heart murmurs are abnormal sounds caused by turbulent blood flow within the heart. Several diagnostic methods are available to detect heart murmurs and their severity, such as cardiac auscultation, echocardiography, phonocardiogram (PCG), etc. However, these methods have limitations, including extensive training and experience among healthcare providers, cost and accessibility of echocardiography, as well as noise interference and PCG data processing. This study aims to develop a novel end-to-end real-time heart murmur detection approach using traditional and depthwise separable convolutional networks. Methods: Continuous wavelet transform (CWT) was applied to extract meaningful features from the PCG data. The proposed network has three parts: the Squeeze net, the Bottleneck, and the Expansion net. The Squeeze net generates a compressed data representation, whereas the Bottleneck layer reduces computational complexity using a depthwise-separable convolutional network. The Expansion net is responsible for up-sampling the compressed data to a higher dimension, capturing tiny details of the representative data. Results: For evaluation, we used four publicly available datasets and achieved state-of-the-art performance in all datasets. Furthermore, we tested our proposed network on two resource-constrained devices: a Raspberry PI and an Android device, stripping it down into a tiny machine learning model (TinyML), achieving a maximum of 99.70%. Conclusion: The proposed model offers a deep learning framework for real-time accurate heart murmur detection within limited resources. Significance: It will significantly result in more accessible and practical medical services and reduced diagnosis time to assist medical professionals. The code is publicly available at TBA.
Abstract:Diabetes, resulting from inadequate insulin production or utilization, causes extensive harm to the body. Existing diagnostic methods are often invasive and come with drawbacks, such as cost constraints. Although there are machine learning models like Classwise k Nearest Neighbor (CkNN) and General Regression Neural Network (GRNN), they struggle with imbalanced data and result in under-performance. Leveraging advancements in sensor technology and machine learning, we propose a non-invasive diabetes diagnosis using a Back Propagation Neural Network (BPNN) with batch normalization, incorporating data re-sampling and normalization for class balancing. Our method addresses existing challenges such as limited performance associated with traditional machine learning. Experimental results on three datasets show significant improvements in overall accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity compared to traditional methods. Notably, we achieve accuracies of 89.81% in Pima diabetes dataset, 75.49% in CDC BRFSS2015 dataset, and 95.28% in Mesra Diabetes dataset. This underscores the potential of deep learning models for robust diabetes diagnosis. See project website https://steve-zeyu-zhang.github.io/DiabetesDiagnosis/
Abstract:Spatial transcriptomics (ST) captures gene expression within distinct regions (i.e., windows) of a tissue slide. Traditional supervised learning frameworks applied to model ST are constrained to predicting expression from slide image windows for gene types seen during training, failing to generalize to unseen gene types. To overcome this limitation, we propose a semantic guided network (SGN), a pioneering zero-shot framework for predicting gene expression from slide image windows. Considering a gene type can be described by functionality and phenotype, we dynamically embed a gene type to a vector per its functionality and phenotype, and employ this vector to project slide image windows to gene expression in feature space, unleashing zero-shot expression prediction for unseen gene types. The gene type functionality and phenotype are queried with a carefully designed prompt from a pre-trained large language model (LLM). On standard benchmark datasets, we demonstrate competitive zero-shot performance compared to past state-of-the-art supervised learning approaches.
Abstract:Empathy is a social skill that indicates an individual's ability to understand others. Over the past few years, empathy has drawn attention from various disciplines, including but not limited to Affective Computing, Cognitive Science and Psychology. Empathy is a context-dependent term; thus, detecting or recognising empathy has potential applications in society, healthcare and education. Despite being a broad and overlapping topic, the avenue of empathy detection studies leveraging Machine Learning remains underexplored from a holistic literature perspective. To this end, we systematically collect and screen 801 papers from 10 well-known databases and analyse the selected 54 papers. We group the papers based on input modalities of empathy detection systems, i.e., text, audiovisual, audio and physiological signals. We examine modality-specific pre-processing and network architecture design protocols, popular dataset descriptions and availability details, and evaluation protocols. We further discuss the potential applications, deployment challenges and research gaps in the Affective Computing-based empathy domain, which can facilitate new avenues of exploration. We believe that our work is a stepping stone to developing a privacy-preserving and unbiased empathic system inclusive of culture, diversity and multilingualism that can be deployed in practice to enhance the overall well-being of human life.
Abstract:Spatial transcriptomics (ST) is essential for understanding diseases and developing novel treatments. It measures gene expression of each fine-grained area (i.e., different windows) in the tissue slide with low throughput. This paper proposes an Exemplar Guided Network (EGN) to accurately and efficiently predict gene expression directly from each window of a tissue slide image. We apply exemplar learning to dynamically boost gene expression prediction from nearest/similar exemplars of a given tissue slide image window. Our EGN framework composes of three main components: 1) an extractor to structure a representation space for unsupervised exemplar retrievals; 2) a vision transformer (ViT) backbone to progressively extract representations of the input window; and 3) an Exemplar Bridging (EB) block to adaptively revise the intermediate ViT representations by using the nearest exemplars. Finally, we complete the gene expression prediction task with a simple attention-based prediction block. Experiments on standard benchmark datasets indicate the superiority of our approach when comparing with the past state-of-the-art (SOTA) methods.
Abstract:Smile veracity classification is a task of interpreting social interactions. Broadly, it distinguishes between spontaneous and posed smiles. Previous approaches used hand-engineered features from facial landmarks or considered raw smile videos in an end-to-end manner to perform smile classification tasks. Feature-based methods require intervention from human experts on feature engineering and heavy pre-processing steps. On the contrary, raw smile video inputs fed into end-to-end models bring more automation to the process with the cost of considering many redundant facial features (beyond landmark locations) that are mainly irrelevant to smile veracity classification. It remains unclear to establish discriminative features from landmarks in an end-to-end manner. We present a MeshSmileNet framework, a transformer architecture, to address the above limitations. To eliminate redundant facial features, our landmarks input is extracted from Attention Mesh, a pre-trained landmark detector. Again, to discover discriminative features, we consider the relativity and trajectory of the landmarks. For the relativity, we aggregate facial landmark that conceptually formats a curve at each frame to establish local spatial features. For the trajectory, we estimate the movements of landmark composed features across time by self-attention mechanism, which captures pairwise dependency on the trajectory of the same landmark. This idea allows us to achieve state-of-the-art performances on UVA-NEMO, BBC, MMI Facial Expression, and SPOS datasets.
Abstract:Interactive facial image manipulation attempts to edit single and multiple face attributes using a photo-realistic face and/or semantic mask as input. In the absence of the photo-realistic image (only sketch/mask available), previous methods only retrieve the original face but ignore the potential of aiding model controllability and diversity in the translation process. This paper proposes a sketch-to-image generation framework called S2FGAN, aiming to improve users' ability to interpret and flexibility of face attribute editing from a simple sketch. The proposed framework modifies the constrained latent space semantics trained on Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs). We employ two latent spaces to control the face appearance and adjust the desired attributes of the generated face. Instead of constraining the translation process by using a reference image, the users can command the model to retouch the generated images by involving the semantic information in the generation process. In this way, our method can manipulate single or multiple face attributes by only specifying attributes to be changed. Extensive experimental results on CelebAMask-HQ dataset empirically shows our superior performance and effectiveness on this task. Our method successfully outperforms state-of-the-art methods on attribute manipulation by exploiting greater control of attribute intensity.