Abstract:The rapid expansion of multimedia contents has led to the emergence of multimodal recommendation systems. It has attracted increasing attention in recommendation systems because its full utilization of data from different modalities alleviates the persistent data sparsity problem. As such, multimodal recommendation models can learn personalized information about nodes in terms of visual and textual. To further alleviate the data sparsity problem, some previous works have introduced graph convolutional networks (GCNs) for multimodal recommendation systems, to enhance the semantic representation of users and items by capturing the potential relationships between them. However, adopting GCNs inevitably introduces the over-smoothing problem, which make nodes to be too similar. Unfortunately, incorporating multimodal information will exacerbate this challenge because nodes that are too similar will lose the personalized information learned through multimodal information. To address this problem, we propose a novel model that retains the personalized information of ego nodes during feature aggregation by Reducing Node-neighbor Discrepancy (RedN^nD). Extensive experiments on three public datasets show that RedN^nD achieves state-of-the-art performance on accuracy and robustness, with significant improvements over existing GCN-based multimodal frameworks.
Abstract:Group activities are important behaviors in human society, providing personalized recommendations for groups is referred to as the group recommendation task. Existing methods can usually be categorized into two strategies to infer group preferences: 1) determining group preferences by aggregating members' personalized preferences, and 2) inferring group consensus by capturing group members' coherent decisions after common compromises. However, the former would suffer from the lack of group-level considerations, and the latter overlooks the fine-grained preferences of individual users. To this end, we propose a novel group recommendation method AlignGroup, which focuses on both group consensus and individual preferences of group members to infer the group decision-making. Specifically, AlignGroup explores group consensus through a well-designed hypergraph neural network that efficiently learns intra- and inter-group relationships. Moreover, AlignGroup innovatively utilizes a self-supervised alignment task to capture fine-grained group decision-making by aligning the group consensus with members' common preferences. Extensive experiments on two real-world datasets validate that our AlignGroup outperforms the state-of-the-art on both the group recommendation task and the user recommendation task, as well as outperforms the efficiency of most baselines.
Abstract:Graph Collaborative Filtering (GCF) has achieved state-of-the-art performance for recommendation tasks. However, most GCF structures simplify the feature transformation and nonlinear operation during message passing in the graph convolution network (GCN). We revisit these two components and discover that a part of feature transformation and nonlinear operation during message passing in GCN can improve the representation of GCF, but increase the difficulty of training. In this work, we propose a simple and effective graph-based recommendation model called FourierKAN-GCF. Specifically, it utilizes a novel Fourier Kolmogorov-Arnold Network (KAN) to replace the multilayer perceptron (MLP) as a part of the feature transformation during message passing in GCN, which improves the representation power of GCF and is easy to train. We further employ message dropout and node dropout strategies to improve the representation power and robustness of the model. Extensive experiments on two public datasets demonstrate the superiority of FourierKAN-GCF over most state-of-the-art methods. The implementation code is available at https://github.com/Jinfeng-Xu/FKAN-GCF.
Abstract:With the increasing multimedia information, multimodal recommendation has received extensive attention. It utilizes multimodal information to alleviate the data sparsity problem in recommendation systems, thus improving recommendation accuracy. However, the reliance on labeled data severely limits the performance of multimodal recommendation models. Recently, self-supervised learning has been used in multimodal recommendations to mitigate the label sparsity problem. Nevertheless, the state-of-the-art methods cannot avoid the modality noise when aligning multimodal information due to the large differences in the distributions of different modalities. To this end, we propose a Multi-level sElf-supervised learNing for mulTimOdal Recommendation (MENTOR) method to address the label sparsity problem and the modality alignment problem. Specifically, MENTOR first enhances the specific features of each modality using the graph convolutional network (GCN) and fuses the visual and textual modalities. It then enhances the item representation via the item semantic graph for all modalities, including the fused modality. Then, it introduces two multilevel self-supervised tasks: the multilevel cross-modal alignment task and the general feature enhancement task. The multilevel cross-modal alignment task aligns each modality under the guidance of the ID embedding from multiple levels while maintaining the historical interaction information. The general feature enhancement task enhances the general feature from both the graph and feature perspectives to improve the robustness of our model. Extensive experiments on three publicly available datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our method. Our code is publicly available at https://github.com/Jinfeng-Xu/MENTOR.
Abstract:We propose to boost VQA by leveraging more powerful feature extractors by improving the representation ability of both visual and text features and the ensemble of models. For visual feature, some detection techniques are used to improve the detector. For text feature, we adopt BERT as the language model and find that it can significantly improve VQA performance. Our solution won the second place in the VQA Challenge 2019.