Abstract:Over the last four decades, the amazing success of deep learning has been driven by the use of Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) as the main optimization technique. The default implementation for the computation of the gradient for SGD is backpropagation, which, with its variations, is used to this day in almost all computer implementations. From the perspective of neuroscientists, however, the consensus is that backpropagation is unlikely to be used by the brain. Though several alternatives have been discussed, none is so far supported by experimental evidence. Here we propose a circuit for updating the weights in a network that is biologically plausible, works as well as backpropagation, and leads to verifiable predictions about the anatomy and the physiology of a characteristic motif of four plastic synapses between ascending and descending cortical streams. A key prediction of our proposal is a surprising property of self-assembly of the basic circuit, emerging from initial random connectivity and heterosynaptic plasticity rules.
Abstract:Understanding neural representations will help open the black box of neural networks and advance our scientific understanding of modern AI systems. However, how complex, structured, and transferable representations emerge in modern neural networks has remained a mystery. Building on previous results, we propose the Canonical Representation Hypothesis (CRH), which posits a set of six alignment relations to universally govern the formation of representations in most hidden layers of a neural network. Under the CRH, the latent representations (R), weights (W), and neuron gradients (G) become mutually aligned during training. This alignment implies that neural networks naturally learn compact representations, where neurons and weights are invariant to task-irrelevant transformations. We then show that the breaking of CRH leads to the emergence of reciprocal power-law relations between R, W, and G, which we refer to as the Polynomial Alignment Hypothesis (PAH). We present a minimal-assumption theory demonstrating that the balance between gradient noise and regularization is crucial for the emergence the canonical representation. The CRH and PAH lead to an exciting possibility of unifying major key deep learning phenomena, including neural collapse and the neural feature ansatz, in a single framework.
Abstract:When symmetry is present in the loss function, the model is likely to be trapped in a low-capacity state that is sometimes known as a "collapse." Being trapped in these low-capacity states can be a major obstacle to training across many scenarios where deep learning technology is applied. We first prove two concrete mechanisms through which symmetries lead to reduced capacities and ignored features during training. We then propose a simple and theoretically justified algorithm, syre, to remove almost all symmetry-induced low-capacity states in neural networks. The proposed method is shown to improve the training of neural networks in scenarios when this type of entrapment is especially a concern. A remarkable merit of the proposed method is that it is model-agnostic and does not require any knowledge of the symmetry.
Abstract:We characterize the learning dynamics of stochastic gradient descent (SGD) when continuous symmetry exists in the loss function, where the divergence between SGD and gradient descent is dramatic. We show that depending on how the symmetry affects the learning dynamics, we can divide a family of symmetry into two classes. For one class of symmetry, SGD naturally converges to solutions that have a balanced and aligned gradient noise. For the other class of symmetry, SGD will almost always diverge. Then, we show that our result remains applicable and can help us understand the training dynamics even when the symmetry is not present in the loss function. Our main result is universal in the sense that it only depends on the existence of the symmetry and is independent of the details of the loss function. We demonstrate that the proposed theory offers an explanation of progressive sharpening and flattening and can be applied to common practical problems such as representation normalization, matrix factorization, and the use of warmup.
Abstract:We identify and solve a hidden-layer model that is analytically tractable at any finite width and whose limits exhibit both the kernel phase and the feature learning phase. We analyze the phase diagram of this model in all possible limits of common hyperparameters including width, layer-wise learning rates, scale of output, and scale of initialization. We apply our result to analyze how and when feature learning happens in both infinite and finite-width models. Three prototype mechanisms of feature learning are identified: (1) learning by alignment, (2) learning by disalignment, and (3) learning by rescaling. In sharp contrast, neither of these mechanisms is present when the model is in the kernel regime. This discovery explains why large initialization often leads to worse performance. Lastly, we empirically demonstrate that discoveries we made for this analytical model also appear in nonlinear networks in real tasks.
Abstract:Due to common architecture designs, symmetries exist extensively in contemporary neural networks. In this work, we unveil the importance of the loss function symmetries in affecting, if not deciding, the learning behavior of machine learning models. We prove that every mirror symmetry of the loss function leads to a structured constraint, which becomes a favored solution when either the weight decay or gradient noise is large. As direct corollaries, we show that rescaling symmetry leads to sparsity, rotation symmetry leads to low rankness, and permutation symmetry leads to homogeneous ensembling. Then, we show that the theoretical framework can explain the loss of plasticity and various collapse phenomena in neural networks and suggest how symmetries can be used to design algorithms to enforce hard constraints in a differentiable way.
Abstract:The stochastic gradient descent (SGD) algorithm is the algorithm we use to train neural networks. However, it remains poorly understood how the SGD navigates the highly nonlinear and degenerate loss landscape of a neural network. In this work, we prove that the minibatch noise of SGD regularizes the solution towards a balanced solution whenever the loss function contains a rescaling symmetry. Because the difference between a simple diffusion process and SGD dynamics is the most significant when symmetries are present, our theory implies that the loss function symmetries constitute an essential probe of how SGD works. We then apply this result to derive the stationary distribution of stochastic gradient flow for a diagonal linear network with arbitrary depth and width. The stationary distribution exhibits complicated nonlinear phenomena such as phase transitions, broken ergodicity, and fluctuation inversion. These phenomena are shown to exist uniquely in deep networks, implying a fundamental difference between deep and shallow models.
Abstract:We present a simple picture of the training process of self-supervised learning methods with joint embedding networks. We find that these methods learn their high-dimensional embeddings one dimension at a time in a sequence of discrete, well-separated steps. We arrive at this conclusion via the study of a linearized model of Barlow Twins applicable to the case in which the trained network is infinitely wide. We solve the training dynamics of this model from small initialization, finding that the model learns the top eigenmodes of a certain contrastive kernel in a stepwise fashion, and obtain a closed-form expression for the final learned representations. Remarkably, we then see the same stepwise learning phenomenon when training deep ResNets using the Barlow Twins, SimCLR, and VICReg losses. Our theory suggests that, just as kernel regression can be thought of as a model of supervised learning, \textit{kernel PCA} may serve as a useful model of self-supervised learning.
Abstract:A fundamental open problem in deep learning theory is how to define and understand the stability of stochastic gradient descent (SGD) close to a fixed point. Conventional literature relies on the convergence of statistical moments, esp., the variance, of the parameters to quantify the stability. We revisit the definition of stability for SGD and use the \textit{convergence in probability} condition to define the \textit{probabilistic stability} of SGD. The proposed stability directly answers a fundamental question in deep learning theory: how SGD selects a meaningful solution for a neural network from an enormous number of solutions that may overfit badly. To achieve this, we show that only under the lens of probabilistic stability does SGD exhibit rich and practically relevant phases of learning, such as the phases of the complete loss of stability, incorrect learning, convergence to low-rank saddles, and correct learning. When applied to a neural network, these phase diagrams imply that SGD prefers low-rank saddles when the underlying gradient is noisy, thereby improving the learning performance. This result is in sharp contrast to the conventional wisdom that SGD prefers flatter minima to sharp ones, which we find insufficient to explain the experimental data. We also prove that the probabilistic stability of SGD can be quantified by the Lyapunov exponents of the SGD dynamics, which can easily be measured in practice. Our work potentially opens a new venue for addressing the fundamental question of how the learning algorithm affects the learning outcome in deep learning.
Abstract:We identify and prove a general principle: $L_1$ sparsity can be achieved using a redundant parametrization plus $L_2$ penalty. Our results lead to a simple algorithm, \textit{spred}, that seamlessly integrates $L_1$ regularization into any modern deep learning framework. Practically, we demonstrate (1) the efficiency of \textit{spred} in optimizing conventional tasks such as lasso and sparse coding, (2) benchmark our method for nonlinear feature selection of six gene selection tasks, and (3) illustrate the usage of the method for achieving structured and unstructured sparsity in deep learning in an end-to-end manner. Conceptually, our result bridges the gap in understanding the inductive bias of the redundant parametrization common in deep learning and conventional statistical learning.