Abstract:Text classification with hierarchical labels is a prevalent and challenging task in natural language processing. Examples include assigning ICD codes to patient records, tagging patents into IPC classes, assigning EUROVOC descriptors to European legal texts, and more. Despite its widespread applications, a comprehensive understanding of state-of-the-art methods across different domains has been lacking. In this paper, we provide the first comprehensive cross-domain overview with empirical analysis of state-of-the-art methods. We propose a unified framework that positions each method within a common structure to facilitate research. Our empirical analysis yields key insights and guidelines, confirming the necessity of learning across different research areas to design effective methods. Notably, under our unified evaluation pipeline, we achieved new state-of-the-art results by applying techniques beyond their original domains.
Abstract:The rapid rise of Large Language Models (LLMs) has created new disruptive possibilities for persuasive communication, by enabling fully-automated personalized and interactive content generation at an unprecedented scale. In this paper, we survey the research field of LLM-based persuasion that has emerged as a result. We begin by exploring the different modes in which LLM Systems are used to influence human attitudes and behaviors. In areas such as politics, marketing, public health, e-commerce, and charitable giving, such LLM Systems have already achieved human-level or even super-human persuasiveness. We identify key factors influencing their effectiveness, such as the manner of personalization and whether the content is labelled as AI-generated. We also summarize the experimental designs that have been used to evaluate progress. Our survey suggests that the current and future potential of LLM-based persuasion poses profound ethical and societal risks, including the spread of misinformation, the magnification of biases, and the invasion of privacy. These risks underscore the urgent need for ethical guidelines and updated regulatory frameworks to avoid the widespread deployment of irresponsible and harmful LLM Systems.
Abstract:Large language models (LLMs) are trained on vast amounts of data to generate natural language, enabling them to perform tasks like text summarization and question answering. These models have become popular in artificial intelligence (AI) assistants like ChatGPT and already play an influential role in how humans access information. However, the behavior of LLMs varies depending on their design, training, and use. In this paper, we uncover notable diversity in the ideological stance exhibited across different LLMs and languages in which they are accessed. We do this by prompting a diverse panel of popular LLMs to describe a large number of prominent and controversial personalities from recent world history, both in English and in Chinese. By identifying and analyzing moral assessments reflected in the generated descriptions, we find consistent normative differences between how the same LLM responds in Chinese compared to English. Similarly, we identify normative disagreements between Western and non-Western LLMs about prominent actors in geopolitical conflicts. Furthermore, popularly hypothesized disparities in political goals among Western models are reflected in significant normative differences related to inclusion, social inequality, and political scandals. Our results show that the ideological stance of an LLM often reflects the worldview of its creators. This raises important concerns around technological and regulatory efforts with the stated aim of making LLMs ideologically `unbiased', and it poses risks for political instrumentalization.
Abstract:Numerous methods have been implemented that pursue fairness with respect to sensitive features by mitigating biases in machine learning. Yet, the problem settings that each method tackles vary significantly, including the stage of intervention, the composition of sensitive features, the fairness notion, and the distribution of the output. Even in binary classification, these subtle differences make it highly complicated to benchmark fairness methods, as their performance can strongly depend on exactly how the bias mitigation problem was originally framed. Hence, we introduce ABCFair, a benchmark approach which allows adapting to the desiderata of the real-world problem setting, enabling proper comparability between methods for any use case. We apply ABCFair to a range of pre-, in-, and postprocessing methods on both large-scale, traditional datasets and on a dual label (biased and unbiased) dataset to sidestep the fairness-accuracy trade-off.
Abstract:This paper presents TRACE, a tool to analyze the quality of 2D embeddings generated through dimensionality reduction techniques. Dimensionality reduction methods often prioritize preserving either local neighborhoods or global distances, but insights from visual structures can be misleading if the objective has not been achieved uniformly. TRACE addresses this challenge by providing a scalable and extensible pipeline for computing both local and global quality measures. The interactive browser-based interface allows users to explore various embeddings while visually assessing the pointwise embedding quality. The interface also facilitates in-depth analysis by highlighting high-dimensional nearest neighbors for any group of points and displaying high-dimensional distances between points. TRACE enables analysts to make informed decisions regarding the most suitable dimensionality reduction method for their specific use case, by showing the degree and location where structure is preserved in the reduced space.
Abstract:Personalized recommendation systems often drive users towards more extreme content, exacerbating opinion polarization. While (content-aware) moderation has been proposed to mitigate these effects, such approaches risk curtailing the freedom of speech and of information. To address this concern, we propose and explore the feasibility of \emph{content-agnostic} moderation as an alternative approach for reducing polarization. Content-agnostic moderation does not rely on the actual content being moderated, arguably making it less prone to forms of censorship. We establish theoretically that content-agnostic moderation cannot be guaranteed to work in a fully generic setting. However, we show that it can often be effectively achieved in practice with plausible assumptions. We introduce two novel content-agnostic moderation methods that modify the recommendations from the content recommender to disperse user-item co-clusters without relying on content features. To evaluate the potential of content-agnostic moderation in controlled experiments, we built a simulation environment to analyze the closed-loop behavior of a system with a given set of users, recommendation system, and moderation approach. Through comprehensive experiments in this environment, we show that our proposed moderation methods significantly enhance stance neutrality and maintain high recommendation quality across various data scenarios. Our results indicate that achieving stance neutrality without direct content information is not only feasible but can also help in developing more balanced and informative recommendation systems without substantially degrading user engagement.
Abstract:Representing the nodes of continuous-time temporal graphs in a low-dimensional latent space has wide-ranging applications, from prediction to visualization. Yet, analyzing continuous-time relational data with timestamped interactions introduces unique challenges due to its sparsity. Merely embedding nodes as trajectories in the latent space overlooks this sparsity, emphasizing the need to quantify uncertainty around the latent positions. In this paper, we propose TGNE (\textbf{T}emporal \textbf{G}aussian \textbf{N}etwork \textbf{E}mbedding), an innovative method that bridges two distinct strands of literature: the statistical analysis of networks via Latent Space Models (LSM)\cite{Hoff2002} and temporal graph machine learning. TGNE embeds nodes as piece-wise linear trajectories of Gaussian distributions in the latent space, capturing both structural information and uncertainty around the trajectories. We evaluate TGNE's effectiveness in reconstructing the original graph and modelling uncertainty. The results demonstrate that TGNE generates competitive time-varying embedding locations compared to common baselines for reconstructing unobserved edge interactions based on observed edges. Furthermore, the uncertainty estimates align with the time-varying degree distribution in the network, providing valuable insights into the temporal dynamics of the graph. To facilitate reproducibility, we provide an open-source implementation of TGNE at \url{https://github.com/aida-ugent/tgne}.
Abstract:Dynamic Link Prediction (DLP) addresses the prediction of future links in evolving networks. However, accurately portraying the performance of DLP algorithms poses challenges that might impede progress in the field. Importantly, common evaluation pipelines usually calculate ranking or binary classification metrics, where the scores of observed interactions (positives) are compared with those of randomly generated ones (negatives). However, a single metric is not sufficient to fully capture the differences between DLP algorithms, and is prone to overly optimistic performance evaluation. Instead, an in-depth evaluation should reflect performance variations across different nodes, edges, and time segments. In this work, we contribute tools to perform such a comprehensive evaluation. (1) We propose Birth-Death diagrams, a simple but powerful visualization technique that illustrates the effect of time-based train-test splitting on the difficulty of DLP on a given dataset. (2) We describe an exhaustive taxonomy of negative sampling methods that can be used at evaluation time. (3) We carry out an empirical study of the effect of the different negative sampling strategies. Our comparison between heuristics and state-of-the-art memory-based methods on various real-world datasets confirms a strong effect of using different negative sampling strategies on the test Area Under the Curve (AUC). Moreover, we conduct a visual exploration of the prediction, with additional insights on which different types of errors are prominent over time.
Abstract:KamerRaad is an AI tool that leverages large language models to help citizens interactively engage with Belgian political information. The tool extracts and concisely summarizes key excerpts from parliamentary proceedings, followed by the potential for interaction based on generative AI that allows users to steadily build up their understanding. KamerRaad's front-end, built with Streamlit, facilitates easy interaction, while the back-end employs open-source models for text embedding and generation to ensure accurate and relevant responses. By collecting feedback, we intend to enhance the relevancy of our source retrieval and the quality of our summarization, thereby enriching the user experience with a focus on source-driven dialogue.
Abstract:There is a fast-growing body of research on predicting future links in dynamic networks, with many new algorithms. Some benchmark data exists, and performance evaluations commonly rely on comparing the scores of observed network events (positives) with those of randomly generated ones (negatives). These evaluation measures depend on both the predictive ability of the model and, crucially, the type of negative samples used. Besides, as generally the case with temporal data, prediction quality may vary over time. This creates a complex evaluation space. In this work, we catalog the possibilities for negative sampling and introduce novel visualization methods that can yield insight into prediction performance and the dynamics of temporal networks. We leverage these visualization tools to investigate the effect of negative sampling on the predictive performance, at the node and edge level. We validate empirically, on datasets extracted from recent benchmarks that the error is typically not evenly distributed across different data segments. Finally, we argue that such visualization tools can serve as powerful guides to evaluate dynamic link prediction methods at different levels.