Abstract:Shared control systems aim to combine human and robot abilities to improve task performance. However, achieving optimal performance requires that the robot's level of assistance adjusts the operator's cognitive workload in response to the task difficulty. Understanding and dynamically adjusting this balance is crucial to maximizing efficiency and user satisfaction. In this paper, we propose a novel benchmarking method for shared control systems based on Fitts' Law to formally parameterize the difficulty level of a target-reaching task. With this we systematically quantify and model the effect of task difficulty (i.e. size and distance of target) and robot autonomy on task performance and operators' cognitive load and trust levels. Our empirical results (N=24) not only show that both task difficulty and robot autonomy influence task performance, but also that the performance can be modelled using these parameters, which may allow for the generalization of this relationship across more diverse setups. We also found that the users' perceived cognitive load and trust were influenced by these factors. Given the challenges in directly measuring cognitive load in real-time, our adapted Fitts' model presents a potential alternative approach to estimate cognitive load through determining the difficulty level of the task, with the assumption that greater task difficulty results in higher cognitive load levels. We hope that these insights and our proposed framework inspire future works to further investigate the generalizability of the method, ultimately enabling the benchmarking and systematic assessment of shared control quality and user impact, which will aid in the development of more effective and adaptable systems.
Abstract:Online learning has soared in popularity in the educational landscape of COVID-19 and carries the benefits of increased flexibility and access to far-away training resources. However, it also restricts communication between peers and teachers, limits physical interactions and confines learning to the computer screen and keyboard. In this project, we designed a novel way to engage students in collaborative online learning by using haptic-enabled tangible robots, Cellulo. We built a library which connects two robots remotely for a learning activity based around the structure of a biological cell. To discover how separate modes of haptic feedback might differentially affect collaboration, two modes of haptic force-feedback were implemented (haptic co-location and haptic consensus). With a case study, we found that the haptic co-location mode seemed to stimulate collectivist behaviour to a greater extent than the haptic consensus mode, which was associated with individualism and less interaction. While the haptic co-location mode seemed to encourage information pooling, participants using the haptic consensus mode tended to focus more on technical co-ordination. This work introduces a novel system that can provide interesting insights on how to integrate haptic feedback into collaborative remote learning activities in future.
Abstract:Human-robot interaction is now an established discipline. Dozens of HRI courses exist at universities worldwide, and some institutions even offer degrees in HRI. However, although many students are being taught HRI, there is no agreed-upon curriculum for an introductory HRI course. In this workshop, we aimed to reach community consensus on what should be covered in such a course. Through interactive activities like panels, breakout discussions, and syllabus design, workshop participants explored the many topics and pedagogical approaches for teaching HRI. This collection of articles submitted to the workshop provides examples of HRI courses being offered worldwide.
Abstract:Teleoperation is increasingly recognized as a viable solution for deploying robots in hazardous environments. Controlling a robot to perform a complex or demanding task may overload operators resulting in poor performance. To design a robot controller to assist the human in executing such challenging tasks, a comprehensive understanding of the interplay between the robot's autonomous behavior and the operator's internal state is essential. In this paper, we investigate the relationships between robot autonomy and both the human user's cognitive load and trust levels, and the potential existence of three-way interactions in the robot-assisted execution of the task. Our user study (N=24) results indicate that while autonomy level influences the teleoperator's perceived cognitive load and trust, there is no clear interaction between these factors. Instead, these elements appear to operate independently, thus highlighting the need to consider both cognitive load and trust as distinct but interrelated factors in varying the robot autonomy level in shared-control settings. This insight is crucial for the development of more effective and adaptable assistive robotic systems.
Abstract:With advancement of robotics and artificial intelligence, applications for robotics are flourishing. Human-robot interaction (HRI) is an important area of robotics as it allows robots to work closer to humans (with them or for them). One crucial factor for the success of HRI research is transferability, which refers to the ability of research outputs to be adopted by industry and provide benefits to society. In this paper, we explore the potentials and challenges of transferability in HRI research. Firstly, we examine the current state of HRI research and identify various types of contributions that could lead to successful outcomes. Secondly, we discuss the potential benefits for each type of contribution and identify factors that could facilitate industry adoption of HRI research. However, we also recognize that there are several challenges associated with transferability, such as the diversity of well-defined job/skill-sets required from HRI practitioners, the lack of industry-led research, and the lack of standardization in HRI research methods. We discuss these challenges and propose potential solutions to bridge the gap between industry expectations and academic research in HRI.
Abstract:Embodied agents, in the form of virtual agents or social robots, are rapidly becoming more widespread. In human-human interactions, humans use nonverbal behaviours to convey their attitudes, feelings, and intentions. Therefore, this capability is also required for embodied agents in order to enhance the quality and effectiveness of their interactions with humans. In this paper, we propose a novel framework that can generate sequences of joint angles from the speech text and speech audio utterances. Based on a conditional Generative Adversarial Network (GAN), our proposed neural network model learns the relationships between the co-speech gestures and both semantic and acoustic features from the speech input. In order to train our neural network model, we employ a public dataset containing co-speech gestures with corresponding speech audio utterances, which were captured from a single male native English speaker. The results from both objective and subjective evaluations demonstrate the efficacy of our gesture-generation framework for Robots and Embodied Agents.
Abstract:Handwriting disorder (termed dysgraphia) is a far from a singular problem as nearly 8.6% of the population in France is considered dysgraphic. Moreover, research highlights the fundamental importance to detect and remediate these handwriting difficulties as soon as possible as they may affect a child's entire life, undermining performance and self-confidence in a wide variety of school activities. At the moment, the detection of handwriting difficulties is performed through a standard test called BHK. This detection, performed by therapists, is laborious because of its high cost and subjectivity. We present a digital approach to identify and characterize handwriting difficulties via a Recurrent Neural Network model (RNN). The child under investigation is asked to write on a graphics tablet all the letters of the alphabet as well as the ten digits. Once complete, the RNN delivers a diagnosis in a few milliseconds and demonstrates remarkable efficiency as it correctly identifies more than 90% of children diagnosed as dysgraphic using the BHK test. The main advantage of our tablet-based system is that it captures the dynamic features of writing -- something a human expert, such as a teacher, is unable to do. We show that incorporating the dynamic information available by the use of tablet is highly beneficial to our digital test to discriminate between typically-developing and dysgraphic children.
Abstract:In this paper, we present CAIO, a Cognitive and Affective Interaction-Oriented architecture for social human-robot interactions (HRI), allowing robots to reason on mental states (including emotions), and to act physically, emotionally and verbally. We also present a short scenario and implementation on a Nao robot.
Abstract:In social robotics, robots needs to be able to be understood by humans. Especially in collaborative tasks where they have to share mutual knowledge. For instance, in an educative scenario, learners share their knowledge and they must adapt their behaviour in order to make sure they are understood by others. Learners display behaviours in order to show their understanding and teachers adapt in order to make sure that the learners' knowledge is the required one. This ability requires a model of their own mental states perceived by others: \textit{"has the human understood that I(robot) need this object for the task or should I explain it once again ?"} In this paper, we discuss the importance of a cognitive architecture enabling second-order Mutual Modelling for Human-Robot Interaction in educative contexts.
Abstract:Recognition of intentions is a subconscious cognitive process vital to human communication. This skill enables anticipation and increases the quality of interactions between humans. Within the context of engagement, non-verbal signals are used to communicate the intention of starting the interaction with a partner. In this paper, we investigated methods to detect these signals in order to allow a robot to know when it is about to be addressed. Originality of our approach resides in taking inspiration from social and cognitive sciences to perform our perception task. We investigate meaningful features, i.e. human readable features, and elicit which of these are important for recognizing someone's intention of starting an interaction. Classically, spatial information like the human position and speed, the human-robot distance are used to detect the engagement. Our approach integrates multimodal features gathered using a companion robot equipped with a Kinect. The evaluation on our corpus collected in spontaneous conditions highlights its robustness and validates the use of such a technique in a real environment. Experimental validation shows that multimodal features set gives better precision and recall than using only spatial and speed features. We also demonstrate that 7 selected features are sufficient to provide a good starting engagement detection score. In our last investigation, we show that among our full 99 features set, the space reduction is not a solved task. This result opens new researches perspectives on multimodal engagement detection.