Abstract:We propose a method for dense depth estimation from an event stream generated when sweeping the focal plane of the driving lens attached to an event camera. In this method, a depth map is inferred from an ``event focal stack'' composed of the event stream using a convolutional neural network trained with synthesized event focal stacks. The synthesized event stream is created from a focal stack generated by Blender for any arbitrary 3D scene. This allows for training on scenes with diverse structures. Additionally, we explored methods to eliminate the domain gap between real event streams and synthetic event streams. Our method demonstrates superior performance over a depth-from-defocus method in the image domain on synthetic and real datasets.
Abstract:This paper jointly addresses three key limitations in conventional pedestrian trajectory forecasting: pedestrian perception errors, real-world data collection costs, and person ID annotation costs. We propose a novel framework, RealTraj, that enhances the real-world applicability of trajectory forecasting. Our approach includes two training phases--self-supervised pretraining on synthetic data and weakly-supervised fine-tuning with limited real-world data--to minimize data collection efforts. To improve robustness to real-world errors, we focus on both model design and training objectives. Specifically, we present Det2TrajFormer, a trajectory forecasting model that remains invariant in tracking noise by using past detections as inputs. Additionally, we pretrain the model using multiple pretext tasks, which enhance robustness and improve forecasting performance based solely on detection data. Unlike previous trajectory forecasting methods, our approach fine-tunes the model using only ground-truth detections, significantly reducing the need for costly person ID annotations. In the experiments, we comprehensively verify the effectiveness of the proposed method against the limitations, and the method outperforms state-of-the-art trajectory forecasting methods on multiple datasets.
Abstract:Tactile perception is vital, especially when distinguishing visually similar objects. We propose an approach to incorporate tactile data into a Vision-Language Model (VLM) for visuo-tactile zero-shot object recognition. Our approach leverages the zero-shot capability of VLMs to infer tactile properties from the names of tactilely similar objects. The proposed method translates tactile data into a textual description solely by annotating object names for each tactile sequence during training, making it adaptable to various contexts with low training costs. The proposed method was evaluated on the FoodReplica and Cube datasets, demonstrating its effectiveness in recognizing objects that are difficult to distinguish by vision alone.
Abstract:A crowd density forecasting task aims to predict how the crowd density map will change in the future from observed past crowd density maps. However, the past crowd density maps are often incomplete due to the miss-detection of pedestrians, and it is crucial to develop a robust crowd density forecasting model against the miss-detection. This paper presents a MAsked crowd density Completion framework for crowd density forecasting (CrowdMAC), which is simultaneously trained to forecast future crowd density maps from partially masked past crowd density maps (i.e., forecasting maps from past maps with miss-detection) while reconstructing the masked observation maps (i.e., imputing past maps with miss-detection). Additionally, we propose Temporal-Density-aware Masking (TDM), which non-uniformly masks tokens in the observed crowd density map, considering the sparsity of the crowd density maps and the informativeness of the subsequent frames for the forecasting task. Moreover, we introduce multi-task masking to enhance training efficiency. In the experiments, CrowdMAC achieves state-of-the-art performance on seven large-scale datasets, including SDD, ETH-UCY, inD, JRDB, VSCrowd, FDST, and croHD. We also demonstrate the robustness of the proposed method against both synthetic and realistic miss-detections.
Abstract:Event cameras, known for their high dynamic range, absence of motion blur, and low energy usage, have recently found a wide range of applications thanks to these attributes. In the past few years, the field of event-based 3D reconstruction saw remarkable progress, with the Neural Radiance Field (NeRF) based approach demonstrating photorealistic view synthesis results. However, the volume rendering paradigm of NeRF necessitates extensive training and rendering times. In this paper, we introduce Event Enhanced Gaussian Splatting (E2GS), a novel method that incorporates event data into Gaussian Splatting, which has recently made significant advances in the field of novel view synthesis. Our E2GS effectively utilizes both blurry images and event data, significantly improving image deblurring and producing high-quality novel view synthesis. Our comprehensive experiments on both synthetic and real-world datasets demonstrate our E2GS can generate visually appealing renderings while offering faster training and rendering speed (140 FPS). Our code is available at https://github.com/deguchihiroyuki/E2GS.
Abstract:Surgical tool detection is a fundamental task for understanding egocentric open surgery videos. However, detecting surgical tools presents significant challenges due to their highly imbalanced class distribution, similar shapes and similar textures, and heavy occlusion. The lack of a comprehensive large-scale dataset compounds these challenges. In this paper, we introduce EgoSurgery-Tool, an extension of the existing EgoSurgery-Phase dataset, which contains real open surgery videos captured using an egocentric camera attached to the surgeon's head, along with phase annotations. EgoSurgery-Tool has been densely annotated with surgical tools and comprises over 49K surgical tool bounding boxes across 15 categories, constituting a large-scale surgical tool detection dataset. EgoSurgery-Tool also provides annotations for hand detection with over 46K hand-bounding boxes, capturing hand-object interactions that are crucial for understanding activities in egocentric open surgery. EgoSurgery-Tool is superior to existing datasets due to its larger scale, greater variety of surgical tools, more annotations, and denser scenes. We conduct a comprehensive analysis of EgoSurgery-Tool using nine popular object detectors to assess their effectiveness in both surgical tool and hand detection. The dataset will be released at https://github.com/Fujiry0/EgoSurgery.
Abstract:We address a novel cross-domain few-shot learning task (CD-FSL) with multimodal input and unlabeled target data for egocentric action recognition. This paper simultaneously tackles two critical challenges associated with egocentric action recognition in CD-FSL settings: (1) the extreme domain gap in egocentric videos (\eg, daily life vs. industrial domain) and (2) the computational cost for real-world applications. We propose MM-CDFSL, a domain-adaptive and computationally efficient approach designed to enhance adaptability to the target domain and improve inference speed. To address the first challenge, we propose the incorporation of multimodal distillation into the student RGB model using teacher models. Each teacher model is trained independently on source and target data for its respective modality. Leveraging only unlabeled target data during multimodal distillation enhances the student model's adaptability to the target domain. We further introduce ensemble masked inference, a technique that reduces the number of input tokens through masking. In this approach, ensemble prediction mitigates the performance degradation caused by masking, effectively addressing the second issue. Our approach outperformed the state-of-the-art CD-FSL approaches with a substantial margin on multiple egocentric datasets, improving by an average of 6.12/6.10 points for 1-shot/5-shot settings while achieving $2.2$ times faster inference speed. Project page: https://masashi-hatano.github.io/MM-CDFSL/
Abstract:Surgical phase recognition has gained significant attention due to its potential to offer solutions to numerous demands of the modern operating room. However, most existing methods concentrate on minimally invasive surgery (MIS), leaving surgical phase recognition for open surgery understudied. This discrepancy is primarily attributed to the scarcity of publicly available open surgery video datasets for surgical phase recognition. To address this issue, we introduce a new egocentric open surgery video dataset for phase recognition, named EgoSurgery-Phase. This dataset comprises 15 hours of real open surgery videos spanning 9 distinct surgical phases all captured using an egocentric camera attached to the surgeon's head. In addition to video, the EgoSurgery-Phase offers eye gaze. As far as we know, it is the first real open surgery video dataset for surgical phase recognition publicly available. Furthermore, inspired by the notable success of masked autoencoders (MAEs) in video understanding tasks (e.g., action recognition), we propose a gaze-guided masked autoencoder (GGMAE). Considering the regions where surgeons' gaze focuses are often critical for surgical phase recognition (e.g., surgical field), in our GGMAE, the gaze information acts as an empirical semantic richness prior to guiding the masking process, promoting better attention to semantically rich spatial regions. GGMAE significantly improves the previous state-of-the-art recognition method (6.4% in Jaccard) and the masked autoencoder-based method (3.1% in Jaccard) on EgoSurgery-Phase. The dataset will be released at https://github.com/Fujiry0/EgoSurgery.
Abstract:Predicting future human behavior from egocentric videos is a challenging but critical task for human intention understanding. Existing methods for forecasting 2D hand positions rely on visual representations and mainly focus on hand-object interactions. In this paper, we investigate the hand forecasting task and tackle two significant issues that persist in the existing methods: (1) 2D hand positions in future frames are severely affected by ego-motions in egocentric videos; (2) prediction based on visual information tends to overfit to background or scene textures, posing a challenge for generalization on novel scenes or human behaviors. To solve the aforementioned problems, we propose EMAG, an ego-motion-aware and generalizable 2D hand forecasting method. In response to the first problem, we propose a method that considers ego-motion, represented by a sequence of homography matrices of two consecutive frames. We further leverage modalities such as optical flow, trajectories of hands and interacting objects, and ego-motions, thereby alleviating the second issue. Extensive experiments on two large-scale egocentric video datasets, Ego4D and EPIC-Kitchens 55, verify the effectiveness of the proposed method. In particular, our model outperforms prior methods by $7.0$\% on cross-dataset evaluations. Project page: https://masashi-hatano.github.io/EMAG/
Abstract:Surgical tool detection is essential for analyzing and evaluating minimally invasive surgery videos. Current approaches are mostly based on supervised methods that require large, fully instance-level labels (i.e., bounding boxes). However, large image datasets with instance-level labels are often limited because of the burden of annotation. Thus, surgical tool detection is important when providing image-level labels instead of instance-level labels since image-level annotations are considerably more time-efficient than instance-level annotations. In this work, we propose to strike a balance between the extremely costly annotation burden and detection performance. We further propose a co-occurrence loss, which considers a characteristic that some tool pairs often co-occur together in an image to leverage image-level labels. Encapsulating the knowledge of co-occurrence using the co-occurrence loss helps to overcome the difficulty in classification that originates from the fact that some tools have similar shapes and textures. Extensive experiments conducted on the Endovis2018 dataset in various data settings show the effectiveness of our method.