Abstract:Physical adversarial examples (PAEs) are regarded as "whistle-blowers" of real-world risks in deep-learning applications. However, current PAE generation studies show limited adaptive attacking ability to diverse and varying scenes. The key challenges in generating dynamic PAEs are exploring their patterns under noisy gradient feedback and adapting the attack to agnostic scenario natures. To address the problems, we present DynamicPAE, the first generative framework that enables scene-aware real-time physical attacks beyond static attacks. Specifically, to train the dynamic PAE generator under noisy gradient feedback, we introduce the residual-driven sample trajectory guidance technique, which redefines the training task to break the limited feedback information restriction that leads to the degeneracy problem. Intuitively, it allows the gradient feedback to be passed to the generator through a low-noise auxiliary task, thereby guiding the optimization away from degenerate solutions and facilitating a more comprehensive and stable exploration of feasible PAEs. To adapt the generator to agnostic scenario natures, we introduce the context-aligned scene expectation simulation process, consisting of the conditional-uncertainty-aligned data module and the skewness-aligned objective re-weighting module. The former enhances robustness in the context of incomplete observation by employing a conditional probabilistic model for domain randomization, while the latter facilitates consistent stealth control across different attack targets by automatically reweighting losses based on the skewness indicator. Extensive digital and physical evaluations demonstrate the superior attack performance of DynamicPAE, attaining a 1.95 $\times$ boost (65.55% average AP drop under attack) on representative object detectors (e.g., Yolo-v8) over state-of-the-art static PAE generating methods.