Abstract:Prefracture method is a practical implementation for real-time object destruction that is hardly achievable within performance constraints, but can produce unrealistic results due to its heuristic nature. To mitigate it, we approach the clustering of prefractured mesh generation as an unordered segmentation on point cloud data, and propose leveraging the deep neural network trained on a physics-based dataset. Our novel paradigm successfully predicts the structural weakness of object that have been limited, exhibiting ready-to-use results with remarkable quality.
Abstract:Variational autoencoder (VAE) is an established generative model but is notorious for its blurriness. In this work, we investigate the blurry output problem of VAE and resolve it, exploiting the variance of Gaussian decoder and $\beta$ of beta-VAE. Specifically, we reveal that the indistinguishability of decoder variance and $\beta$ hinders appropriate analysis of the model by random likelihood value, and limits performance improvement by omitting the gain from $\beta$. To address the problem, we propose Beta-Sigma VAE (BS-VAE) that explicitly separates $\beta$ and decoder variance $\sigma^2_x$ in the model. Our method demonstrates not only superior performance in natural image synthesis but also controllable parameters and predictable analysis compared to conventional VAE. In our experimental evaluation, we employ the analysis of rate-distortion curve and proxy metrics on computer vision datasets. The code is available on https://github.com/overnap/BS-VAE
Abstract:Unlike opaque object, novel view synthesis of transparent object is a challenging task, because transparent object refracts light of background causing visual distortions on the transparent object surface along the viewpoint change. Recently introduced Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF) is a view synthesis method. Thanks to its remarkable performance improvement, lots of following applications based on NeRF in various topics have been developed. However, if an object with a different refractive index is included in a scene such as transparent object, NeRF shows limited performance because refracted light ray at the surface of the transparent object is not appropriately considered. To resolve the problem, we propose a NeRF-based method consisting of the following three steps: First, we reconstruct a three-dimensional shape of a transparent object using visual hull. Second, we simulate the refraction of the rays inside of the transparent object according to Snell's law. Last, we sample points through refracted rays and put them into NeRF. Experimental evaluation results demonstrate that our method addresses the limitation of conventional NeRF with transparent objects.
Abstract:Single Image Reflection Removal (SIRR) in real-world images is a challenging task due to diverse image degradations occurring on the glass surface during light transmission and reflection. Many existing methods rely on specific prior assumptions to resolve the problem. In this paper, we propose a general reflection intensity prior that captures the intensity of the reflection phenomenon and demonstrate its effectiveness. To learn the reflection intensity prior, we introduce the Reflection Prior Extraction Network (RPEN). By segmenting images into regional patches, RPEN learns non-uniform reflection prior in an image. We propose Prior-based Reflection Removal Network (PRRN) using a simple transformer U-Net architecture that adapts reflection prior fed from RPEN. Experimental results on real-world benchmarks demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach achieving state-of-the-art accuracy in SIRR.
Abstract:Glass surfaces of transparent objects and mirrors are not able to be uniquely and explicitly characterized by their visual appearances because they contain the visual appearance of other reflected or transmitted surfaces as well. Detecting glass regions from a single-color image is a challenging task. Recent deep-learning approaches have paid attention to the description of glass surface boundary where the transition of visual appearances between glass and non-glass surfaces are observed. In this work, we analytically investigate how glass surface boundary helps to characterize glass objects. Inspired by prior semantic segmentation approaches with challenging image types such as X-ray or CT scans, we propose separated internal-external boundary attention modules that individually learn and selectively integrate visual characteristics of the inside and outside region of glass surface from a single color image. Our proposed method is evaluated on six public benchmarks comparing with state-of-the-art methods showing promising results.
Abstract:Segment Anything Model (SAM) has attracted significant attention due to its impressive zero-shot transfer performance and high versatility for numerous vision applications (like image editing with fine-grained control). Many of such applications need to be run on resource-constraint edge devices, like mobile phones. In this work, we aim to make SAM mobile-friendly by replacing the heavyweight image encoder with a lightweight one. A naive way to train such a new SAM as in the original SAM paper leads to unsatisfactory performance, especially when limited training sources are available. We find that this is mainly caused by the coupled optimization of the image encoder and mask decoder, motivated by which we propose decoupled distillation. Concretely, we distill the knowledge from the heavy image encoder (ViT-H in the original SAM) to a lightweight image encoder, which can be automatically compatible with the mask decoder in the original SAM. The training can be completed on a single GPU within less than one day, and the resulting lightweight SAM is termed MobileSAM which is more than 60 times smaller yet performs on par with the original SAM. For inference speed, With a single GPU, MobileSAM runs around 10ms per image: 8ms on the image encoder and 4ms on the mask decoder. With superior performance, our MobileSAM is around 5 times faster than the concurrent FastSAM and 7 times smaller, making it more suitable for mobile applications. Moreover, we show that MobileSAM can run relatively smoothly on CPU. The code for our project is provided at \href{https://github.com/ChaoningZhang/MobileSAM}{\textcolor{red}{MobileSAM}}), with a demo showing that MobileSAM can run relatively smoothly on CPU.
Abstract:Continual learning is a concept of online learning with multiple sequential tasks. One of the critical barriers of continual learning is that a network should learn a new task keeping the knowledge of old tasks without access to any data of the old tasks. In this paper, we propose a neuron activation importance-based regularization method for stable continual learning regardless of the order of tasks. We conduct comprehensive experiments on existing benchmark data sets to evaluate not just the stability and plasticity of our method with improved classification accuracy also the robustness of the performance along the changes of task order.
Abstract:Anomaly detection in data analysis is an interesting but still challenging research topic in real world applications. As the complexity of data dimension increases, it requires to understand the semantic contexts in its description for effective anomaly characterization. However, existing anomaly detection methods show limited performances with high dimensional data such as ImageNet. Existing studies have evaluated their performance on low dimensional, clean and well separated data set such as MNIST and CIFAR-10. In this paper, we study anomaly detection with high dimensional and complex normal data. Our observation is that, in general, anomaly data is defined by semantically explainable features which are able to be used in defining semantic sub-clusters of normal data as well. We hypothesize that if there exists reasonably good feature space semantically separating sub-clusters of given normal data, unseen anomaly also can be well distinguished in the space from the normal data. We propose to perform semantic clustering on given normal data and train a classifier to learn the discriminative feature space where anomaly detection is finally performed. Based on our careful and extensive experimental evaluations with MNIST, CIFAR-10, and ImageNet with various combinations of normal and anomaly data, we show that our anomaly detection scheme outperforms state of the art methods especially with high dimensional real world images.
Abstract:Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN) are trained to generate sample images of interest distribution. To this end, generator network of GAN learns implicit distribution of real data set from the classification with candidate generated samples. Recently, various GANs have suggested novel ideas for stable optimizing of its networks. However, in real implementation, sometimes they still represent a only narrow part of true distribution or fail to converge. We assume this ill posed problem comes from poor gradient from objective function of discriminator, which easily trap the generator in a bad situation. To address this problem, we propose a mode penalty GAN combined with pre-trained auto encoder for explicit representation of generated and real data samples in the encoded space. In this space, we make a generator manifold to follow a real manifold by finding entire modes of target distribution. In addition, penalty for uncovered modes of target distribution is given to the generator which encourages it to find overall target distribution. We demonstrate that applying the proposed method to GANs helps generator's optimization becoming more stable and having faster convergence through experimental evaluations.
Abstract:Face detection and tracking in low resolution image is not a trivial task due to the limitation in the appearance features for face characterization. Moreover, facial expression gives additional distortion on this small and noisy face. In this paper, we propose deformable symmetric Gabor wavelet network face model for face detection in low resolution image. Our model optimizes the rotation, translation, dilation, perspective and partial deformation amount of the face model with symmetry constraints. Symmetry constraints help our model to be more robust to noise and distortion. Experimental results on our low resolution face image dataset and videos show promising face detection and tracking results under various challenging conditions.