Abstract:Publicly available satellite imagery, such as Sentinel- 2, often lacks the spatial resolution required for accurate analysis of remote sensing tasks including urban planning and disaster response. Current super-resolution techniques are typically trained on limited datasets, leading to poor generalization across diverse geographic regions. In this work, we propose a novel super-resolution framework that enhances generalization by incorporating geographic context through location embeddings. Our framework employs Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) and incorporates techniques from diffusion models to enhance image quality. Furthermore, we address tiling artifacts by integrating information from neighboring images, enabling the generation of seamless, high-resolution outputs. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our method on the building segmentation task, showing significant improvements over state-of-the-art methods and highlighting its potential for real-world applications.
Abstract:Digital Surface Models (DSMs) are essential for accurately representing Earth's topography in geospatial analyses. DSMs capture detailed elevations of natural and manmade features, crucial for applications like urban planning, vegetation studies, and 3D reconstruction. However, DSMs derived from stereo satellite imagery often contain voids or missing data due to occlusions, shadows, and lowsignal areas. Previous studies have primarily focused on void filling for digital elevation models (DEMs) and Digital Terrain Models (DTMs), employing methods such as inverse distance weighting (IDW), kriging, and spline interpolation. While effective for simpler terrains, these approaches often fail to handle the intricate structures present in DSMs. To overcome these limitations, we introduce Dfilled, a guided DSM void filling method that leverages optical remote sensing images through edge-enhancing diffusion. Dfilled repurposes deep anisotropic diffusion models, which originally designed for super-resolution tasks, to inpaint DSMs. Additionally, we utilize Perlin noise to create inpainting masks that mimic natural void patterns in DSMs. Experimental evaluations demonstrate that Dfilled surpasses traditional interpolation methods and deep learning approaches in DSM void filling tasks. Both quantitative and qualitative assessments highlight the method's ability to manage complex features and deliver accurate, visually coherent results.
Abstract:In the field of remote sensing, the scarcity of stereo-matched and particularly lack of accurate ground truth data often hinders the training of deep neural networks. The use of synthetically generated images as an alternative, alleviates this problem but suffers from the problem of domain generalization. Unifying the capabilities of image-to-image translation and stereo-matching presents an effective solution to address the issue of domain generalization. Current methods involve combining two networks, an unpaired image-to-image translation network and a stereo-matching network, while jointly optimizing them. We propose an edge-aware GAN-based network that effectively tackles both tasks simultaneously. We obtain edge maps of input images from the Sobel operator and use it as an additional input to the encoder in the generator to enforce geometric consistency during translation. We additionally include a warping loss calculated from the translated images to maintain the stereo consistency. We demonstrate that our model produces qualitatively and quantitatively superior results than existing models, and its applicability extends to diverse domains, including autonomous driving.
Abstract:A low-resolution digital surface model (DSM) features distinctive attributes impacted by noise, sensor limitations and data acquisition conditions, which failed to be replicated using simple interpolation methods like bicubic. This causes super-resolution models trained on synthetic data does not perform effectively on real ones. Training a model on real low and high resolution DSMs pairs is also a challenge because of the lack of information. On the other hand, the existence of other imaging modalities of the same scene can be used to enrich the information needed for large-scale super-resolution. In this work, we introduce a novel methodology to address the intricacies of real-world DSM super-resolution, named REAL-GDSR, breaking down this ill-posed problem into two steps. The first step involves the utilization of a residual local refinement network. This strategic approach departs from conventional methods that trained to directly predict height values instead of the differences (residuals) and utilize large receptive fields in their networks. The second step introduces a diffusion-based technique that enhances the results on a global scale, with a primary focus on smoothing and edge preservation. Our experiments underscore the effectiveness of the proposed method. We conduct a comprehensive evaluation, comparing it to recent state-of-the-art techniques in the domain of real-world DSM super-resolution (SR). Our approach consistently outperforms these existing methods, as evidenced through qualitative and quantitative assessments.
Abstract:We propose a machine learning based approach for automatic 3D building reconstruction and vectorization. Taking a single-channel photogrammetric digital surface model (DSM) and panchromatic (PAN) image as input, we first filter out non-building objects and refine the building shapes of input DSM with a conditional generative adversarial network (cGAN). The refined DSM and the input PAN image are then used through a semantic segmentation network to detect edges and corners of building roofs. Later, a set of vectorization algorithms are proposed to build roof polygons. Finally, the height information from the refined DSM is added to the polygons to obtain a fully vectorized level of detail (LoD)-2 building model. We verify the effectiveness of our method on large-scale satellite images, where we obtain state-of-the-art performance.
Abstract:We propose a machine learning based approach for automatic regularization and polygonization of building segmentation masks. Taking an image as input, we first predict building segmentation maps exploiting generic fully convolutional network (FCN). A generative adversarial network (GAN) is then involved to perform a regularization of building boundaries to make them more realistic, i.e., having more rectilinear outlines which construct right angles if required. This is achieved through the interplay between the discriminator which gives a probability of input image being true and generator that learns from discriminator's response to create more realistic images. Finally, we train the backbone convolutional neural network (CNN) which is adapted to predict sparse outcomes corresponding to building corners out of regularized building segmentation results. Experiments on three building segmentation datasets demonstrate that the proposed method is not only capable of obtaining accurate results, but also of producing visually pleasing building outlines parameterized as polygons.
Abstract:In the fast developing countries it is hard to trace new buildings construction or old structures destruction and, as a result, to keep the up-to-date cadastre maps. Moreover, due to the complexity of urban regions or inconsistency of data used for cadastre maps extraction, the errors in form of misalignment is a common problem. In this work, we propose an end-to-end deep learning approach which is able to solve inconsistencies between the input intensity image and the available building footprints by correcting label noises and, at the same time, misalignments if needed. The obtained results demonstrate the robustness of the proposed method to even severely misaligned examples that makes it potentially suitable for real applications, like OpenStreetMap correction.
Abstract:City models and height maps of urban areas serve as a valuable data source for numerous applications, such as disaster management or city planning. While this information is not globally available, it can be substituted by digital surface models (DSMs), automatically produced from inexpensive satellite imagery. However, stereo DSMs often suffer from noise and blur. Furthermore, they are heavily distorted by vegetation, which is of lesser relevance for most applications. Such basic models can be filtered by convolutional neural networks (CNNs), trained on labels derived from digital elevation models (DEMs) and 3D city models, in order to obtain a refined DSM. We propose a modular multi-task learning concept that consolidates existing approaches into a generalized framework. Our encoder-decoder models with shared encoders and multiple task-specific decoders leverage roof type classification as a secondary task and multiple objectives including a conditional adversarial term. The contributing single-objective losses are automatically weighted in the final multi-task loss function based on learned uncertainty estimates. We evaluated the performance of specific instances of this family of network architectures. Our method consistently outperforms the state of the art on common data, both quantitatively and qualitatively, and generalizes well to a new dataset of an independent study area.
Abstract:We present the workflow of a DSM refinement methodology using a Hybrid-cGAN where the generative part consists of two encoders and a common decoder which blends the spectral and height information within one network. The inputs to the Hybrid-cGAN are single-channel photogrammetric DSMs with continuous values and single-channel pan-chromatic (PAN) half-meter resolution satellite images. Experimental results demonstrate that the earlier information fusion from data with different physical meanings helps to propagate fine details and complete an inaccurate or missing 3D information about building forms. Moreover, it improves the building boundaries making them more rectilinear.
Abstract:We describe the workflow of a digital surface models (DSMs) refinement algorithm using a hybrid conditional generative adversarial network (cGAN) where the generative part consists of two parallel networks merged at the last stage forming a WNet architecture. The inputs to the so-called WNet-cGAN are stereo DSMs and panchromatic (PAN) half-meter resolution satellite images. Fusing these helps to propagate fine detailed information from a spectral image and complete the missing 3D knowledge from a stereo DSM about building shapes. Besides, it refines the building outlines and edges making them more rectangular and sharp.