Abstract:In pursuit of reinforcement learning systems that could train in physical environments, we investigate multi-task approaches as a means to alleviate the need for massive data acquisition. In a tabular scenario where the Q-functions are collected across tasks, we model our learning problem as optimizing a higher order tensor structure. Recognizing that close-related tasks may require similar actions, our proposed method imposes a low-rank condition on this aggregated Q-tensor. The rationale behind this approach to multi-task learning is that the low-rank structure enforces the notion of similarity, without the need to explicitly prescribe which tasks are similar, but inferring this information from a reduced amount of data simultaneously with the stochastic optimization of the Q-tensor. The efficiency of our low-rank tensor approach to multi-task learning is demonstrated in two numerical experiments, first in a benchmark environment formed by a collection of inverted pendulums, and then into a practical scenario involving multiple wireless communication devices.
Abstract:In this work, we present an approach to minimizing the time necessary for the end-effector of a redundant robot manipulator to traverse a Cartesian path by optimizing the trajectory of its joints. Each joint has limits in the ranges of position, velocity and acceleration, the latter making jerks in joint space undesirable. The proposed approach takes this nonlinear optimization problem whose variables are path speed and joint trajectory and reformulates it into a bi-level problem. The lower-level formulation is a convex subproblem that considers a fixed joint trajectory and maximizes path speed while considering all joint velocity and acceleration constraints. Under particular conditions, this subproblem has a closed-form solution. Then, we solve a higher-level subproblem by leveraging the directional derivative of the lower-level value with respect to the joint trajectory parameters. In particular, we use this direction to implement a Primal-Dual method that considers the path accuracy and joint position constraints. We show the efficacy of our proposed approach with simulations and experimental results.
Abstract:Electricity grid's resiliency and climate change strongly impact one another due to an array of technical and policy-related decisions that impact both. This paper introduces a physics-informed machine learning-based framework to enhance grid's resiliency. Specifically, when encountering disruptive events, this paper designs remedial control actions to prevent blackouts. The proposed Physics-Guided Reinforcement Learning (PG-RL) framework determines effective real-time remedial line-switching actions, considering their impact on power balance, system security, and grid reliability. To identify an effective blackout mitigation policy, PG-RL leverages power-flow sensitivity factors to guide the RL exploration during agent training. Comprehensive evaluations using the Grid2Op platform demonstrate that incorporating physical signals into RL significantly improves resource utilization within electric grids and achieves better blackout mitigation policies - both of which are critical in addressing climate change.
Abstract:Pretrained foundation models have exhibited extraordinary in-context learning performance, allowing zero-shot generalization to new tasks not encountered during the pretraining. In the case of RL, in-context RL (ICRL) emerges when pretraining FMs on decision-making problems in an autoregressive-supervised manner. Nevertheless, current state-of-the-art ICRL algorithms, such as AD, DPT and DIT, impose stringent requirements on generating the pretraining dataset concerning the behavior (source) policies, context information, and action labels, etc. Notably, these algorithms either demand optimal policies or require varying degrees of well-trained behavior policies for all environments during the generation of the pretraining dataset. This significantly hinders the application of ICRL to real-world scenarios, where acquiring optimal or well-trained policies for a substantial volume of real-world training environments can be both prohibitively intractable and expensive. To overcome this challenge, we introduce a novel approach, termed State-Action Distillation (SAD), that allows to generate a remarkable pretraining dataset guided solely by random policies. In particular, SAD selects query states and corresponding action labels by distilling the outstanding state-action pairs from the entire state and action spaces by using random policies within a trust horizon, and then inherits the classical autoregressive-supervised mechanism during the pretraining. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work that enables promising ICRL under (e.g., uniform) random policies and random contexts. We establish theoretical analyses regarding the performance guarantees of SAD. Moreover, our empirical results across multiple ICRL benchmark environments demonstrate that, on average, SAD outperforms the best baseline by 180.86% in the offline evaluation and by 172.8% in the online evaluation.
Abstract:This work considers the problem of transfer learning in the context of reinforcement learning. Specifically, we consider training a policy in a reduced order system and deploying it in the full state system. The motivation for this training strategy is that running simulations in the full-state system may take excessive time if the dynamics are complex. While transfer learning alleviates the computational issue, the transfer guarantees depend on the discrepancy between the two systems. In this work, we consider a class of cascade dynamical systems, where the dynamics of a subset of the state-space influence the rest of the states but not vice-versa. The reinforcement learning policy learns in a model that ignores the dynamics of these states and treats them as commanded inputs. In the full-state system, these dynamics are handled using a classic controller (e.g., a PID). These systems have vast applications in the control literature and their structure allows us to provide transfer guarantees that depend on the stability of the inner loop controller. Numerical experiments on a quadrotor support the theoretical findings.
Abstract:Offline reinforcement learning (RL) learns effective policies from a static target dataset. Despite state-of-the-art (SOTA) offline RL algorithms being promising, they highly rely on the quality of the target dataset. The performance of SOTA algorithms can degrade in scenarios with limited samples in the target dataset, which is often the case in real-world applications. To address this issue, domain adaptation that leverages auxiliary samples from related source datasets (such as simulators) can be beneficial. In this context, determining the optimal way to trade off the source and target datasets remains a critical challenge in offline RL. To the best of our knowledge, this paper proposes the first framework that theoretically and experimentally explores how the weight assigned to each dataset affects the performance of offline RL. We establish the performance bounds and convergence neighborhood of our framework, both of which depend on the selection of the weight. Furthermore, we identify the existence of an optimal weight for balancing the two datasets. All theoretical guarantees and optimal weight depend on the quality of the source dataset and the size of the target dataset. Our empirical results on the well-known Procgen Benchmark substantiate our theoretical contributions.
Abstract:We devise a control-theoretic reinforcement learning approach to support direct learning of the optimal policy. We establish theoretical properties of our approach and derive an algorithm based on a specific instance of this approach. Our empirical results demonstrate the significant benefits of our approach.
Abstract:We address the conflicting requirements of a multi-agent assignment problem through constrained reinforcement learning, emphasizing the inadequacy of standard regularization techniques for this purpose. Instead, we recur to a state augmentation approach in which the oscillation of dual variables is exploited by agents to alternate between tasks. In addition, we coordinate the actions of the multiple agents acting on their local states through these multipliers, which are gossiped through a communication network, eliminating the need to access other agent states. By these means, we propose a distributed multi-agent assignment protocol with theoretical feasibility guarantees that we corroborate in a monitoring numerical experiment.
Abstract:Industrial robotic applications such as spraying, welding, and additive manufacturing frequently require fast, accurate, and uniform motion along a 3D spatial curve. To increase process throughput, some manufacturers propose a dual-robot setup to overcome the speed limitation of a single robot. Industrial robot motion is programmed through waypoints connected by motion primitives (Cartesian linear and circular paths and linear joint paths at constant Cartesian speed). The actual robot motion is affected by the blending between these motion primitives and the pose of the robot (an outstretched/close to singularity pose tends to have larger path-tracking errors). Choosing the waypoints and the speed along each motion segment to achieve the performance requirement is challenging. At present, there is no automated solution, and laborious manual tuning by robot experts is needed to approach the desired performance. In this paper, we present a systematic three-step approach to designing and programming a dual-robot system to optimize system performance. The first step is to select the relative placement between the two robots based on the specified relative motion path. The second step is to select the relative waypoints and the motion primitives. The final step is to update the waypoints iteratively based on the actual relative motion. Waypoint iteration is first executed in simulation and then completed using the actual robots. For performance measures, we use the mean path speed subject to the relative position and orientation constraints and the path speed uniformity constraint. We have demonstrated the effectiveness of this method with ABB and FANUC robots on two challenging test curves. The performance improvement over the current industrial practice baseline is over 300%. Compared to the optimized single-arm case that we have previously reported, the improvement is over 14%.
Abstract:Primal-dual methods have a natural application in Safe Reinforcement Learning (SRL), posed as a constrained policy optimization problem. In practice however, applying primal-dual methods to SRL is challenging, due to the inter-dependency of the learning rate (LR) and Lagrangian multipliers (dual variables) each time an embedded unconstrained RL problem is solved. In this paper, we propose, analyze and evaluate adaptive primal-dual (APD) methods for SRL, where two adaptive LRs are adjusted to the Lagrangian multipliers so as to optimize the policy in each iteration. We theoretically establish the convergence, optimality and feasibility of the APD algorithm. Finally, we conduct numerical evaluation of the practical APD algorithm with four well-known environments in Bullet-Safey-Gym employing two state-of-the-art SRL algorithms: PPO-Lagrangian and DDPG-Lagrangian. All experiments show that the practical APD algorithm outperforms (or achieves comparable performance) and attains more stable training than the constant LR cases. Additionally, we substantiate the robustness of selecting the two adaptive LRs by empirical evidence.