Abstract:Load forecasting is a fundamental task in smart grid. Many techniques have been applied to developing load forecasting models. Due to the challenges such as the Curse of Dimensionality, overfitting, and limited computing resources, multivariate higher-order polynomial models have received limited attention in load forecasting, despite their desirable mathematical foundations and optimization properties. In this paper, we propose low rank approximation and self-supervised dimension reduction to address the aforementioned issues. To further improve computational efficiency, we also introduce a fast Conjugate Gradient based algorithm for the proposed polynomial models. Based on the ISO New England dataset used in Global Energy Forecasting Competition 2017, the proposed method high-order polynomials with self-supervised dimension reduction (HOPS) demonstrates higher forecasting accuracy over several competitive models. Additionally, experimental results indicate that our approach alleviates redundant variable construction, achieving better forecasts with fewer input variables.
Abstract:Graph convolutional networks (GCNs) have emerged as powerful models for graph learning tasks, exhibiting promising performance in various domains. While their empirical success is evident, there is a growing need to understand their essential ability from a theoretical perspective. Existing theoretical research has primarily focused on the analysis of single-layer GCNs, while a comprehensive theoretical exploration of the stability and generalization of deep GCNs remains limited. In this paper, we bridge this gap by delving into the stability and generalization properties of deep GCNs, aiming to provide valuable insights by characterizing rigorously the associated upper bounds. Our theoretical results reveal that the stability and generalization of deep GCNs are influenced by certain key factors, such as the maximum absolute eigenvalue of the graph filter operators and the depth of the network. Our theoretical studies contribute to a deeper understanding of the stability and generalization properties of deep GCNs, potentially paving the way for developing more reliable and well-performing models.
Abstract:In recent years, there has been growing interest in the field of functional neural networks. They have been proposed and studied with the aim of approximating continuous functionals defined on sets of functions on Euclidean domains. In this paper, we consider functionals defined on sets of functions on spheres. The approximation ability of deep ReLU neural networks is investigated by novel spherical analysis using an encoder-decoder framework. An encoder comes up first to accommodate the infinite-dimensional nature of the domain of functionals. It utilizes spherical harmonics to help us extract the latent finite-dimensional information of functions, which in turn facilitates in the next step of approximation analysis using fully connected neural networks. Moreover, real-world objects are frequently sampled discretely and are often corrupted by noise. Therefore, encoders with discrete input and those with discrete and random noise input are constructed, respectively. The approximation rates with different encoder structures are provided therein.
Abstract:In this work, we explore the intersection of sparse coding theory and deep learning to enhance our understanding of feature extraction capabilities in advanced neural network architectures. We begin by introducing a novel class of Deep Sparse Coding (DSC) models and establish a thorough theoretical analysis of their uniqueness and stability properties. By applying iterative algorithms to these DSC models, we derive convergence rates for convolutional neural networks (CNNs) in their ability to extract sparse features. This provides a strong theoretical foundation for the use of CNNs in sparse feature learning tasks. We additionally extend this convergence analysis to more general neural network architectures, including those with diverse activation functions, as well as self-attention and transformer-based models. This broadens the applicability of our findings to a wide range of deep learning methods for deep sparse feature extraction. Inspired by the strong connection between sparse coding and CNNs, we also explore training strategies to encourage neural networks to learn more sparse features. Through numerical experiments, we demonstrate the effectiveness of these approaches, providing valuable insights for the design of efficient and interpretable deep learning models.
Abstract:In this paper, we focus on analyzing the excess risk of the unpaired data generation model, called CycleGAN. Unlike classical GANs, CycleGAN not only transforms data between two unpaired distributions but also ensures the mappings are consistent, which is encouraged by the cycle-consistency term unique to CycleGAN. The increasing complexity of model structure and the addition of the cycle-consistency term in CycleGAN present new challenges for error analysis. By considering the impact of both the model architecture and training procedure, the risk is decomposed into two terms: approximation error and estimation error. These two error terms are analyzed separately and ultimately combined by considering the trade-off between them. Each component is rigorously analyzed; the approximation error through constructing approximations of the optimal transport maps, and the estimation error through establishing an upper bound using Rademacher complexity. Our analysis not only isolates these errors but also explores the trade-offs between them, which provides a theoretical insights of how CycleGAN's architecture and training procedures influence its performance.
Abstract:In this paper, we explore the approximation theory of functions defined on graphs. Our study builds upon the approximation results derived from the $K$-functional. We establish a theoretical framework to assess the lower bounds of approximation for target functions using Graph Convolutional Networks (GCNs) and examine the over-smoothing phenomenon commonly observed in these networks. Initially, we introduce the concept of a $K$-functional on graphs, establishing its equivalence to the modulus of smoothness. We then analyze a typical type of GCN to demonstrate how the high-frequency energy of the output decays, an indicator of over-smoothing. This analysis provides theoretical insights into the nature of over-smoothing within GCNs. Furthermore, we establish a lower bound for the approximation of target functions by GCNs, which is governed by the modulus of smoothness of these functions. This finding offers a new perspective on the approximation capabilities of GCNs. In our numerical experiments, we analyze several widely applied GCNs and observe the phenomenon of energy decay. These observations corroborate our theoretical results on exponential decay order.
Abstract:Estimating 3D full-body avatars from AR/VR devices is essential for creating immersive experiences in AR/VR applications. This task is challenging due to the limited input from Head Mounted Devices, which capture only sparse observations from the head and hands. Predicting the full-body avatars, particularly the lower body, from these sparse observations presents significant difficulties. In this paper, we are inspired by the inherent property of the kinematic tree defined in the Skinned Multi-Person Linear (SMPL) model, where the upper body and lower body share only one common ancestor node, bringing the potential of decoupled reconstruction. We propose a stratified approach to decouple the conventional full-body avatar reconstruction pipeline into two stages, with the reconstruction of the upper body first and a subsequent reconstruction of the lower body conditioned on the previous stage. To implement this straightforward idea, we leverage the latent diffusion model as a powerful probabilistic generator, and train it to follow the latent distribution of decoupled motions explored by a VQ-VAE encoder-decoder model. Extensive experiments on AMASS mocap dataset demonstrate our state-of-the-art performance in the reconstruction of full-body motions.
Abstract:We study approximation and learning capacities of convolutional neural networks (CNNs) with one-side zero-padding and multiple channels. Our first result proves a new approximation bound for CNNs with certain constraint on the weights. Our second result gives new analysis on the covering number of feed-forward neural networks with CNNs as special cases. The analysis carefully takes into account the size of the weights and hence gives better bounds than the existing literature in some situations. Using these two results, we are able to derive rates of convergence for estimators based on CNNs in many learning problems. In particular, we establish minimax optimal convergence rates of the least squares based on CNNs for learning smooth functions in the nonparametric regression setting. For binary classification, we derive convergence rates for CNN classifiers with hinge loss and logistic loss. It is also shown that the obtained rates for classification are minimax optimal in some common settings.
Abstract:The nature of heterophilous graphs is significantly different with that of homophilous graphs, which causes difficulties in early graph neural network models and suggests aggregations beyond 1-hop neighborhood. In this paper, we develop a new way to implement multi-scale extraction via constructing Haar-type graph framelets with desired properties of permutation equivariance, efficiency, and sparsity, for deep learning tasks on graphs. We further design a graph framelet neural network model PEGFAN (Permutation Equivariant Graph Framelet Augmented Network) based on our constructed graph framelets. The experiments are conducted on a synthetic dataset and 9 benchmark datasets to compare performance with other state-of-the-art models. The result shows that our model can achieve best performance on certain datasets of heterophilous graphs (including the majority of heterophilous datasets with relatively larger sizes and denser connections) and competitive performance on the remaining.
Abstract:Pairwise learning refers to learning tasks where a loss takes a pair of samples into consideration. In this paper, we study pairwise learning with deep ReLU networks and estimate the excess generalization error. For a general loss satisfying some mild conditions, a sharp bound for the estimation error of order $O((V\log(n) /n)^{1/(2-\beta)})$ is established. In particular, with the pairwise least squares loss, we derive a nearly optimal bound of the excess generalization error which achieves the minimax lower bound up to a logrithmic term when the true predictor satisfies some smoothness regularities.