Abstract:Autonomous robotic grasping of uncertain objects in uncertain environments is an impactful open challenge for the industries of the future. One such industry is the recycling of Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) materials, in which electric devices are disassembled and readied for the recovery of raw materials. Since devices may contain hazardous materials and their disassembly involves heavy manual labor, robotic disassembly is a promising venue. However, since devices may be damaged, dirty and unidentified, robotic disassembly is challenging since object models are unavailable or cannot be relied upon. This case study explores grasping strategies for industrial robotic disassembly of WEEE devices with uncertain vision data. We propose three grippers and appropriate tactile strategies for force-based manipulation that improves grasping robustness. For each proposed gripper, we develop corresponding strategies that can perform effectively in different grasping tasks and leverage the grippers design and unique strengths. Through experiments conducted in lab and factory settings for four different WEEE devices, we demonstrate how object uncertainty may be overcome by tactile sensing and compliant techniques, significantly increasing grasping success rates.
Abstract:This paper proposes a novel observer-based disturbance estimation method for high degree-of-freedom Euler-Lagrangian systems using an unknown input-output (UIO) sliding mode observer (SMO). Different from the previous SMO methods, this approach does not assume the matching condition of the disturbances. Besides, compared to the conventional disturbance estimation methods, the proposed method does not require the calculation of the inverse inertia matrices and accurate measurement of system velocities. This advantage resolves the concerns of heavy computational load and amplified noise for practical problems like external torque estimation of high degree-of-freedom manipulators in safe human-robot collaboration. We achieve this by defining a novel linearized model for the Euler-Lagrangian system and designing a sliding-mode-based disturbance observer. The estimation precision of the observer is ensured by the Lyapunov-based stability proof and the equivalent control theory of sliding mode. At the end of this paper, the method is implemented on a seven-degree-of-freedom robot manipulator, and the experimental results confirm its decent performance and potential to be applied in practice.
Abstract:Finding a racing path that allows minimum lap time is the first and foremost step in overall autonomous race car planning. Minimum curvature path is the raceline that offers the highest cornering speed resulting in improved lap time for a given racetrack. Unfortunately, solving the geometrical optimization problem for finding a raceline is computationally expensive. In a competitive race, a few seconds difference in raceline computation could prove to be decisive. This paper presents a novel approach for finding the minimum curvature raceline via probabilistic inference. We leverage the tangential geometry and structure in the minimum curvature planning problem to formulate it on a factor graph, which is then solved as sparse non-linear least squares leading to a much faster algorithm. The proposed framework is evaluated for different racetracks and benchmark results are presented highlighting the computational efficiency, lap time and resulting raceline. Initial results indicate the viability of the proposed approach as it offers comparable lap time achievement with approximately four times faster computation time.
Abstract:Gaussian Process (GP) formulation of continuoustime trajectory offers a fast solution to the motion planning problem via probabilistic inference on factor graph. However, often the solution converges to in-feasible local minima and the planned trajectory is not collision-free. We propose a message passing algorithm that is more sensitive to obstacles with fast convergence time. We leverage the utility of min-sum message passing algorithm that performs local computations at each node to solve the inference problem on factor graph. We first introduce the notion of compound factor node to transform the factor graph to a linearly structured graph. We next develop an algorithm denoted as Min-sum Message Passing algorithm for Motion Planning (MS2MP) that combines numerical optimization with message passing to find collision-free trajectories. MS2MP performs numerical optimization to solve non-linear least square minimization problem at each compound factor node and then exploits the linear structure of factor graph to compute the maximum a posteriori (MAP) estimation of complete graph by passing messages among graph nodes. The decentralized optimization approach of each compound node increases sensitivity towards avoiding obstacles for harder planning problems. We evaluate our algorithm by performing extensive experiments for exemplary motion planning tasks for a robot manipulator. Our evaluation reveals that MS2MP improves existing work in convergence time and success rate.
Abstract:We propose a new benchmark for evaluating stereoscopic visual-inertial computer vision algorithms (SLAM/ SfM/ 3D Reconstruction/ Visual-Inertial Odometry) for minimally invasive surgical (MIS) interventions in the abdomen. Our MITI Dataset available at [https://mediatum.ub.tum.de/1621941] provides all the necessary data by a complete recording of a handheld surgical intervention at Research Hospital Rechts der Isar of TUM. It contains multimodal sensor information from IMU, stereoscopic video, and infrared (IR) tracking as ground truth for evaluation. Furthermore, calibration for the stereoscope, accelerometer, magnetometer, the rigid transformations in the sensor setup, and time-offsets are available. We wisely chose a suitable intervention that contains very few cutting and tissue deformation and shows a full scan of the abdomen with a handheld camera such that it is ideal for testing SLAM algorithms. Intending to promote the progress of visual-inertial algorithms designed for MIS application, we hope that our clinical training dataset helps and enables researchers to enhance algorithms.
Abstract:We propose a novel method to tackle the visual-inertial localization problem for constrained camera movements. We use residuals from the different modalities to jointly optimize a global cost function. The residuals emerge from IMU measurements, stereoscopic feature points, and constraints on possible solutions in SE(3). In settings where dynamic disturbances are frequent, the residuals reduce the complexity of the problem and make localization feasible. We verify the advantages of our method in a suitable medical use case and produce a dataset capturing a minimally invasive surgery in the abdomen. Our novel clinical dataset MITI is comparable to state-of-the-art evaluation datasets, contains calibration and synchronization and is available at https://mediatum.ub.tum.de/1621941.
Abstract:A fundamental aspect of racing is overtaking other race cars. Whereas previous research on autonomous racing has majorly focused on lap-time optimization, here, we propose a method to plan overtaking maneuvers in autonomous racing. A Gaussian process is used to learn the behavior of the leading vehicle. Based on the outputs of the Gaussian process, a stochastic Model Predictive Control algorithm plans optimistic trajectories, such that the controlled autonomous race car is able to overtake the leading vehicle. The proposed method is tested in a simple simulation scenario.