Abstract:Language Modelling has been a central part of Natural Language Processing for a very long time and in the past few years LSTM-based language models have been the go-to method for commercial language modeling. Recently, it has been shown that when looking at language modelling from a matrix factorization point of view, the final Softmax layer limits the expressiveness of the model, by putting an upper bound on the rank of the resulting matrix. Additionally, a new family of neural networks based called NeuralODEs, has been introduced as a continuous alternative to Residual Networks. Moreover, it has been shown that there is a connection between these models and Normalizing Flows. In this work we propose a new family of language models based on NeuralODEs and the continuous analogue of Normalizing Flows and manage to improve on some of the baselines.
Abstract:Many applications in machine learning can be framed as minimization problems and solved efficiently using gradient-based techniques. However, recent applications of generative models, particularly GANs, have triggered interest in solving min-max games for which standard optimization techniques are often not suitable. Among known problems experienced by practitioners is the lack of convergence guarantees or convergence to a non-optimum cycle. At the heart of these problems is the min-max structure of the GAN objective which creates non-trivial dependencies between the players. We propose to address this problem by optimizing a different objective that circumvents the min-max structure using the notion of duality gap from game theory. We provide novel convergence guarantees on this objective and demonstrate why the obtained limit point solves the problem better than known techniques.
Abstract:Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) have shown great results in accurately modeling complex distributions, but their training is known to be difficult due to instabilities caused by a challenging minimax optimization problem. This is especially troublesome given the lack of an evaluation metric that can reliably detect non-convergent behaviors. We leverage the notion of duality gap from game theory in order to propose a novel convergence metric for GANs that has low computational cost. We verify the validity of the proposed metric for various test scenarios commonly used in the literature.
Abstract:Recent work has shown that state-of-the-art models are highly vulnerable to adversarial perturbations of the input. We propose cowboy, an approach to detecting and defending against adversarial attacks by using both the discriminator and generator of a GAN trained on the same dataset. We show that the discriminator consistently scores the adversarial samples lower than the real samples across multiple attacks and datasets. We provide empirical evidence that adversarial samples lie outside of the data manifold learned by the GAN. Based on this, we propose a cleaning method which uses both the discriminator and generator of the GAN to project the samples back onto the data manifold. This cleaning procedure is independent of the classifier and type of attack and thus can be deployed in existing systems.
Abstract:Advances in natural language processing tasks have gained momentum in recent years due to the increasingly popular neural network methods. In this paper, we explore deep learning techniques for answering multi-step reasoning questions that operate on semi-structured tables. Challenges here arise from the level of logical compositionality expressed by questions, as well as the domain openness. Our approach is weakly supervised, trained on question-answer-table triples without requiring intermediate strong supervision. It performs two phases: first, machine understandable logical forms (programs) are generated from natural language questions following the work of [Pasupat and Liang, 2015]. Second, paraphrases of logical forms and questions are embedded in a jointly learned vector space using word and character convolutional neural networks. A neural scoring function is further used to rank and retrieve the most probable logical form (interpretation) of a question. Our best single model achieves 34.8% accuracy on the WikiTableQuestions dataset, while the best ensemble of our models pushes the state-of-the-art score on this task to 38.7%, thus slightly surpassing both the engineered feature scoring baseline, as well as the Neural Programmer model of [Neelakantan et al., 2016].
Abstract:We consider the problem of training generative models with a Generative Adversarial Network (GAN). Although GANs can accurately model complex distributions, they are known to be difficult to train due to instabilities caused by a difficult minimax optimization problem. In this paper, we view the problem of training GANs as finding a mixed strategy in a zero-sum game. Building on ideas from online learning we propose a novel training method named Chekhov GAN 1 . On the theory side, we show that our method provably converges to an equilibrium for semi-shallow GAN architectures, i.e. architectures where the discriminator is a one layer network and the generator is arbitrary. On the practical side, we develop an efficient heuristic guided by our theoretical results, which we apply to commonly used deep GAN architectures. On several real world tasks our approach exhibits improved stability and performance compared to standard GAN training.
Abstract:We present an automatic mortality prediction scheme based on the unstructured textual content of clinical notes. Proposing a convolutional document embedding approach, our empirical investigation using the MIMIC-III intensive care database shows significant performance gains compared to previously employed methods such as latent topic distributions or generic doc2vec embeddings. These improvements are especially pronounced for the difficult problem of post-discharge mortality prediction.