Abstract:While the deployment of neural networks, yielding impressive results, becomes more prevalent in various applications, their interpretability and understanding remain a critical challenge. Network inversion, a technique that aims to reconstruct the input space from the model's learned internal representations, plays a pivotal role in unraveling the black-box nature of input to output mappings in neural networks. In safety-critical scenarios, where model outputs may influence pivotal decisions, the integrity of the corresponding input space is paramount, necessitating the elimination of any extraneous "garbage" to ensure the trustworthiness of the network. Binarised Neural Networks (BNNs), characterized by binary weights and activations, offer computational efficiency and reduced memory requirements, making them suitable for resource-constrained environments. This paper introduces a novel approach to invert a trained BNN by encoding it into a CNF formula that captures the network's structure, allowing for both inference and inversion.
Abstract:Answer Set Programming (ASP) has emerged as a promising paradigm in knowledge representation and automated reasoning owing to its ability to model hard combinatorial problems from diverse domains in a natural way. Building on advances in propositional SAT solving, the past two decades have witnessed the emergence of well-engineered systems for solving the answer set satisfiability problem, i.e., finding models or answer sets for a given answer set program. In recent years, there has been growing interest in problems beyond satisfiability, such as model counting, in the context of ASP. Akin to the early days of propositional model counting, state-of-the-art exact answer set counters do not scale well beyond small instances. Exact ASP counters struggle with handling larger input formulas. The primary contribution of this paper is a new ASP counting framework, called sharpASP, which counts answer sets avoiding larger input formulas. This relies on an alternative way of defining answer sets that allows for the lifting of key techniques developed in the context of propositional model counting. Our extensive empirical analysis over 1470 benchmarks demonstrates significant performance gain over current state-of-the-art exact answer set counters. Specifically, by using sharpASP, we were able to solve 1062 benchmarks with PAR2 score of 3082 whereas using prior state-of-the-art, we could only solve 895 benchmarks with a PAR2 score of 4205, all other experimental conditions being the same.
Abstract:Model counting, or counting the satisfying assignments of a Boolean formula, is a fundamental problem with diverse applications. Given #P-hardness of the problem, developing algorithms for approximate counting is an important research area. Building on the practical success of SAT-solvers, the focus has recently shifted from theory to practical implementations of approximate counting algorithms. This has brought to focus new challenges, such as the design of auditable approximate counters that not only provide an approximation of the model count, but also a certificate that a verifier with limited computational power can use to check if the count is indeed within the promised bounds of approximation. Towards generating certificates, we start by examining the best-known deterministic approximate counting algorithm that uses polynomially many calls to a $\Sigma_2^P$ oracle. We show that this can be audited via a $\Sigma_2^P$ oracle with the query constructed over $n^2 \log^2 n$ variables, where the original formula has $n$ variables. Since $n$ is often large, we ask if the count of variables in the certificate can be reduced -- a crucial question for potential implementation. We show that this is indeed possible with a tradeoff in the counting algorithm's complexity. Specifically, we develop new deterministic approximate counting algorithms that invoke a $\Sigma_3^P$ oracle, but can be certified using a $\Sigma_2^P$ oracle using certificates on far fewer variables: our final algorithm uses only $n \log n$ variables. Our study demonstrates that one can simplify auditing significantly if we allow the counting algorithm to access a slightly more powerful oracle. This shows for the first time how audit complexity can be traded for complexity of approximate counting.
Abstract:The past decade has witnessed a surge of interest in practical techniques for projected model counting. Despite significant advancements, however, performance scaling remains the Achilles' heel of this field. A key idea used in modern counters is to count models projected on an \emph{independent support} that is often a small subset of the projection set, i.e. original set of variables on which we wanted to project. While this idea has been effective in scaling performance, the question of whether it can benefit to count models projected on variables beyond the projection set, has not been explored. In this paper, we study this question and show that contrary to intuition, it can be beneficial to project on variables beyond the projection set. In applications such as verification of binarized neural networks, quantification of information flow, reliability of power grids etc., a good upper bound of the projected model count often suffices. We show that in several such cases, we can identify a set of variables, called upper bound support (UBS), that is not necessarily a subset of the projection set, and yet counting models projected on UBS guarantees an upper bound of the true projected model count. Theoretically, a UBS can be exponentially smaller than the smallest independent support. Our experiments show that even otherwise, UBS-based projected counting can be more efficient than independent support-based projected counting, while yielding bounds of very high quality. Based on extensive experiments, we find that UBS-based projected counting can solve many problem instances that are beyond the reach of a state-of-the-art independent support-based projected model counter.
Abstract:We present a new multi-objective optimization approach for synthesizing interpretations that "explain" the behavior of black-box machine learning models. Constructing human-understandable interpretations for black-box models often requires balancing conflicting objectives. A simple interpretation may be easier to understand for humans while being less precise in its predictions vis-a-vis a complex interpretation. Existing methods for synthesizing interpretations use a single objective function and are often optimized for a single class of interpretations. In contrast, we provide a more general and multi-objective synthesis framework that allows users to choose (1) the class of syntactic templates from which an interpretation should be synthesized, and (2) quantitative measures on both the correctness and explainability of an interpretation. For a given black-box, our approach yields a set of Pareto-optimal interpretations with respect to the correctness and explainability measures. We show that the underlying multi-objective optimization problem can be solved via a reduction to quantitative constraint solving, such as weighted maximum satisfiability. To demonstrate the benefits of our approach, we have applied it to synthesize interpretations for black-box neural-network classifiers. Our experiments show that there often exists a rich and varied set of choices for interpretations that are missed by existing approaches.
Abstract:Boolean Skolem function synthesis concerns synthesizing outputs as Boolean functions of inputs such that a relational specification between inputs and outputs is satisfied. This problem, also known as Boolean functional synthesis, has several applications, including design of safe controllers for autonomous systems, certified QBF solving, cryptanalysis etc. Recently, complexity theoretic hardness results have been shown for the problem, although several algorithms proposed in the literature are known to work well in practice. This dichotomy between theoretical hardness and practical efficacy has motivated the research into normal forms or representations of input specifications that permit efficient synthesis, thus explaining perhaps the efficacy of these algorithms. In this paper we go one step beyond this and ask if there exists a normal form representation that can in fact precisely characterize "efficient" synthesis. We present a normal form called SAUNF that precisely characterizes tractable synthesis in the following sense: a specification is polynomial time synthesizable iff it can be compiled to SAUNF in polynomial time. Additionally, a specification admits a polynomial-sized functional solution iff there exists a semantically equivalent polynomial-sized SAUNF representation. SAUNF is exponentially more succinct than well-established normal forms like BDDs and DNNFs, used in the context of AI problems, and strictly subsumes other more recently proposed forms like SynNNF. It enjoys compositional properties that are similar to those of DNNF. Thus, SAUNF provides the right trade-off in knowledge representation for Boolean functional synthesis.
Abstract:Hashing-based model counting has emerged as a promising approach for large-scale probabilistic inference on graphical models. A key component of these techniques is the use of xor-based 2-universal hash functions that operate over Boolean domains. Many counting problems arising in probabilistic inference are, however, naturally encoded over finite discrete domains. Techniques based on bit-level (or Boolean) hash functions require these problems to be propositionalized, making it impossible to leverage the remarkable progress made in SMT (Satisfiability Modulo Theory) solvers that can reason directly over words (or bit-vectors). In this work, we present the first approximate model counter that uses word-level hashing functions, and can directly leverage the power of sophisticated SMT solvers. Empirical evaluation over an extensive suite of benchmarks demonstrates the promise of the approach.
Abstract:Constrained sampling and counting are two fundamental problems in artificial intelligence with a diverse range of applications, spanning probabilistic reasoning and planning to constrained-random verification. While the theory of these problems was thoroughly investigated in the 1980s, prior work either did not scale to industrial size instances or gave up correctness guarantees to achieve scalability. Recently, we proposed a novel approach that combines universal hashing and SAT solving and scales to formulas with hundreds of thousands of variables without giving up correctness guarantees. This paper provides an overview of the key ingredients of the approach and discusses challenges that need to be overcome to handle larger real-world instances.
Abstract:Given a CNF formula and a weight for each assignment of values to variables, two natural problems are weighted model counting and distribution-aware sampling of satisfying assignments. Both problems have a wide variety of important applications. Due to the inherent complexity of the exact versions of the problems, interest has focused on solving them approximately. Prior work in this area scaled only to small problems in practice, or failed to provide strong theoretical guarantees, or employed a computationally-expensive maximum a posteriori probability (MAP) oracle that assumes prior knowledge of a factored representation of the weight distribution. We present a novel approach that works with a black-box oracle for weights of assignments and requires only an {\NP}-oracle (in practice, a SAT-solver) to solve both the counting and sampling problems. Our approach works under mild assumptions on the distribution of weights of satisfying assignments, provides strong theoretical guarantees, and scales to problems involving several thousand variables. We also show that the assumptions can be significantly relaxed while improving computational efficiency if a factored representation of the weights is known.