Abstract:We consider a minimax problem motivated by distributionally robust optimization (DRO) when the worst-case distribution is continuous, leading to significant computational challenges due to the infinite-dimensional nature of the optimization problem. Recent research has explored learning the worst-case distribution using neural network-based generative models to address these computational challenges but lacks algorithmic convergence guarantees. This paper bridges this theoretical gap by presenting an iterative algorithm to solve such a minimax problem, achieving global convergence under mild assumptions and leveraging technical tools from vector space minimax optimization and convex analysis in the space of continuous probability densities. In particular, leveraging Brenier's theorem, we represent the worst-case distribution as a transport map applied to a continuous reference measure and reformulate the regularized discrepancy-based DRO as a minimax problem in the Wasserstein space. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the worst-case distribution can be efficiently computed using a modified Jordan-Kinderlehrer-Otto (JKO) scheme with sufficiently large regularization parameters for commonly used discrepancy functions, linked to the radius of the ambiguity set. Additionally, we derive the global convergence rate and quantify the total number of subgradient and inexact modified JKO iterations required to obtain approximate stationary points. These results are potentially applicable to nonconvex and nonsmooth scenarios, with broad relevance to modern machine learning applications.
Abstract:We introduce a locally differentially private (LDP) algorithm for online federated learning that employs temporally correlated noise to improve utility while preserving privacy. To address challenges posed by the correlated noise and local updates with streaming non-IID data, we develop a perturbed iterate analysis that controls the impact of the noise on the utility. Moreover, we demonstrate how the drift errors from local updates can be effectively managed for several classes of nonconvex loss functions. Subject to an $(\epsilon,\delta)$-LDP budget, we establish a dynamic regret bound that quantifies the impact of key parameters and the intensity of changes in the dynamic environment on the learning performance. Numerical experiments confirm the efficacy of the proposed algorithm.
Abstract:We propose a novel differentially private algorithm for online federated learning that employs temporally correlated noise to improve the utility while ensuring the privacy of the continuously released models. To address challenges stemming from DP noise and local updates with streaming noniid data, we develop a perturbed iterate analysis to control the impact of the DP noise on the utility. Moreover, we demonstrate how the drift errors from local updates can be effectively managed under a quasi-strong convexity condition. Subject to an $(\epsilon, \delta)$-DP budget, we establish a dynamic regret bound over the entire time horizon that quantifies the impact of key parameters and the intensity of changes in dynamic environments. Numerical experiments validate the efficacy of the proposed algorithm.
Abstract:Rotation group $\mathcal{SO}(d)$ synchronization is an important inverse problem and has attracted intense attention from numerous application fields such as graph realization, computer vision, and robotics. In this paper, we focus on the least-squares estimator of rotation group synchronization with general additive noise models, which is a nonconvex optimization problem with manifold constraints. Unlike the phase/orthogonal group synchronization, there are limited provable approaches for solving rotation group synchronization. First, we derive improved estimation results of the least-squares/spectral estimator, illustrating the tightness and validating the existing relaxation methods of solving rotation group synchronization through the optimum of relaxed orthogonal group version under near-optimal noise level for exact recovery. Moreover, departing from the standard approach of utilizing the geometry of the ambient Euclidean space, we adopt an intrinsic Riemannian approach to study orthogonal/rotation group synchronization. Benefiting from a quotient geometric view, we prove the positive definite condition of quotient Riemannian Hessian around the optimum of orthogonal group synchronization problem, and consequently the Riemannian local error bound property is established to analyze the convergence rate properties of various Riemannian algorithms. As a simple and feasible method, the sequential convergence guarantee of the (quotient) Riemannian gradient method for solving orthogonal/rotation group synchronization problem is studied, and we derive its global linear convergence rate to the optimum with the spectral initialization. All results are deterministic without any probabilistic model.
Abstract:Graph learning from signals is a core task in Graph Signal Processing (GSP). One of the most commonly used models to learn graphs from stationary signals is SpecT. However, its practical formulation rSpecT is known to be sensitive to hyperparameter selection and, even worse, to suffer from infeasibility. In this paper, we give the first condition that guarantees the infeasibility of rSpecT and design a novel model (LogSpecT) and its practical formulation (rLogSpecT) to overcome this issue. Contrary to rSpecT, the novel practical model rLogSpecT is always feasible. Furthermore, we provide recovery guarantees of rLogSpecT, which are derived from modern optimization tools related to epi-convergence. These tools could be of independent interest and significant for various learning problems. To demonstrate the advantages of rLogSpecT in practice, a highly efficient algorithm based on the linearized alternating direction method of multipliers (L-ADMM) is proposed. The subproblems of L-ADMM admit closed-form solutions and the convergence is guaranteed. Extensive numerical results on both synthetic and real networks corroborate the stability and superiority of our proposed methods, underscoring their potential for various graph learning applications.
Abstract:Nonconvex-nonconcave minimax optimization has been the focus of intense research over the last decade due to its broad applications in machine learning and operation research. Unfortunately, most existing algorithms cannot be guaranteed to converge and always suffer from limit cycles. Their global convergence relies on certain conditions that are difficult to check, including but not limited to the global Polyak-\L{}ojasiewicz condition, the existence of a solution satisfying the weak Minty variational inequality and $\alpha$-interaction dominant condition. In this paper, we develop the first provably convergent algorithm called doubly smoothed gradient descent ascent method, which gets rid of the limit cycle without requiring any additional conditions. We further show that the algorithm has an iteration complexity of $\mathcal{O}(\epsilon^{-4})$ for finding a game stationary point, which matches the best iteration complexity of single-loop algorithms under nonconcave-concave settings. The algorithm presented here opens up a new path for designing provable algorithms for nonconvex-nonconcave minimax optimization problems.
Abstract:Nonconvex-concave minimax optimization has received intense interest in machine learning, including learning with robustness to data distribution, learning with non-decomposable loss, adversarial learning, to name a few. Nevertheless, most existing works focus on the gradient-descent-ascent (GDA) variants that can only be applied in smooth settings. In this paper, we consider a family of minimax problems whose objective function enjoys the nonsmooth composite structure in the variable of minimization and is concave in the variables of maximization. By fully exploiting the composite structure, we propose a smoothed proximal linear descent ascent (\textit{smoothed} PLDA) algorithm and further establish its $\mathcal{O}(\epsilon^{-4})$ iteration complexity, which matches that of smoothed GDA~\cite{zhang2020single} under smooth settings. Moreover, under the mild assumption that the objective function satisfies the one-sided Kurdyka-\L{}ojasiewicz condition with exponent $\theta \in (0,1)$, we can further improve the iteration complexity to $\mathcal{O}(\epsilon^{-2\max\{2\theta,1\}})$. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first provably efficient algorithm for nonsmooth nonconvex-concave problems that can achieve the optimal iteration complexity $\mathcal{O}(\epsilon^{-2})$ if $\theta \in (0,1/2]$. As a byproduct, we discuss different stationarity concepts and clarify their relationships quantitatively, which could be of independent interest. Empirically, we illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed smoothed PLDA in variation regularized Wasserstein distributionally robust optimization problems.
Abstract:Group synchronization refers to estimating a collection of group elements from the noisy pairwise measurements. Such a nonconvex problem has received much attention from numerous scientific fields including computer vision, robotics, and cryo-electron microscopy. In this paper, we focus on the orthogonal group synchronization problem with general additive noise models under incomplete measurements, which is much more general than the commonly considered setting of complete measurements. Characterizations of the orthogonal group synchronization problem are given from perspectives of optimality conditions as well as fixed points of the projected gradient ascent method which is also known as the generalized power method (GPM). It is well worth noting that these results still hold even without generative models. In the meantime, we derive the local error bound property for the orthogonal group synchronization problem which is useful for the convergence rate analysis of different algorithms and can be of independent interest. Finally, we prove the linear convergence result of the GPM to a global maximizer under a general additive noise model based on the established local error bound property. Our theoretical convergence result holds under several deterministic conditions which can cover certain cases with adversarial noise, and as an example we specialize it to the setting of the Erd\"os-R\'enyi measurement graph and Gaussian noise.