Abstract:Concept bottleneck models (CBMs) are inherently interpretable and intervenable neural network models, which explain their final label prediction by the intermediate prediction of high-level semantic concepts. However, they require target task training to learn input-to-concept and concept-to-label mappings, incurring target dataset collections and training resources. In this paper, we present \textit{zero-shot concept bottleneck models} (Z-CBMs), which predict concepts and labels in a fully zero-shot manner without training neural networks. Z-CBMs utilize a large-scale concept bank, which is composed of millions of vocabulary extracted from the web, to describe arbitrary input in various domains. For the input-to-concept mapping, we introduce concept retrieval, which dynamically finds input-related concepts by the cross-modal search on the concept bank. In the concept-to-label inference, we apply concept regression to select essential concepts from the retrieved concepts by sparse linear regression. Through extensive experiments, we confirm that our Z-CBMs provide interpretable and intervenable concepts without any additional training. Code will be available at https://github.com/yshinya6/zcbm.
Abstract:This paper investigates test-time adaptation (TTA) for regression, where a regression model pre-trained in a source domain is adapted to an unknown target distribution with unlabeled target data. Although regression is one of the fundamental tasks in machine learning, most of the existing TTA methods have classification-specific designs, which assume that models output class-categorical predictions, whereas regression models typically output only single scalar values. To enable TTA for regression, we adopt a feature alignment approach, which aligns the feature distributions between the source and target domains to mitigate the domain gap. However, we found that naive feature alignment employed in existing TTA methods for classification is ineffective or even worse for regression because the features are distributed in a small subspace and many of the raw feature dimensions have little significance to the output. For an effective feature alignment in TTA for regression, we propose Significant-subspace Alignment (SSA). SSA consists of two components: subspace detection and dimension weighting. Subspace detection finds the feature subspace that is representative and significant to the output. Then, the feature alignment is performed in the subspace during TTA. Meanwhile, dimension weighting raises the importance of the dimensions of the feature subspace that have greater significance to the output. We experimentally show that SSA outperforms various baselines on real-world datasets.
Abstract:Recent concept-based interpretable models have succeeded in providing meaningful explanations by pre-defined concept sets. However, the dependency on the pre-defined concepts restricts the application because of the limited number of concepts for explanations. This paper proposes a novel interpretable deep neural network called explanation bottleneck models (XBMs). XBMs generate a text explanation from the input without pre-defined concepts and then predict a final task prediction based on the generated explanation by leveraging pre-trained vision-language encoder-decoder models. To achieve both the target task performance and the explanation quality, we train XBMs through the target task loss with the regularization penalizing the explanation decoder via the distillation from the frozen pre-trained decoder. Our experiments, including a comparison to state-of-the-art concept bottleneck models, confirm that XBMs provide accurate and fluent natural language explanations without pre-defined concept sets. Code will be available at https://github.com/yshinya6/xbm/.
Abstract:This study investigates a method to evaluate time-series datasets in terms of the performance of deep neural networks (DNNs) with state space models (deep SSMs) trained on the dataset. SSMs have attracted attention as components inside DNNs to address time-series data. Since deep SSMs have powerful representation capacities, training datasets play a crucial role in solving a new task. However, the effectiveness of training datasets cannot be known until deep SSMs are actually trained on them. This can increase the cost of data collection for new tasks, as a trial-and-error process of data collection and time-consuming training are needed to achieve the necessary performance. To advance the practical use of deep SSMs, the metric of datasets to estimate the performance early in the training can be one key element. To this end, we introduce the concept of data evaluation methods used in system identification. In system identification of linear dynamical systems, the effectiveness of datasets is evaluated by using the spectrum of input signals. We introduce this concept to deep SSMs, which are nonlinear dynamical systems. We propose the K-spectral metric, which is the sum of the top-K spectra of signals inside deep SSMs, by focusing on the fact that each layer of a deep SSM can be regarded as a linear dynamical system. Our experiments show that the K-spectral metric has a large absolute value of the correlation coefficient with the performance and can be used to evaluate the quality of training datasets.
Abstract:Deep neural networks have achieved remarkable success in a variety of computer vision applications. However, there is a problem of degrading accuracy when the data distribution shifts between training and testing. As a solution of this problem, Test-time Adaptation~(TTA) has been well studied because of its practicality. Although TTA methods increase accuracy under distribution shift by updating the model at test time, using high-uncertainty predictions is known to degrade accuracy. Since the input image is the root of the distribution shift, we incorporate a new perspective on enhancing the input image into TTA methods to reduce the prediction's uncertainty. We hypothesize that enhancing the input image reduces prediction's uncertainty and increase the accuracy of TTA methods. On the basis of our hypothesis, we propose a novel method: Test-time Enhancer and Classifier Adaptation~(TECA). In TECA, the classification model is combined with the image enhancement model that transforms input images into recognition-friendly ones, and these models are updated by existing TTA methods. Furthermore, we found that the prediction from the enhanced image does not always have lower uncertainty than the prediction from the original image. Thus, we propose logit switching, which compares the uncertainty measure of these predictions and outputs the lower one. In our experiments, we evaluate TECA with various TTA methods and show that TECA reduces prediction's uncertainty and increases accuracy of TTA methods despite having no hyperparameters and little parameter overhead.
Abstract:Person re-identification (re-id), which aims to retrieve images of the same person in a given image from a database, is one of the most practical image recognition applications. In the real world, however, the environments that the images are taken from change over time. This causes a distribution shift between training and testing and degrades the performance of re-id. To maintain re-id performance, models should continue adapting to the test environment's temporal changes. Test-time adaptation (TTA), which aims to adapt models to the test environment with only unlabeled test data, is a promising way to handle this problem because TTA can adapt models instantly in the test environment. However, the previous TTA methods are designed for classification and cannot be directly applied to re-id. This is because the set of people's identities in the dataset differs between training and testing in re-id, whereas the set of classes is fixed in the current TTA methods designed for classification. To improve re-id performance in changing test environments, we propose TEst-time similarity Modification for Person re-identification (TEMP), a novel TTA method for re-id. TEMP is the first fully TTA method for re-id, which does not require any modification to pre-training. Inspired by TTA methods that refine the prediction uncertainty in classification, we aim to refine the uncertainty in re-id. However, the uncertainty cannot be computed in the same way as classification in re-id since it is an open-set task, which does not share person labels between training and testing. Hence, we propose re-id entropy, an alternative uncertainty measure for re-id computed based on the similarity between the feature vectors. Experiments show that the re-id entropy can measure the uncertainty on re-id and TEMP improves the performance of re-id in online settings where the distribution changes over time.
Abstract:While fine-tuning is a de facto standard method for training deep neural networks, it still suffers from overfitting when using small target datasets. Previous methods improve fine-tuning performance by maintaining knowledge of the source datasets or introducing regularization terms such as contrastive loss. However, these methods require auxiliary source information (e.g., source labels or datasets) or heavy additional computations. In this paper, we propose a simple method called adaptive random feature regularization (AdaRand). AdaRand helps the feature extractors of training models to adaptively change the distribution of feature vectors for downstream classification tasks without auxiliary source information and with reasonable computation costs. To this end, AdaRand minimizes the gap between feature vectors and random reference vectors that are sampled from class conditional Gaussian distributions. Furthermore, AdaRand dynamically updates the conditional distribution to follow the currently updated feature extractors and balance the distance between classes in feature spaces. Our experiments show that AdaRand outperforms the other fine-tuning regularization, which requires auxiliary source information and heavy computation costs.
Abstract:Synthetic samples from diffusion models are promising for leveraging in training discriminative models as replications of real training datasets. However, we found that the synthetic datasets degrade classification performance over real datasets even when using state-of-the-art diffusion models. This means that modern diffusion models do not perfectly represent the data distribution for the purpose of replicating datasets for training discriminative tasks. This paper investigates the gap between synthetic and real samples by analyzing the synthetic samples reconstructed from real samples through the diffusion and reverse process. By varying the time steps starting the reverse process in the reconstruction, we can control the trade-off between the information in the original real data and the information added by diffusion models. Through assessing the reconstructed samples and trained models, we found that the synthetic data are concentrated in modes of the training data distribution as the reverse step increases, and thus, they are difficult to cover the outer edges of the distribution. Our findings imply that modern diffusion models are insufficient to replicate training data distribution perfectly, and there is room for the improvement of generative modeling in the replication of training datasets.
Abstract:Semi-supervised learning (SSL) is a promising approach for training deep classification models using labeled and unlabeled datasets. However, existing SSL methods rely on a large unlabeled dataset, which may not always be available in many real-world applications due to legal constraints (e.g., GDPR). In this paper, we investigate the research question: Can we train SSL models without real unlabeled datasets? Instead of using real unlabeled datasets, we propose an SSL method using synthetic datasets generated from generative foundation models trained on datasets containing millions of samples in diverse domains (e.g., ImageNet). Our main concepts are identifying synthetic samples that emulate unlabeled samples from generative foundation models and training classifiers using these synthetic samples. To achieve this, our method is formulated as an alternating optimization problem: (i) meta-learning of generative foundation models and (ii) SSL of classifiers using real labeled and synthetic unlabeled samples. For (i), we propose a meta-learning objective that optimizes latent variables to generate samples that resemble real labeled samples and minimize the validation loss. For (ii), we propose a simple unsupervised loss function that regularizes the feature extractors of classifiers to maximize the performance improvement obtained from synthetic samples. We confirm that our method outperforms baselines using generative foundation models on SSL. We also demonstrate that our methods outperform SSL using real unlabeled datasets in scenarios with extremely small amounts of labeled datasets. This suggests that synthetic samples have the potential to provide improvement gains more efficiently than real unlabeled data.
Abstract:This paper addresses the tradeoff between standard accuracy on clean examples and robustness against adversarial examples in deep neural networks (DNNs). Although adversarial training (AT) improves robustness, it degrades the standard accuracy, thus yielding the tradeoff. To mitigate this tradeoff, we propose a novel AT method called ARREST, which comprises three components: (i) adversarial finetuning (AFT), (ii) representation-guided knowledge distillation (RGKD), and (iii) noisy replay (NR). AFT trains a DNN on adversarial examples by initializing its parameters with a DNN that is standardly pretrained on clean examples. RGKD and NR respectively entail a regularization term and an algorithm to preserve latent representations of clean examples during AFT. RGKD penalizes the distance between the representations of the standardly pretrained and AFT DNNs. NR switches input adversarial examples to nonadversarial ones when the representation changes significantly during AFT. By combining these components, ARREST achieves both high standard accuracy and robustness. Experimental results demonstrate that ARREST mitigates the tradeoff more effectively than previous AT-based methods do.