Abstract:In this work, we study the experts problem in the distributed setting where an expert's cost needs to be aggregated across multiple servers. Our study considers various communication models such as the message-passing model and the broadcast model, along with multiple aggregation functions, such as summing and taking the $\ell_p$ norm of an expert's cost across servers. We propose the first communication-efficient protocols that achieve near-optimal regret in these settings, even against a strong adversary who can choose the inputs adaptively. Additionally, we give a conditional lower bound showing that the communication of our protocols is nearly optimal. Finally, we implement our protocols and demonstrate empirical savings on the HPO-B benchmarks.
Abstract:Recently, implicit neural representation has been widely used to generate animatable human avatars. However, the materials and geometry of those representations are coupled in the neural network and hard to edit, which hinders their application in traditional graphics engines. We present a framework for acquiring human avatars that are attached with high-resolution physically-based material textures and triangular mesh from monocular video. Our method introduces a novel information fusion strategy to combine the information from the monocular video and synthesize virtual multi-view images to tackle the sparsity of the input view. We reconstruct humans as deformable neural implicit surfaces and extract triangle mesh in a well-behaved pose as the initial mesh of the next stage. In addition, we introduce an approach to correct the bias for the boundary and size of the coarse mesh extracted. Finally, we adapt prior knowledge of the latent diffusion model at super-resolution in multi-view to distill the decomposed texture. Experiments show that our approach outperforms previous representations in terms of high fidelity, and this explicit result supports deployment on common renderers.
Abstract:Advances in generative models have made it possible for AI-generated text, code, and images to mirror human-generated content in many applications. Watermarking, a technique that aims to embed information in the output of a model to verify its source, is useful for mitigating misuse of such AI-generated content. However, existing watermarking schemes remain surprisingly susceptible to attack. In particular, we show that desirable properties shared by existing LLM watermarking systems such as quality preservation, robustness, and public detection APIs can in turn make these systems vulnerable to various attacks. We rigorously study potential attacks in terms of common watermark design choices, and propose best practices and defenses for mitigation -- establishing a set of practical guidelines for embedding and detection of LLM watermarks.
Abstract:Many organizations wish to collaboratively train machine learning models on their combined datasets for a common benefit (e.g., better medical research, or fraud detection). However, they often cannot share their plaintext datasets due to privacy concerns and/or business competition. In this paper, we design and build Helen, a system that allows multiple parties to train a linear model without revealing their data, a setting we call coopetitive learning. Compared to prior secure training systems, Helen protects against a much stronger adversary who is malicious and can compromise m-1 out of m parties. Our evaluation shows that Helen can achieve up to five orders of magnitude of performance improvement when compared to training using an existing state-of-the-art secure multi-party computation framework.