Abstract:Segment anything model (SAM) addresses two practical yet challenging segmentation tasks: \textbf{segment anything (SegAny)}, which utilizes a certain point to predict the mask for a single object of interest, and \textbf{segment everything (SegEvery)}, which predicts the masks for all objects on the image. What makes SegAny slow for SAM is its heavyweight image encoder, which has been addressed by MobileSAM via decoupled knowledge distillation. The efficiency bottleneck of SegEvery with SAM, however, lies in its mask decoder because it needs to first generate numerous masks with redundant grid-search prompts and then perform filtering to obtain the final valid masks. We propose to improve its efficiency by directly generating the final masks with only valid prompts, which can be obtained through object discovery. Our proposed approach not only helps reduce the total time on the mask decoder by at least 16 times but also achieves superior performance. Specifically, our approach yields an average performance boost of 3.6\% (42.5\% \textit{v.s.} 38.9\%) for zero-shot object proposal on the LVIS dataset with the mask AR@$K$ metric. Qualitative results show that our approach generates fine-grained masks while avoiding over-segmenting things. This project targeting faster SegEvery than the original SAM is termed MobileSAMv2 to differentiate from MobileSAM which targets faster SegAny. Moreover, we demonstrate that our new prompt sampling is also compatible with the distilled image encoders in MobileSAM, contributing to a unified framework for efficient SegAny and SegEvery. The code is available at the same link as MobileSAM Project \href{https://github.com/ChaoningZhang/MobileSAM}{\textcolor{red}{https://github.com/ChaoningZhang/MobileSAM}}. \end{abstract}
Abstract:Single Image Reflection Removal (SIRR) in real-world images is a challenging task due to diverse image degradations occurring on the glass surface during light transmission and reflection. Many existing methods rely on specific prior assumptions to resolve the problem. In this paper, we propose a general reflection intensity prior that captures the intensity of the reflection phenomenon and demonstrate its effectiveness. To learn the reflection intensity prior, we introduce the Reflection Prior Extraction Network (RPEN). By segmenting images into regional patches, RPEN learns non-uniform reflection prior in an image. We propose Prior-based Reflection Removal Network (PRRN) using a simple transformer U-Net architecture that adapts reflection prior fed from RPEN. Experimental results on real-world benchmarks demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach achieving state-of-the-art accuracy in SIRR.
Abstract:As Segment Anything Model (SAM) becomes a popular foundation model in computer vision, its adversarial robustness has become a concern that cannot be ignored. This works investigates whether it is possible to attack SAM with image-agnostic Universal Adversarial Perturbation (UAP). In other words, we seek a single perturbation that can fool the SAM to predict invalid masks for most (if not all) images. We demonstrate convetional image-centric attack framework is effective for image-independent attacks but fails for universal adversarial attack. To this end, we propose a novel perturbation-centric framework that results in a UAP generation method based on self-supervised contrastive learning (CL), where the UAP is set to the anchor sample and the positive sample is augmented from the UAP. The representations of negative samples are obtained from the image encoder in advance and saved in a memory bank. The effectiveness of our proposed CL-based UAP generation method is validated by both quantitative and qualitative results. On top of the ablation study to understand various components in our proposed method, we shed light on the roles of positive and negative samples in making the generated UAP effective for attacking SAM.
Abstract:Segment Anything Model (SAM) has attracted significant attention due to its impressive zero-shot transfer performance and high versatility for numerous vision applications (like image editing with fine-grained control). Many of such applications need to be run on resource-constraint edge devices, like mobile phones. In this work, we aim to make SAM mobile-friendly by replacing the heavyweight image encoder with a lightweight one. A naive way to train such a new SAM as in the original SAM paper leads to unsatisfactory performance, especially when limited training sources are available. We find that this is mainly caused by the coupled optimization of the image encoder and mask decoder, motivated by which we propose decoupled distillation. Concretely, we distill the knowledge from the heavy image encoder (ViT-H in the original SAM) to a lightweight image encoder, which can be automatically compatible with the mask decoder in the original SAM. The training can be completed on a single GPU within less than one day, and the resulting lightweight SAM is termed MobileSAM which is more than 60 times smaller yet performs on par with the original SAM. For inference speed, With a single GPU, MobileSAM runs around 10ms per image: 8ms on the image encoder and 4ms on the mask decoder. With superior performance, our MobileSAM is around 5 times faster than the concurrent FastSAM and 7 times smaller, making it more suitable for mobile applications. Moreover, we show that MobileSAM can run relatively smoothly on CPU. The code for our project is provided at \href{https://github.com/ChaoningZhang/MobileSAM}{\textcolor{red}{MobileSAM}}), with a demo showing that MobileSAM can run relatively smoothly on CPU.
Abstract:Glass surfaces of transparent objects and mirrors are not able to be uniquely and explicitly characterized by their visual appearances because they contain the visual appearance of other reflected or transmitted surfaces as well. Detecting glass regions from a single-color image is a challenging task. Recent deep-learning approaches have paid attention to the description of glass surface boundary where the transition of visual appearances between glass and non-glass surfaces are observed. In this work, we analytically investigate how glass surface boundary helps to characterize glass objects. Inspired by prior semantic segmentation approaches with challenging image types such as X-ray or CT scans, we propose separated internal-external boundary attention modules that individually learn and selectively integrate visual characteristics of the inside and outside region of glass surface from a single color image. Our proposed method is evaluated on six public benchmarks comparing with state-of-the-art methods showing promising results.