Abstract:We present a method for teaching dexterous manipulation tasks to robots from human hand motion demonstrations. Unlike existing approaches that solely rely on kinematics information without taking into account the plausibility of robot and object interaction, our method directly infers plausible robot manipulation actions from human motion demonstrations. To address the embodiment gap between the human hand and the robot system, our approach learns a joint motion manifold that maps human hand movements, robot hand actions, and object movements in 3D, enabling us to infer one motion component from others. Our key idea is the generation of pseudo-supervision triplets, which pair human, object, and robot motion trajectories synthetically. Through real-world experiments with robot hand manipulation, we demonstrate that our data-driven retargeting method significantly outperforms conventional retargeting techniques, effectively bridging the embodiment gap between human and robotic hands. Website at https://rureadyo.github.io/MocapRobot/.
Abstract:The creation of large, diverse, high-quality robot manipulation datasets is an important stepping stone on the path toward more capable and robust robotic manipulation policies. However, creating such datasets is challenging: collecting robot manipulation data in diverse environments poses logistical and safety challenges and requires substantial investments in hardware and human labour. As a result, even the most general robot manipulation policies today are mostly trained on data collected in a small number of environments with limited scene and task diversity. In this work, we introduce DROID (Distributed Robot Interaction Dataset), a diverse robot manipulation dataset with 76k demonstration trajectories or 350 hours of interaction data, collected across 564 scenes and 84 tasks by 50 data collectors in North America, Asia, and Europe over the course of 12 months. We demonstrate that training with DROID leads to policies with higher performance and improved generalization ability. We open source the full dataset, policy learning code, and a detailed guide for reproducing our robot hardware setup.