US Army Ground Vehicle Systems Center
Abstract:Real-time autonomous systems utilize multi-layer computational frameworks to perform critical tasks such as perception, goal finding, and path planning. Traditional methods implement perception using occupancy grid mapping (OGM), segmenting the environment into discretized cells with probabilistic information. This classical approach is well-established and provides a structured input for downstream processes like goal finding and path planning algorithms. Recent approaches leverage a biologically inspired mathematical framework known as vector symbolic architectures (VSA), commonly known as hyperdimensional computing, to perform probabilistic OGM in hyperdimensional space. This approach, VSA-OGM, provides native compatibility with spiking neural networks, positioning VSA-OGM as a potential neuromorphic alternative to conventional OGM. However, for large-scale integration, it is essential to assess the performance implications of VSA-OGM on downstream tasks compared to established OGM methods. This study examines the efficacy of VSA-OGM against a traditional OGM approach, Bayesian Hilbert Maps (BHM), within reinforcement learning based goal finding and path planning frameworks, across a controlled exploration environment and an autonomous driving scenario inspired by the F1-Tenth challenge. Our results demonstrate that VSA-OGM maintains comparable learning performance across single and multi-scenario training configurations while improving performance on unseen environments by approximately 47%. These findings highlight the increased generalizability of policy networks trained with VSA-OGM over BHM, reinforcing its potential for real-world deployment in diverse environments.
Abstract:Skid-steered wheel mobile robots (SSWMRs) operate in a variety of outdoor environments exhibiting motion behaviors dominated by the effects of complex wheel-ground interactions. Characterizing these interactions is crucial both from the immediate robot autonomy perspective (for motion prediction and control) as well as a long-term predictive maintenance and diagnostics perspective. An ideal solution entails capturing precise state measurements for decisions and controls, which is considerably difficult, especially in increasingly unstructured outdoor regimes of operations for these robots. In this milieu, a framework to identify pre-determined discrete modes of operation can considerably simplify the motion model identification process. To this end, we propose an interactive multiple model (IMM) based filtering framework to probabilistically identify predefined robot operation modes that could arise due to traversal in different terrains or loss of wheel traction.
Abstract:Real-time robotic systems require advanced perception, computation, and action capability. However, the main bottleneck in current autonomous systems is the trade-off between computational capability, energy efficiency and model determinism. World modeling, a key objective of many robotic systems, commonly uses occupancy grid mapping (OGM) as the first step towards building an end-to-end robotic system with perception, planning, autonomous maneuvering, and decision making capabilities. OGM divides the environment into discrete cells and assigns probability values to attributes such as occupancy and traversability. Existing methods fall into two categories: traditional methods and neural methods. Traditional methods rely on dense statistical calculations, while neural methods employ deep learning for probabilistic information processing. Recent works formulate a deterministic theory of neural computation at the intersection of cognitive science and vector symbolic architectures. In this study, we propose a Fourier-based hyperdimensional OGM system, VSA-OGM, combined with a novel application of Shannon entropy that retains the interpretability and stability of traditional methods along with the improved computational efficiency of neural methods. Our approach, validated across multiple datasets, achieves similar accuracy to covariant traditional methods while approximately reducing latency by 200x and memory by 1000x. Compared to invariant traditional methods, we see similar accuracy values while reducing latency by 3.7x. Moreover, we achieve 1.5x latency reductions compared to neural methods while eliminating the need for domain-specific model training.
Abstract:Off-road autonomy validation presents unique challenges due to the unpredictable and dynamic nature of off-road environments. Traditional methods focusing on sequentially sweeping across the parameter space for variability analysis struggle to comprehensively assess the performance and safety of off-road autonomous systems within the imposed time constraints. This paper proposes leveraging scalable digital twin simulations within high-performance computing (HPC) clusters to address this challenge. By harnessing the computational power of HPC clusters, our approach aims to provide a scalable and efficient means to validate off-road autonomy algorithms, enabling rapid iteration and testing of autonomy algorithms under various conditions. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our framework through performance evaluations of the HPC cluster in terms of simulation parallelization and present the systematic variability analysis of a candidate off-road autonomy algorithm to identify potential vulnerabilities in the autonomy stack's perception, planning and control modules.
Abstract:A mobility map, which provides maximum achievable speed on a given terrain, is essential for path planning of autonomous ground vehicles in off-road settings. While physics-based simulations play a central role in creating next-generation, high-fidelity mobility maps, they are cumbersome and expensive. For instance, a typical simulation can take weeks to run on a supercomputer and each map requires thousands of such simulations. Recent work at the U.S. Army CCDC Ground Vehicle Systems Center has shown that trained machine learning classifiers can greatly improve the efficiency of this process. However, deciding which simulations to run in order to train the classifier efficiently is still an open problem. According to PAC learning theory, data that can be separated by a classifier is expected to require $\mathcal{O}(1/\epsilon)$ randomly selected points (simulations) to train the classifier with error less than $\epsilon$. In this paper, building on existing algorithms, we introduce an active learning paradigm that substantially reduces the number of simulations needed to train a machine learning classifier without sacrificing accuracy. Experimental results suggest that our sampling algorithm can train a neural network, with higher accuracy, using less than half the number of simulations when compared to random sampling.