Abstract:Recent advances in the field of out-of-distribution (OOD) detection have placed great emphasis on learning better representations suited to this task. While there are distance-based approaches, distributional awareness has seldom been exploited for better performance. We present HAC$_k$-OOD, a novel OOD detection method that makes no distributional assumption about the data, but automatically adapts to its distribution. Specifically, HAC$_k$-OOD constructs a set of hypercones by maximizing the angular distance to neighbors in a given data-point's vicinity to approximate the contour within which in-distribution (ID) data-points lie. Experimental results show state-of-the-art FPR@95 and AUROC performance on Near-OOD detection and on Far-OOD detection on the challenging CIFAR-100 benchmark without explicitly training for OOD performance.
Abstract:The inference cost of Large Language Models (LLMs) is a significant challenge due to their computational demands, specially on tasks requiring long outputs. However, natural language often contains redundancy, which presents an opportunity for optimization. We have observed that LLMs can generate distilled language-concise outputs that retain essential meaning, when prompted appropriately. We propose a framework for saving computational cost, in which a shorter distilled output from the LLM is reconstructed into a full narrative by a smaller model with lower inference costs. Our experiments show promising results, particularly in general knowledge domains with 20.58% saved tokens on average with tiny decrease in evaluation metrics, hinting that this approach can effectively balance efficiency and accuracy in language processing tasks.
Abstract:The concept of abstraction has been independently developed both in the context of AI Planning and discounted Markov Decision Processes (MDPs). However, the way abstractions are built and used in the context of Planning and MDPs is different even though lots of commonalities can be highlighted. To this day there is no work trying to relate and unify the two fields on the matter of abstractions unraveling all the different assumptions and their effect on the way they can be used. Therefore, in this paper we aim to do so by looking at projection abstractions in Planning through the lenses of discounted MDPs. Starting from a projection abstraction built according to Classical or Probabilistic Planning techniques, we will show how the same abstraction can be obtained under the abstraction frameworks available for discounted MDPs. Along the way, we will focus on computational as well as representational advantages and disadvantages of both worlds pointing out new research directions that are of interest for both fields.
Abstract:Amidst escalating climate change, hurricanes are inflicting severe socioeconomic impacts, marked by heightened economic losses and increased displacement. Previous research utilized nighttime light data to predict the impact of hurricanes on economic losses. However, prior work did not provide a thorough analysis of the impact of combining different techniques for pre-processing nighttime light (NTL) data. Addressing this gap, our research explores a variety of NTL pre-processing techniques, including value thresholding, built masking, and quality filtering and imputation, applied to two distinct datasets, VSC-NTL and VNP46A2, at the zip code level. Experiments evaluate the correlation of the denoised NTL data with economic damages of Category 4-5 hurricanes in Florida. They reveal that the quality masking and imputation technique applied to VNP46A2 show a substantial correlation with economic damage data.
Abstract:Understanding land cover holds considerable potential for a myriad of practical applications, particularly as data accessibility transitions from being exclusive to governmental and commercial entities to now including the broader research community. Nevertheless, although the data is accessible to any community member interested in exploration, there exists a formidable learning curve and no standardized process for accessing, pre-processing, and leveraging the data for subsequent tasks. In this study, we democratize this data by presenting a flexible and efficient end to end pipeline for working with the Dynamic World dataset, a cutting-edge near-real-time land use/land cover (LULC) dataset. This includes a pre-processing and representation framework which tackles noise removal, efficient extraction of large amounts of data, and re-representation of LULC data in a format well suited for several downstream tasks. To demonstrate the power of our pipeline, we use it to extract data for an urbanization prediction problem and build a suite of machine learning models with excellent performance. This task is easily generalizable to the prediction of any type of land cover and our pipeline is also compatible with a series of other downstream tasks.
Abstract:Most of the work on learning action models focus on learning the actions' dynamics from input plans. This allows us to specify the valid plans of a planning task. However, very little work focuses on learning action costs, which in turn allows us to rank the different plans. In this paper we introduce a new problem: that of learning the costs of a set of actions such that a set of input plans are optimal under the resulting planning model. To solve this problem we present $LACFIP^k$, an algorithm to learn action's costs from unlabeled input plans. We provide theoretical and empirical results showing how $LACFIP^k$ can successfully solve this task.
Abstract:Travel planning is a complex task that involves generating a sequence of actions related to visiting places subject to constraints and maximizing some user satisfaction criteria. Traditional approaches rely on problem formulation in a given formal language, extracting relevant travel information from web sources, and use an adequate problem solver to generate a valid solution. As an alternative, recent Large Language Model (LLM) based approaches directly output plans from user requests using language. Although LLMs possess extensive travel domain knowledge and provide high-level information like points of interest and potential routes, current state-of-the-art models often generate plans that lack coherence, fail to satisfy constraints fully, and do not guarantee the generation of high-quality solutions. We propose TRIP-PAL, a hybrid method that combines the strengths of LLMs and automated planners, where (i) LLMs get and translate travel information and user information into data structures that can be fed into planners; and (ii) automated planners generate travel plans that guarantee constraint satisfaction and optimize for users' utility. Our experiments across various travel scenarios show that TRIP-PAL outperforms an LLM when generating travel plans.
Abstract:The use of Potential Based Reward Shaping (PBRS) has shown great promise in the ongoing research effort to tackle sample inefficiency in Reinforcement Learning (RL). However, the choice of the potential function is critical for this technique to be effective. Additionally, RL techniques are usually constrained to use a finite horizon for computational limitations. This introduces a bias when using PBRS, thus adding an additional layer of complexity. In this paper, we leverage abstractions to automatically produce a "good" potential function. We analyse the bias induced by finite horizons in the context of PBRS producing novel insights. Finally, to asses sample efficiency and performance impact, we evaluate our approach on four environments including a goal-oriented navigation task and three Arcade Learning Environments (ALE) games demonstrating that we can reach the same level of performance as CNN-based solutions with a simple fully-connected network.
Abstract:Intelligent robots need to generate and execute plans. In order to deal with the complexity of real environments, planning makes some assumptions about the world. When executing plans, the assumptions are usually not met. Most works have focused on the negative impact of this fact and the use of replanning after execution failures. Instead, we focus on the positive impact, or opportunities to find better plans. When planning, the proposed technique finds and stores those opportunities. Later, during execution, the monitoring system can use them to focus perception and repair the plan, instead of replanning from scratch. Experiments in several paradigmatic robotic tasks show how the approach outperforms standard replanning strategies.
Abstract:User Interface (UI) understanding has been an increasingly popular topic over the last few years. So far, there has been a vast focus solely on web and mobile applications. In this paper, we introduce the harder task of computer UI understanding. With the goal of enabling research in this field, we have generated a dataset with a set of videos where a user is performing a sequence of actions and each image shows the desktop contents at that time point. We also present a framework that is composed of a synthetic sample generation pipeline to augment the dataset with relevant characteristics, and a contrastive learning method to classify images in the videos. We take advantage of the natural conditional, tree-like, relationship of the images' characteristics to regularize the learning of the representations by dealing with multiple partial tasks simultaneously. Experimental results show that the proposed framework outperforms previously proposed hierarchical multi-label contrastive losses in fine-grain UI classification.