Abstract:Although robust PCA has been increasingly adopted to extract vessels from X-ray coronary angiography (XCA) images, challenging problems such as inefficient vessel-sparsity modelling, noisy and dynamic background artefacts, and high computational cost still remain unsolved. Therefore, we propose a novel robust PCA unrolling network with sparse feature selection for super-resolution XCA vessel imaging. Being embedded within a patch-wise spatiotemporal super-resolution framework that is built upon a pooling layer and a convolutional long short-term memory network, the proposed network can not only gradually prune complex vessel-like artefacts and noisy backgrounds in XCA during network training but also iteratively learn and select the high-level spatiotemporal semantic information of moving contrast agents flowing in the XCA-imaged vessels. The experimental results show that the proposed method significantly outperforms state-of-the-art methods, especially in the imaging of the vessel network and its distal vessels, by restoring the intensity and geometry profiles of heterogeneous vessels against complex and dynamic backgrounds.
Abstract:This paper develops a novel encoder-decoder deep network architecture which exploits the several contextual frames of 2D+t sequential images in a sliding window centered at current frame to segment 2D vessel masks from the current frame. The architecture is equipped with temporal-spatial feature extraction in encoder stage, feature fusion in skip connection layers and channel attention mechanism in decoder stage. In the encoder stage, a series of 3D convolutional layers are employed to hierarchically extract temporal-spatial features. Skip connection layers subsequently fuse the temporal-spatial feature maps and deliver them to the corresponding decoder stages. To efficiently discriminate vessel features from the complex and noisy backgrounds in the XCA images, the decoder stage effectively utilizes channel attention blocks to refine the intermediate feature maps from skip connection layers for subsequently decoding the refined features in 2D ways to produce the segmented vessel masks. Furthermore, Dice loss function is implemented to train the proposed deep network in order to tackle the class imbalance problem in the XCA data due to the wide distribution of complex background artifacts. Extensive experiments by comparing our method with other state-of-the-art algorithms demonstrate the proposed method's superior performance over other methods in terms of the quantitative metrics and visual validation. The source codes are at https://github.com/Binjie-Qin/SVS-net
Abstract:Image textures, as a kind of local variations, provide important information for human visual system. Many image textures, especially the small-scale or stochastic textures are rich in high-frequency variations, and are difficult to be preserved. Current state-of-the-art denoising algorithms typically adopt a nonlocal approach consisting of image patch grouping and group-wise denoising filtering. To achieve a better image denoising while preserving the variations in texture, we first adaptively group high correlated image patches with the same kinds of texture elements (texels) via an adaptive clustering method. This adaptive clustering method is applied in an over-clustering-and-iterative-merging approach, where its noise robustness is improved with a custom merging threshold relating to the noise level and cluster size. For texture-preserving denoising of each cluster, considering that the variations in texture are captured and wrapped in not only the between-dimension energy variations but also the within-dimension variations of PCA transform coefficients, we further propose a PCA-transform-domain variation adaptive filtering method to preserve the local variations in textures. Experiments on natural images show the superiority of the proposed transform-domain variation adaptive filtering to traditional PCA-based hard or soft threshold filtering. As a whole, the proposed denoising method achieves a favorable texture preserving performance both quantitatively and visually, especially for stochastic textures, which is further verified in camera raw image denoising.
Abstract:For nonrigid image registration, matching the particular structures (or the outliers) that have missing correspondence and/or local large deformations, can be more difficult than matching the common structures with small deformations in the two images. Most existing works depend heavily on the outlier segmentation to remove the outlier effect in the registration. Moreover, these works do not handle simultaneously the missing correspondences and local large deformations. In this paper, we defined the nonrigid image registration as a local adaptive kernel regression which locally reconstruct the moving image's dense deformation vectors from the sparse deformation vectors in the multi-resolution block matching. The kernel function of the kernel regression adapts its shape and orientation to the reference image's structure to gather more deformation vector samples of the same structure for the iterative regression computation, whereby the moving image's local deformations could be compliant with the reference image's local structures. To estimate the local deformations around the outliers, we use joint saliency map that highlights the corresponding saliency structures (called Joint Saliency Structures, JSSs) in the two images to guide the dense deformation reconstruction by emphasizing those JSSs' sparse deformation vectors in the kernel regression. The experimental results demonstrate that by using local JSS adaptive kernel regression, the proposed method achieves almost the best performance in alignment of all challenging image pairs with outlier structures compared with other five state-of-the-art nonrigid registration algorithms.
Abstract:Mutual information (MI) is a popular similarity measure for image registration, whereby good registration can be achieved by maximizing the compactness of the clusters in the joint histogram. However, MI is sensitive to the "outlier" objects that appear in one image but not the other, and also suffers from local and biased maxima. We propose a novel joint saliency map (JSM) to highlight the corresponding salient structures in the two images, and emphatically group those salient structures into the smoothed compact clusters in the weighted joint histogram. This strategy could solve both the outlier and the local maxima problems. Experimental results show that the JSM-MI based algorithm is not only accurate but also robust for registration of challenging image pairs with outliers.