Abstract:Misinformation can be countered with fact-checking, but the process is costly and slow. Identifying checkworthy claims is the first step, where automation can help scale fact-checkers' efforts. However, detection methods struggle with content that is 1) multimodal, 2) from diverse domains, and 3) synthetic. We introduce HintsOfTruth, a public dataset for multimodal checkworthiness detection with $27$K real-world and synthetic image/claim pairs. The mix of real and synthetic data makes this dataset unique and ideal for benchmarking detection methods. We compare fine-tuned and prompted Large Language Models (LLMs). We find that well-configured lightweight text-based encoders perform comparably to multimodal models but the first only focus on identifying non-claim-like content. Multimodal LLMs can be more accurate but come at a significant computational cost, making them impractical for large-scale applications. When faced with synthetic data, multimodal models perform more robustly
Abstract:The task of deepfakes detection is far from being solved by speech or vision researchers. Several publicly available databases of fake synthetic video and speech were built to aid the development of detection methods. However, existing databases typically focus on visual or voice modalities and provide no proof that their deepfakes can in fact impersonate any real person. In this paper, we present the first realistic audio-visual database of deepfakes SWAN-DF, where lips and speech are well synchronized and video have high visual and audio qualities. We took the publicly available SWAN dataset of real videos with different identities to create audio-visual deepfakes using several models from DeepFaceLab and blending techniques for face swapping and HiFiVC, DiffVC, YourTTS, and FreeVC models for voice conversion. From the publicly available speech dataset LibriTTS, we also created a separate database of only audio deepfakes LibriTTS-DF using several latest text to speech methods: YourTTS, Adaspeech, and TorToiSe. We demonstrate the vulnerability of a state of the art speaker recognition system, such as ECAPA-TDNN-based model from SpeechBrain, to the synthetic voices. Similarly, we tested face recognition system based on the MobileFaceNet architecture to several variants of our visual deepfakes. The vulnerability assessment show that by tuning the existing pretrained deepfake models to specific identities, one can successfully spoof the face and speaker recognition systems in more than 90% of the time and achieve a very realistic looking and sounding fake video of a given person.
Abstract:Morphing attacks are a threat to biometric systems where the biometric reference in an identity document can be altered. This form of attack presents an important issue in applications relying on identity documents such as border security or access control. Research in generation of face morphs and their detection is developing rapidly, however very few datasets with morphing attacks and open-source detection toolkits are publicly available. This paper bridges this gap by providing two datasets and the corresponding code for four types of morphing attacks: two that rely on facial landmarks based on OpenCV and FaceMorpher, and two that use StyleGAN 2 to generate synthetic morphs. We also conduct extensive experiments to assess the vulnerability of four state-of-the-art face recognition systems, including FaceNet, VGG-Face, ArcFace, and ISV. Surprisingly, the experiments demonstrate that, although visually more appealing, morphs based on StyleGAN 2 do not pose a significant threat to the state to face recognition systems, as these morphs were outmatched by the simple morphs that are based facial landmarks.
Abstract:Morphing attacks is a threat to biometric systems where the biometric reference in an identity document can be altered. This form of attack presents an important issue in applications relying on identity documents such as border security or access control. Research in face morphing attack detection is developing rapidly, however very few datasets with several forms of attacks are publicly available. This paper bridges this gap by providing a new dataset with four different types of morphing attacks, based on OpenCV, FaceMorpher, WebMorph and a generative adversarial network (StyleGAN), generated with original face images from three public face datasets. We also conduct extensive experiments to assess the vulnerability of the state-of-the-art face recognition systems, notably FaceNet, VGG-Face, and ArcFace. The experiments demonstrate that VGG-Face, while being less accurate face recognition system compared to FaceNet, is also less vulnerable to morphing attacks. Also, we observed that na\"ive morphs generated with a StyleGAN do not pose a significant threat.
Abstract:Deepfake videos, where a person's face is automatically swapped with a face of someone else, are becoming easier to generate with more realistic results. In response to the threat such manipulations can pose to our trust in video evidence, several large datasets of deepfake videos and many methods to detect them were proposed recently. However, it is still unclear how realistic deepfake videos are for an average person and whether the algorithms are significantly better than humans at detecting them. In this paper, we present a subjective study conducted in a crowdsourcing-like scenario, which systematically evaluates how hard it is for humans to see if the video is deepfake or not. For the evaluation, we used 120 different videos (60 deepfakes and 60 originals) manually pre-selected from the Facebook deepfake database, which was provided in the Kaggle's Deepfake Detection Challenge 2020. For each video, a simple question: "Is face of the person in the video real of fake?" was answered on average by 19 na\"ive subjects. The results of the subjective evaluation were compared with the performance of two different state of the art deepfake detection methods, based on Xception and EfficientNets (B4 variant) neural networks, which were pre-trained on two other large public databases: the Google's subset from FaceForensics++ and the recent Celeb-DF dataset. The evaluation demonstrates that while the human perception is very different from the perception of a machine, both successfully but in different ways are fooled by deepfakes. Specifically, algorithms struggle to detect those deepfake videos, which human subjects found to be very easy to spot.
Abstract:This paper describes the speaker diarization systems developed for the Second DIHARD Speech Diarization Challenge (DIHARD II) by the Speed team. Besides describing the system, which considerably outperformed the challenge baselines, we also focus on the lessons learned from numerous approaches that we tried for single and multi-channel systems. We present several components of our diarization system, including categorization of domains, speech enhancement, speech activity detection, speaker embeddings, clustering methods, resegmentation, and system fusion. We analyze and discuss the effect of each such component on the overall diarization performance within the realistic settings of the challenge.
Abstract:It is increasingly easy to automatically swap faces in images and video or morph two faces into one using generative adversarial networks (GANs). The high quality of the resulted deep-morph raises the question of how vulnerable the current face recognition systems are to such fake images and videos. It also calls for automated ways to detect these GAN-generated faces. In this paper, we present the publicly available dataset of the Deepfake videos with faces morphed with a GAN-based algorithm. To generate these videos, we used open source software based on GANs, and we emphasize that training and blending parameters can significantly impact the quality of the resulted videos. We show that the state of the art face recognition systems based on VGG and Facenet neural networks are vulnerable to the deep morph videos, with 85.62 and 95.00 false acceptance rates, respectively, which means methods for detecting these videos are necessary. We consider several baseline approaches for detecting deep morphs and find that the method based on visual quality metrics (often used in presentation attack detection domain) leads to the best performance with 8.97 equal error rate. Our experiments demonstrate that GAN-generated deep morph videos are challenging for both face recognition systems and existing detection methods, and the further development of deep morphing technologies will make it even more so.
Abstract:It is becoming increasingly easy to automatically replace a face of one person in a video with the face of another person by using a pre-trained generative adversarial network (GAN). Recent public scandals, e.g., the faces of celebrities being swapped onto pornographic videos, call for automated ways to detect these Deepfake videos. To help developing such methods, in this paper, we present the first publicly available set of Deepfake videos generated from videos of VidTIMIT database. We used open source software based on GANs to create the Deepfakes, and we emphasize that training and blending parameters can significantly impact the quality of the resulted videos. To demonstrate this impact, we generated videos with low and high visual quality (320 videos each) using differently tuned parameter sets. We showed that the state of the art face recognition systems based on VGG and Facenet neural networks are vulnerable to Deepfake videos, with 85.62% and 95.00% false acceptance rates respectively, which means methods for detecting Deepfake videos are necessary. By considering several baseline approaches, we found that audio-visual approach based on lip-sync inconsistency detection was not able to distinguish Deepfake videos. The best performing method, which is based on visual quality metrics and is often used in presentation attack detection domain, resulted in 8.97% equal error rate on high quality Deepfakes. Our experiments demonstrate that GAN-generated Deepfake videos are challenging for both face recognition systems and existing detection methods, and the further development of face swapping technology will make it even more so.