Abstract:We introduce SynthLight, a diffusion model for portrait relighting. Our approach frames image relighting as a re-rendering problem, where pixels are transformed in response to changes in environmental lighting conditions. Using a physically-based rendering engine, we synthesize a dataset to simulate this lighting-conditioned transformation with 3D head assets under varying lighting. We propose two training and inference strategies to bridge the gap between the synthetic and real image domains: (1) multi-task training that takes advantage of real human portraits without lighting labels; (2) an inference time diffusion sampling procedure based on classifier-free guidance that leverages the input portrait to better preserve details. Our method generalizes to diverse real photographs and produces realistic illumination effects, including specular highlights and cast shadows, while preserving the subject's identity. Our quantitative experiments on Light Stage data demonstrate results comparable to state-of-the-art relighting methods. Our qualitative results on in-the-wild images showcase rich and unprecedented illumination effects. Project Page: \url{https://vrroom.github.io/synthlight/}
Abstract:We propose a method for depth estimation under different illumination conditions, i.e., day and night time. As photometry is uninformative in regions under low-illumination, we tackle the problem through a multi-sensor fusion approach, where we take as input an additional synchronized sparse point cloud (i.e., from a LiDAR) projected onto the image plane as a sparse depth map, along with a camera image. The crux of our method lies in the use of the abundantly available synthetic data to first approximate the 3D scene structure by learning a mapping from sparse to (coarse) dense depth maps along with their predictive uncertainty - we term this, SpaDe. In poorly illuminated regions where photometric intensities do not afford the inference of local shape, the coarse approximation of scene depth serves as a prior; the uncertainty map is then used with the image to guide refinement through an uncertainty-driven residual learning (URL) scheme. The resulting depth completion network leverages complementary strengths from both modalities - depth is sparse but insensitive to illumination and in metric scale, and image is dense but sensitive with scale ambiguity. SpaDe can be used in a plug-and-play fashion, which allows for 25% improvement when augmented onto existing methods to preprocess sparse depth. We demonstrate URL on the nuScenes dataset where we improve over all baselines by an average 11.65% in all-day scenarios, 11.23% when tested specifically for daytime, and 13.12% for nighttime scenes.