Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
Abstract:We introduce LTLf+ and PPLTL+, two logics to express properties of infinite traces, that are based on the linear-time temporal logics LTLf and PPLTL on finite traces. LTLf+/PPLTL+ use levels of Manna and Pnueli's LTL safety-progress hierarchy, and thus have the same expressive power as LTL. However, they also retain a crucial characteristic of the reactive synthesis problem for the base logics: the game arena for strategy extraction can be derived from deterministic finite automata (DFA). Consequently, these logics circumvent the notorious difficulties associated with determinizing infinite trace automata, typical of LTL reactive synthesis. We present DFA-based synthesis techniques for LTLf+/PPLTL+, and show that synthesis is 2EXPTIME-complete for LTLf+ (matching LTLf) and EXPTIME-complete for PPLTL+ (matching PPLTL). Notably, while PPLTL+ retains the full expressive power of LTL, reactive synthesis is EXPTIME-complete instead of 2EXPTIME-complete. The techniques are also adapted to optimally solve satisfiability, validity, and model-checking, to get EXPSPACE-complete for LTLf+ (extending a recent result for the guarantee level using LTLf), and PSPACE-complete for PPLTL+.
Abstract:Responsibility is one of the key notions in machine ethics and in the area of autonomous systems. It is a multi-faceted notion involving counterfactual reasoning about actions and strategies. In this paper, we study different variants of responsibility in a strategic setting based on LTLf. We show a connection with notions in reactive synthesis, including synthesis of winning, dominant, and best-effort strategies. This connection provides the building blocks for a computational grounding of responsibility including complexity characterizations and sound, complete, and optimal algorithms for attributing and anticipating responsibility.
Abstract:Consider an agent acting to achieve its temporal goal, but with a "trembling hand". In this case, the agent may mistakenly instruct, with a certain (typically small) probability, actions that are not intended due to faults or imprecision in its action selection mechanism, thereby leading to possible goal failure. We study the trembling-hand problem in the context of reasoning about actions and planning for temporally extended goals expressed in Linear Temporal Logic on finite traces (LTLf), where we want to synthesize a strategy (aka plan) that maximizes the probability of satisfying the LTLf goal in spite of the trembling hand. We consider both deterministic and nondeterministic (adversarial) domains. We propose solution techniques for both cases by relying respectively on Markov Decision Processes and on Markov Decision Processes with Set-valued Transitions with LTLf objectives, where the set-valued probabilistic transitions capture both the nondeterminism from the environment and the possible action instruction errors from the agent. We formally show the correctness of our solution techniques and demonstrate their effectiveness experimentally through a proof-of-concept implementation.
Abstract:In this paper, we study the composition of services so as to obtain runs satisfying a task specification in Linear Temporal Logic on finite traces (LTLf). We study the problem in the case services are nondeterministic and the LTLf specification can be exactly met, and in the case services are stochastic, where we are interested in maximizing the probability of satisfaction of the LTLf specification and, simultaneously, minimizing the utilization cost of the services. To do so, we combine techniques from LTLf synthesis, service composition \`a la Roman Model, reactive synthesis, and bi-objective lexicographic optimization on MDPs. This framework has several interesting applications, including Smart Manufacturing and Digital Twins.
Abstract:We consider an agent acting to fulfil tasks in a nondeterministic environment. When a strategy that fulfills the task regardless of how the environment acts does not exist, the agent should at least avoid adopting strategies that prevent from fulfilling its task. Best-effort synthesis captures this intuition. In this paper, we devise and compare various symbolic approaches for best-effort synthesis in Linear Temporal Logic on finite traces (LTLf). These approaches are based on the same basic components, however they change in how these components are combined, and this has a significant impact on the performance of the approaches as confirmed by our empirical evaluations.
Abstract:In this paper, we study LTLf synthesis under environment specifications for arbitrary reachability and safety properties. We consider both kinds of properties for both agent tasks and environment specifications, providing a complete landscape of synthesis algorithms. For each case, we devise a specific algorithm (optimal wrt complexity of the problem) and prove its correctness. The algorithms combine common building blocks in different ways. While some cases are already studied in literature others are studied here for the first time.
Abstract:We study best-effort strategies (aka plans) in fully observable nondeterministic domains (FOND) for goals expressed in Linear Temporal Logic on Finite Traces (LTLf). The notion of best-effort strategy has been introduced to also deal with the scenario when no agent strategy exists that fulfills the goal against every possible nondeterministic environment reaction. Such strategies fulfill the goal if possible, and do their best to do so otherwise. We present a game-theoretic technique for synthesizing best-effort strategies that exploit the specificity of nondeterministic planning domains. We formally show its correctness and demonstrate its effectiveness experimentally, exhibiting a much greater scalability with respect to a direct best-effort synthesis approach based on re-expressing the planning domain as generic environment specifications.
Abstract:Goal Recognition is the task of discerning the correct intended goal that an agent aims to achieve, given a set of goal hypotheses, a domain model, and a sequence of observations (i.e., a sample of the plan executed in the environment). Existing approaches assume that goal hypotheses comprise a single conjunctive formula over a single final state and that the environment dynamics are deterministic, preventing the recognition of temporally extended goals in more complex settings. In this paper, we expand goal recognition to temporally extended goals in Fully Observable Non-Deterministic (FOND) planning domain models, focusing on goals on finite traces expressed in Linear Temporal Logic (LTLf) and Pure Past Linear Temporal Logic (PLTLf). We develop the first approach capable of recognizing goals in such settings and evaluate it using different LTLf and PLTLf goals over six FOND planning domain models. Empirical results show that our approach is accurate in recognizing temporally extended goals in different recognition settings.
Abstract:We develop a general framework for abstracting the behavior of an agent that operates in a nondeterministic domain, i.e., where the agent does not control the outcome of the nondeterministic actions, based on the nondeterministic situation calculus and the ConGolog programming language. We assume that we have both an abstract and a concrete nondeterministic basic action theory, and a refinement mapping which specifies how abstract actions, decomposed into agent actions and environment reactions, are implemented by concrete ConGolog programs. This new setting supports strategic reasoning and strategy synthesis, by allowing us to quantify separately on agent actions and environment reactions. We show that if the agent has a (strong FOND) plan/strategy to achieve a goal/complete a task at the abstract level, and it can always execute the nondeterministic abstract actions to completion at the concrete level, then there exists a refinement of it that is a (strong FOND) plan/strategy to achieve the refinement of the goal/task at the concrete level.
Abstract:One major limitation to the applicability of Reinforcement Learning (RL) to many practical domains is the large number of samples required to learn an optimal policy. To address this problem and improve learning efficiency, we consider a linear hierarchy of abstraction layers of the Markov Decision Process (MDP) underlying the target domain. Each layer is an MDP representing a coarser model of the one immediately below in the hierarchy. In this work, we propose a novel form of Reward Shaping where the solution obtained at the abstract level is used to offer rewards to the more concrete MDP, in such a way that the abstract solution guides the learning in the more complex domain. In contrast with other works in Hierarchical RL, our technique has few requirements in the design of the abstract models and it is also tolerant to modeling errors, thus making the proposed approach practical. We formally analyze the relationship between the abstract models and the exploration heuristic induced in the lower-level domain. Moreover, we prove that the method guarantees optimal convergence and we demonstrate its effectiveness experimentally.