Carnegie Mellon University
Abstract:We study estimators of the optimal transport (OT) map between two probability distributions. We focus on plugin estimators derived from the OT map between estimates of the underlying distributions. We develop novel stability bounds for OT maps which generalize those in past work, and allow us to reduce the problem of optimally estimating the transport map to that of optimally estimating densities in the Wasserstein distance. In contrast, past work provided a partial connection between these problems and relied on regularity theory for the Monge-Ampere equation to bridge the gap, a step which required unnatural assumptions to obtain sharp guarantees. We also provide some new insights into the connections between stability bounds which arise in the analysis of plugin estimators and growth bounds for the semi-dual functional which arise in the analysis of Brenier potential-based estimators of the transport map. We illustrate the applicability of our new stability bounds by revisiting the smooth setting studied by Manole et al., analyzing two of their estimators under more general conditions. Critically, our bounds do not require smoothness or boundedness assumptions on the underlying measures. As an illustrative application, we develop and analyze a novel tuning parameter-free estimator for the OT map between two strongly log-concave distributions.
Abstract:Doubly robust estimators with cross-fitting have gained popularity in causal inference due to their favorable structure-agnostic error guarantees. However, when additional structure, such as H\"{o}lder smoothness, is available then more accurate "double cross-fit doubly robust" (DCDR) estimators can be constructed by splitting the training data and undersmoothing nuisance function estimators on independent samples. We study a DCDR estimator of the Expected Conditional Covariance, a functional of interest in causal inference and conditional independence testing, and derive a series of increasingly powerful results with progressively stronger assumptions. We first provide a structure-agnostic error analysis for the DCDR estimator with no assumptions on the nuisance functions or their estimators. Then, assuming the nuisance functions are H\"{o}lder smooth, but without assuming knowledge of the true smoothness level or the covariate density, we establish that DCDR estimators with several linear smoothers are semiparametric efficient under minimal conditions and achieve fast convergence rates in the non-$\sqrt{n}$ regime. When the covariate density and smoothnesses are known, we propose a minimax rate-optimal DCDR estimator based on undersmoothed kernel regression. Moreover, we show an undersmoothed DCDR estimator satisfies a slower-than-$\sqrt{n}$ central limit theorem, and that inference is possible even in the non-$\sqrt{n}$ regime. Finally, we support our theoretical results with simulations, providing intuition for double cross-fitting and undersmoothing, demonstrating where our estimator achieves semiparametric efficiency while the usual "single cross-fit" estimator fails, and illustrating asymptotic normality for the undersmoothed DCDR estimator.
Abstract:Semi-supervised datasets are ubiquitous across diverse domains where obtaining fully labeled data is costly or time-consuming. The prevalence of such datasets has consistently driven the demand for new tools and methods that exploit the potential of unlabeled data. Responding to this demand, we introduce semi-supervised U-statistics enhanced by the abundance of unlabeled data, and investigate their statistical properties. We show that the proposed approach is asymptotically Normal and exhibits notable efficiency gains over classical U-statistics by effectively integrating various powerful prediction tools into the framework. To understand the fundamental difficulty of the problem, we derive minimax lower bounds in semi-supervised settings and showcase that our procedure is semi-parametrically efficient under regularity conditions. Moreover, tailored to bivariate kernels, we propose a refined approach that outperforms the classical U-statistic across all degeneracy regimes, and demonstrate its optimality properties. Simulation studies are conducted to corroborate our findings and to further demonstrate our framework.
Abstract:Self-training and contrastive learning have emerged as leading techniques for incorporating unlabeled data, both under distribution shift (unsupervised domain adaptation) and when it is absent (semi-supervised learning). However, despite the popularity and compatibility of these techniques, their efficacy in combination remains unexplored. In this paper, we undertake a systematic empirical investigation of this combination, finding that (i) in domain adaptation settings, self-training and contrastive learning offer significant complementary gains; and (ii) in semi-supervised learning settings, surprisingly, the benefits are not synergistic. Across eight distribution shift datasets (e.g., BREEDs, WILDS), we demonstrate that the combined method obtains 3--8% higher accuracy than either approach independently. We then theoretically analyze these techniques in a simplified model of distribution shift, demonstrating scenarios under which the features produced by contrastive learning can yield a good initialization for self-training to further amplify gains and achieve optimal performance, even when either method alone would fail.
Abstract:This paper focuses on supervised and unsupervised online label shift, where the class marginals $Q(y)$ varies but the class-conditionals $Q(x|y)$ remain invariant. In the unsupervised setting, our goal is to adapt a learner, trained on some offline labeled data, to changing label distributions given unlabeled online data. In the supervised setting, we must both learn a classifier and adapt to the dynamically evolving class marginals given only labeled online data. We develop novel algorithms that reduce the adaptation problem to online regression and guarantee optimal dynamic regret without any prior knowledge of the extent of drift in the label distribution. Our solution is based on bootstrapping the estimates of \emph{online regression oracles} that track the drifting proportions. Experiments across numerous simulated and real-world online label shift scenarios demonstrate the superior performance of our proposed approaches, often achieving 1-3\% improvement in accuracy while being sample and computationally efficient. Code is publicly available at
Abstract:Many recent developments in causal inference, and functional estimation problems more generally, have been motivated by the fact that classical one-step (first-order) debiasing methods, or their more recent sample-split double machine-learning avatars, can outperform plugin estimators under surprisingly weak conditions. These first-order corrections improve on plugin estimators in a black-box fashion, and consequently are often used in conjunction with powerful off-the-shelf estimation methods. These first-order methods are however provably suboptimal in a minimax sense for functional estimation when the nuisance functions live in Holder-type function spaces. This suboptimality of first-order debiasing has motivated the development of "higher-order" debiasing methods. The resulting estimators are, in some cases, provably optimal over Holder-type spaces, but both the estimators which are minimax-optimal and their analyses are crucially tied to properties of the underlying function space. In this paper we investigate the fundamental limits of structure-agnostic functional estimation, where relatively weak conditions are placed on the underlying nuisance functions. We show that there is a strong sense in which existing first-order methods are optimal. We achieve this goal by providing a formalization of the problem of functional estimation with black-box nuisance function estimates, and deriving minimax lower bounds for this problem. Our results highlight some clear tradeoffs in functional estimation -- if we wish to remain agnostic to the underlying nuisance function spaces, impose only high-level rate conditions, and maintain compatibility with black-box nuisance estimators then first-order methods are optimal. When we have an understanding of the structure of the underlying nuisance functions then carefully constructed higher-order estimators can outperform first-order estimators.
Abstract:Despite the emergence of principled methods for domain adaptation under label shift, the sensitivity of these methods for minor shifts in the class conditional distributions remains precariously under explored. Meanwhile, popular deep domain adaptation heuristics tend to falter when faced with shifts in label proportions. While several papers attempt to adapt these heuristics to accommodate shifts in label proportions, inconsistencies in evaluation criteria, datasets, and baselines, make it hard to assess the state of the art. In this paper, we introduce RLSbench, a large-scale relaxed label shift benchmark, consisting of >500 distribution shift pairs that draw on 14 datasets across vision, tabular, and language modalities and compose them with varying label proportions. First, we evaluate 13 popular domain adaptation methods, demonstrating more widespread failures under label proportion shifts than were previously known. Next, we develop an effective two-step meta-algorithm that is compatible with most deep domain adaptation heuristics: (i) pseudo-balance the data at each epoch; and (ii) adjust the final classifier with (an estimate of) target label distribution. The meta-algorithm improves existing domain adaptation heuristics often by 2--10\% accuracy points under extreme label proportion shifts and has little (i.e., <0.5\%) effect when label proportions do not shift. We hope that these findings and the availability of RLSbench will encourage researchers to rigorously evaluate proposed methods in relaxed label shift settings. Code is publicly available at
Abstract:Rates of missing data often depend on record-keeping policies and thus may change across times and locations, even when the underlying features are comparatively stable. In this paper, we introduce the problem of Domain Adaptation under Missingness Shift (DAMS). Here, (labeled) source data and (unlabeled) target data would be exchangeable but for different missing data mechanisms. We show that when missing data indicators are available, DAMS can reduce to covariate shift. Focusing on the setting where missing data indicators are absent, we establish the following theoretical results for underreporting completely at random: (i) covariate shift is violated (adaptation is required); (ii) the optimal source predictor can perform worse on the target domain than a constant one; (iii) the optimal target predictor can be identified, even when the missingness rates themselves are not; and (iv) for linear models, a simple analytic adjustment yields consistent estimates of the optimal target parameters. In experiments on synthetic and semi-synthetic data, we demonstrate the promise of our methods when assumptions hold. Finally, we discuss a rich family of future extensions.
Abstract:We introduce the problem of domain adaptation under Open Set Label Shift (OSLS) where the label distribution can change arbitrarily and a new class may arrive during deployment, but the class-conditional distributions p(x|y) are domain-invariant. OSLS subsumes domain adaptation under label shift and Positive-Unlabeled (PU) learning. The learner's goals here are two-fold: (a) estimate the target label distribution, including the novel class; and (b) learn a target classifier. First, we establish necessary and sufficient conditions for identifying these quantities. Second, motivated by advances in label shift and PU learning, we propose practical methods for both tasks that leverage black-box predictors. Unlike typical Open Set Domain Adaptation (OSDA) problems, which tend to be ill-posed and amenable only to heuristics, OSLS offers a well-posed problem amenable to more principled machinery. Experiments across numerous semi-synthetic benchmarks on vision, language, and medical datasets demonstrate that our methods consistently outperform OSDA baselines, achieving 10--25% improvements in target domain accuracy. Finally, we analyze the proposed methods, establishing finite-sample convergence to the true label marginal and convergence to optimal classifier for linear models in a Gaussian setup. Code is available at
Abstract:Real-world machine learning deployments are characterized by mismatches between the source (training) and target (test) distributions that may cause performance drops. In this work, we investigate methods for predicting the target domain accuracy using only labeled source data and unlabeled target data. We propose Average Thresholded Confidence (ATC), a practical method that learns a threshold on the model's confidence, predicting accuracy as the fraction of unlabeled examples for which model confidence exceeds that threshold. ATC outperforms previous methods across several model architectures, types of distribution shifts (e.g., due to synthetic corruptions, dataset reproduction, or novel subpopulations), and datasets (Wilds, ImageNet, Breeds, CIFAR, and MNIST). In our experiments, ATC estimates target performance $2$-$4\times$ more accurately than prior methods. We also explore the theoretical foundations of the problem, proving that, in general, identifying the accuracy is just as hard as identifying the optimal predictor and thus, the efficacy of any method rests upon (perhaps unstated) assumptions on the nature of the shift. Finally, analyzing our method on some toy distributions, we provide insights concerning when it works.