Abstract:We propose a new accelerated first-order method for convex optimization under non-Euclidean smoothness assumptions. In contrast to standard acceleration techniques, our approach uses primal-dual iterate sequences taken with respect to differing norms, which are then coupled using an implicitly determined interpolation parameter. For $\ell_p$ norm smooth problems in $d$ dimensions, our method provides an iteration complexity improvement of up to $O(d^{1-\frac{2}{p}})$ in terms of calls to a first-order oracle, thereby allowing us to circumvent long-standing barriers in accelerated non-Euclidean steepest descent.
Abstract:In this paper, we provide tight lower bounds for the oracle complexity of minimizing high-order H\"older smooth and uniformly convex functions. Specifically, for a function whose $p^{th}$-order derivatives are H\"older continuous with degree $\nu$ and parameter $H$, and that is uniformly convex with degree $q$ and parameter $\sigma$, we focus on two asymmetric cases: (1) $q > p + \nu$, and (2) $q < p+\nu$. Given up to $p^{th}$-order oracle access, we establish worst-case oracle complexities of $\Omega\left( \left( \frac{H}{\sigma}\right)^\frac{2}{3(p+\nu)-2}\left( \frac{\sigma}{\epsilon}\right)^\frac{2(q-p-\nu)}{q(3(p+\nu)-2)}\right)$ with a truncated-Gaussian smoothed hard function in the first case and $\Omega\left(\left(\frac{H}{\sigma}\right)^\frac{2}{3(p+\nu)-2}+ \log^2\left(\frac{\sigma^{p+\nu}}{H^q}\right)^\frac{1}{p+\nu-q}\right)$ in the second case, for reaching an $\epsilon$-approximate solution in terms of the optimality gap. Our analysis generalizes previous lower bounds for functions under first- and second-order smoothness as well as those for uniformly convex functions, and furthermore our results match the corresponding upper bounds in the general setting.
Abstract:Federated learning (FL) approaches for saddle point problems (SPP) have recently gained in popularity due to the critical role they play in machine learning (ML). Existing works mostly target smooth unconstrained objectives in Euclidean space, whereas ML problems often involve constraints or non-smooth regularization, which results in a need for composite optimization. Addressing these issues, we propose Federated Dual Extrapolation (FeDualEx), an extra-step primal-dual algorithm, which is the first of its kind that encompasses both saddle point optimization and composite objectives under the FL paradigm. Both the convergence analysis and the empirical evaluation demonstrate the effectiveness of FeDualEx in these challenging settings. In addition, even for the sequential version of FeDualEx, we provide rates for the stochastic composite saddle point setting which, to our knowledge, are not found in prior literature.
Abstract:We propose a study of structured non-convex non-concave min-max problems which goes beyond standard first-order approaches. Inspired by the tight understanding established in recent works [Adil et al., 2022, Lin and Jordan, 2022b], we develop a suite of higher-order methods which show the improvements attainable beyond the monotone and Minty condition settings. Specifically, we provide a new understanding of the use of discrete-time $p^{th}$-order methods for operator norm minimization in the min-max setting, establishing an $O(1/\epsilon^\frac{2}{p})$ rate to achieve $\epsilon$-approximate stationarity, under the weakened Minty variational inequality condition of Diakonikolas et al. [2021]. We further present a continuous-time analysis alongside rates which match those for the discrete-time setting, and our empirical results highlight the practical benefits of our approach over first-order methods.
Abstract:We study the sample complexity of reducing reinforcement learning to a sequence of empirical risk minimization problems over the policy space. Such reductions-based algorithms exhibit local convergence in the function space, as opposed to the parameter space for policy gradient algorithms, and thus are unaffected by the possibly non-linear or discontinuous parameterization of the policy class. We propose a variance-reduced variant of Conservative Policy Iteration that improves the sample complexity of producing a $\varepsilon$-functional local optimum from $O(\varepsilon^{-4})$ to $O(\varepsilon^{-3})$. Under state-coverage and policy-completeness assumptions, the algorithm enjoys $\varepsilon$-global optimality after sampling $O(\varepsilon^{-2})$ times, improving upon the previously established $O(\varepsilon^{-3})$ sample requirement.
Abstract:We propose and analyze a stochastic Newton algorithm for homogeneous distributed stochastic convex optimization, where each machine can calculate stochastic gradients of the same population objective, as well as stochastic Hessian-vector products (products of an independent unbiased estimator of the Hessian of the population objective with arbitrary vectors), with many such stochastic computations performed between rounds of communication. We show that our method can reduce the number, and frequency, of required communication rounds compared to existing methods without hurting performance, by proving convergence guarantees for quasi-self-concordant objectives (e.g., logistic regression), alongside empirical evidence.
Abstract:We resolve the min-max complexity of distributed stochastic convex optimization (up to a log factor) in the intermittent communication setting, where $M$ machines work in parallel over the course of $R$ rounds of communication to optimize the objective, and during each round of communication, each machine may sequentially compute $K$ stochastic gradient estimates. We present a novel lower bound with a matching upper bound that establishes an optimal algorithm.
Abstract:We provide improved convergence rates for constrained convex-concave min-max problems and monotone variational inequalities with higher-order smoothness. In min-max settings where the $p^{th}$-order derivatives are Lipschitz continuous, we give an algorithm HigherOrderMirrorProx that achieves an iteration complexity of $O(1/T^{\frac{p+1}{2}})$ when given access to an oracle for finding a fixed point of a $p^{th}$-order equation. We give analogous rates for the weak monotone variational inequality problem. For $p>2$, our results improve upon the iteration complexity of the first-order Mirror Prox method of Nemirovski [2004] and the second-order method of Monteiro and Svaiter [2012]. We further instantiate our entire algorithm in the unconstrained $p=2$ case.
Abstract:We study local SGD (also known as parallel SGD and federated averaging), a natural and frequently used stochastic distributed optimization method. Its theoretical foundations are currently lacking and we highlight how all existing error guarantees in the convex setting are dominated by a simple baseline, minibatch SGD. (1) For quadratic objectives we prove that local SGD strictly dominates minibatch SGD and that accelerated local SGD is minimax optimal for quadratics; (2) For general convex objectives we provide the first guarantee that at least sometimes improves over minibatch SGD; (3) We show that indeed local SGD does not dominate minibatch SGD by presenting a lower bound on the performance of local SGD that is worse than the minibatch SGD guarantee.
Abstract:We provide improved convergence rates for various \emph{non-smooth} optimization problems via higher-order accelerated methods. In the case of $\ell_\infty$ regression, we achieves an $O(\epsilon^{-4/5})$ iteration complexity, breaking the $O(\epsilon^{-1})$ barrier so far present for previous methods. We arrive at a similar rate for the problem of $\ell_1$-SVM, going beyond what is attainable by first-order methods with prox-oracle access for non-smooth non-strongly convex problems. We further show how to achieve even faster rates by introducing higher-order regularization. Our results rely on recent advances in near-optimal accelerated methods for higher-order smooth convex optimization. In particular, we extend Nesterov's smoothing technique to show that the standard softmax approximation is not only smooth in the usual sense, but also \emph{higher-order} smooth. With this observation in hand, we provide the first example of higher-order acceleration techniques yielding faster rates for \emph{non-smooth} optimization, to the best of our knowledge.