Abstract:We introduce EuroCropsML, an analysis-ready remote sensing machine learning dataset for time series crop type classification of agricultural parcels in Europe. It is the first dataset designed to benchmark transnational few-shot crop type classification algorithms that supports advancements in algorithmic development and research comparability. It comprises 706 683 multi-class labeled data points across 176 classes, featuring annual time series of per-parcel median pixel values from Sentinel-2 L1C data for 2021, along with crop type labels and spatial coordinates. Based on the open-source EuroCrops collection, EuroCropsML is publicly available on Zenodo.
Abstract:With leaps in machine learning techniques and their applicationon Earth observation challenges has unlocked unprecedented performance across the domain. While the further development of these methods was previously limited by the availability and volume of sensor data and computing resources, the lack of adequate reference data is now constituting new bottlenecks. Since creating such ground-truth information is an expensive and error-prone task, new ways must be devised to source reliable, high-quality reference data on large scales. As an example, we showcase E URO C ROPS, a reference dataset for crop type classification that aggregates and harmonizes administrative data surveyed in different countries with the goal of transnational interoperability.
Abstract:We propose an approach for early crop classification through identifying important timesteps with eXplainable AI (XAI) methods. Our approach consists of training a baseline crop classification model to carry out layer-wise relevance propagation (LRP) so that the salient time step can be identified. We chose a selected number of such important time indices to create the bounding region of the shortest possible classification timeframe. We identified the period 21st April 2019 to 9th August 2019 as having the best trade-off in terms of accuracy and earliness. This timeframe only suffers a 0.75% loss in accuracy as compared to using the full timeseries. We observed that the LRP-derived important timesteps also highlight small details in input values that differentiates between different classes and
Abstract:We present EuroCrops, a dataset based on self-declared field annotations for training and evaluating methods for crop type classification and mapping, together with its process of acquisition and harmonisation. By this, we aim to enrich the research efforts and discussion for data-driven land cover classification via Earth observation and remote sensing. Additionally, through inclusion of self-declarations gathered in the scope of subsidy control from all countries of the European Union (EU), this dataset highlights the difficulties and pitfalls one comes across when operating on a transnational level. We, therefore, also introduce a new taxonomy scheme, HCAT-ID, that aspires to capture all the aspects of reference data originating from administrative and agency databases. To address researchers from both the remote sensing and the computer vision and machine learning communities, we publish the dataset in different formats and processing levels.
Abstract:Human Settlement Extent (HSE) and Local Climate Zone (LCZ) maps are both essential sources, e.g., for sustainable urban development and Urban Heat Island (UHI) studies. Remote sensing (RS)- and deep learning (DL)-based classification approaches play a significant role by providing the potential for global mapping. However, most of the efforts only focus on one of the two schemes, usually on a specific scale. This leads to unnecessary redundancies, since the learned features could be leveraged for both of these related tasks. In this letter, the concept of multi-task learning (MTL) is introduced to HSE regression and LCZ classification for the first time. We propose a MTL framework and develop an end-to-end Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), which consists of a backbone network for shared feature learning, attention modules for task-specific feature learning, and a weighting strategy for balancing the two tasks. We additionally propose to exploit HSE predictions as a prior for LCZ classification to enhance the accuracy. The MTL approach was extensively tested with Sentinel-2 data of 13 cities across the world. The results demonstrate that the framework is able to provide a competitive solution for both tasks.
Abstract:The representations of the Earth's surface vary from one geographic region to another. For instance, the appearance of urban areas differs between continents, and seasonality influences the appearance of vegetation. To capture the diversity within a single category, like as urban or vegetation, requires a large model capacity and, consequently, large datasets. In this work, we propose a different perspective and view this diversity as an inductive transfer learning problem where few data samples from one region allow a model to adapt to an unseen region. We evaluate the model-agnostic meta-learning (MAML) algorithm on classification and segmentation tasks using globally and regionally distributed datasets. We find that few-shot model adaptation outperforms pre-training with regular gradient descent and fine-tuning on (1) the Sen12MS dataset and (2) DeepGlobe data when the source domain and target domain differ. This indicates that model optimization with meta-learning may benefit tasks in the Earth sciences whose data show a high degree of diversity from region to region, while traditional gradient-based supervised learning remains suitable in the absence of a feature or label shift.
Abstract:City models and height maps of urban areas serve as a valuable data source for numerous applications, such as disaster management or city planning. While this information is not globally available, it can be substituted by digital surface models (DSMs), automatically produced from inexpensive satellite imagery. However, stereo DSMs often suffer from noise and blur. Furthermore, they are heavily distorted by vegetation, which is of lesser relevance for most applications. Such basic models can be filtered by convolutional neural networks (CNNs), trained on labels derived from digital elevation models (DEMs) and 3D city models, in order to obtain a refined DSM. We propose a modular multi-task learning concept that consolidates existing approaches into a generalized framework. Our encoder-decoder models with shared encoders and multiple task-specific decoders leverage roof type classification as a secondary task and multiple objectives including a conditional adversarial term. The contributing single-objective losses are automatically weighted in the final multi-task loss function based on learned uncertainty estimates. We evaluated the performance of specific instances of this family of network architectures. Our method consistently outperforms the state of the art on common data, both quantitatively and qualitatively, and generalizes well to a new dataset of an independent study area.
Abstract:Deep learning methods have received increasing interest by the remote sensing community for multi-temporal land cover classification in recent years. Convolutional Neural networks that elementwise compare a time series with learned kernels, and recurrent neural networks that sequentially process temporal data have dominated the state-of-the-art in the classification of vegetation from satellite time series. Self-attention allows a neural network to selectively extract features from specific times in the input sequence thus suppressing non-classification relevant information. Today, self-attention based neural networks dominate the state-of-the-art in natural language processing but are hardly explored and tested in the remote sensing context. In this work, we embed self-attention in the canon of deep learning mechanisms for satellite time series classification for vegetation modeling and crop type identification. We compare it quantitatively to convolution, and recurrence and test four models that each exclusively relies on one of these mechanisms. The models are trained to identify the type of vegetation on crop parcels using raw and preprocessed Sentinel 2 time series over one entire year. To obtain an objective measure we find the best possible performance for each of the models by a large-scale hyperparameter search with more than 2400 validation runs. Beyond the quantitative comparison, we qualitatively analyze the models by an easy-to-implement, but yet effective feature importance analysis based on gradient back-propagation that exploits the differentiable nature of deep learning models. Finally, we look into the self-attention transformer model and visualize attention scores as bipartite graphs in the context of the input time series and a low-dimensional representation of internal hidden states using t-distributed stochastic neighborhood embedding (t-SNE).
Abstract:We present a new two-stage pipeline for predicting frames of traffic scenes where relevant objects can still reliably be detected. Using a recent video prediction network, we first generate a sequence of future frames based on past frames. A second network then enhances these frames in order to make them appear more realistic. This ensures the quality of the predicted frames to be sufficient to enable accurate detection of objects, which is especially important for autonomously driving cars. To verify this two-stage approach, we conducted experiments on the Cityscapes dataset. For enhancing, we trained two image-to-image translation methods based on generative adversarial networks, one for blind motion deblurring and one for image super-resolution. All resulting predictions were quantitatively evaluated using both traditional metrics and a state-of-the-art object detection network showing that the enhanced frames appear qualitatively improved. While the traditional image comparison metrics, i.e., MSE, PSNR, and SSIM, failed to confirm this visual impression, the object detection evaluation resembles it well. The best performing prediction-enhancement pipeline is able to increase the average precision values for detecting cars by about 9% for each prediction step, compared to the non-enhanced predictions.
Abstract:In this work, we introduce a recently developed early classification mechanism to satellite-based agricultural monitoring. It augments existing classification models by an additional stopping probability based on the previously seen information. This mechanism is end-to-end trainable and derives its stopping decision solely from the observed satellite data. We show results on field parcels in central Europe where sufficient ground truth data is available for an empiric evaluation of the results with local phenological information obtained from authorities. We observe that the recurrent neural network outfitted with this early classification mechanism was able to distinguish the many of the crop types before the end of the vegetative period. Further, we associated these stopping times with evaluated ground truth information and saw that the times of classification were related to characteristic events of the observed plants' phenology.