IBM Research - Zurich, ETH Zurich
Abstract:Selective state-space models (SSMs) are an emerging alternative to the Transformer, offering the unique advantage of parallel training and sequential inference. Although these models have shown promising performance on a variety of tasks, their formal expressiveness and length generalization properties remain underexplored. In this work, we provide insight into the workings of selective SSMs by analyzing their expressiveness and length generalization performance on regular language tasks, i.e., finite-state automaton (FSA) emulation. We address certain limitations of modern SSM-based architectures by introducing the Selective Dense State-Space Model (SD-SSM), the first selective SSM that exhibits perfect length generalization on a set of various regular language tasks using a single layer. It utilizes a dictionary of dense transition matrices, a softmax selection mechanism that creates a convex combination of dictionary matrices at each time step, and a readout consisting of layer normalization followed by a linear map. We then proceed to evaluate variants of diagonal selective SSMs by considering their empirical performance on commutative and non-commutative automata. We explain the experimental results with theoretical considerations. Our code is available at
Abstract:This work compares large language models (LLMs) and neuro-symbolic approaches in solving Raven's progressive matrices (RPM), a visual abstract reasoning test that involves the understanding of mathematical rules such as progression or arithmetic addition. Providing the visual attributes directly as textual prompts, which assumes an oracle visual perception module, allows us to measure the model's abstract reasoning capability in isolation. Despite providing such compositionally structured representations from the oracle visual perception and advanced prompting techniques, both GPT-4 and Llama-3 70B cannot achieve perfect accuracy on the center constellation of the I-RAVEN dataset. Our analysis reveals that the root cause lies in the LLM's weakness in understanding and executing arithmetic rules. As a potential remedy, we analyze the Abductive Rule Learner with Context-awareness (ARLC), a neuro-symbolic approach that learns to reason with vector-symbolic architectures (VSAs). Here, concepts are represented with distributed vectors s.t. dot products between encoded vectors define a similarity kernel, and simple element-wise operations on the vectors perform addition/subtraction on the encoded values. We find that ARLC achieves almost perfect accuracy on the center constellation of I-RAVEN, demonstrating a high fidelity in arithmetic rules. To stress the length generalization capabilities of the models, we extend the RPM tests to larger matrices (3x10 instead of typical 3x3) and larger dynamic ranges of the attribute values (from 10 up to 1000). We find that the LLM's accuracy of solving arithmetic rules drops to sub-10%, especially as the dynamic range expands, while ARLC can maintain a high accuracy due to emulating symbolic computations on top of properly distributed representations. Our code is available at
Abstract:To efficiently factorize high-dimensional distributed representations to the constituent atomic vectors, one can exploit the compute-in-superposition capabilities of vector-symbolic architectures (VSA). Such factorizers however suffer from the phenomenon of limit cycles. Applying noise during the iterative decoding is one mechanism to address this issue. In this paper, we explore ways to further relax the noise requirement by applying noise only at the time of VSA's reconstruction codebook initialization. While the need for noise during iterations proves analog in-memory computing systems to be a natural choice as an implementation media, the adequacy of initialization noise allows digital hardware to remain equally indispensable. This broadens the implementation possibilities of factorizers. Our study finds that while the best performance shifts from initialization noise to iterative noise as the number of factors increases from 2 to 4, both extend the operational capacity by at least 50 times compared to the baseline factorizer resonator networks. Our code is available at:
Abstract:We advance the recently proposed neuro-symbolic Differentiable Tree Machine, which learns tree operations using a combination of transformers and Tensor Product Representations. We investigate the architecture and propose two key components. We first remove a series of different transformer layers that are used in every step by introducing a mixture of experts. This results in a Differentiable Tree Experts model with a constant number of parameters for any arbitrary number of steps in the computation, compared to the previous method in the Differentiable Tree Machine with a linear growth. Given this flexibility in the number of steps, we additionally propose a new termination algorithm to provide the model the power to choose how many steps to make automatically. The resulting Terminating Differentiable Tree Experts model sluggishly learns to predict the number of steps without an oracle. It can do so while maintaining the learning capabilities of the model, converging to the optimal amount of steps.
Abstract:We introduce the Abductive Rule Learner with Context-awareness (ARLC), a model that solves abstract reasoning tasks based on Learn-VRF. ARLC features a novel and more broadly applicable training objective for abductive reasoning, resulting in better interpretability and higher accuracy when solving Raven's progressive matrices (RPM). ARLC allows both programming domain knowledge and learning the rules underlying a data distribution. We evaluate ARLC on the I-RAVEN dataset, showcasing state-of-the-art accuracy across both in-distribution and out-of-distribution (unseen attribute-rule pairs) tests. ARLC surpasses neuro-symbolic and connectionist baselines, including large language models, despite having orders of magnitude fewer parameters. We show ARLC's robustness to post-programming training by incrementally learning from examples on top of programmed knowledge, which only improves its performance and does not result in catastrophic forgetting of the programmed solution. We validate ARLC's seamless transfer learning from a 2x2 RPM constellation to unseen constellations. Our code is available at
Abstract:Few-Shot Class-Incremental Learning (FSCIL) enables machine learning systems to expand their inference capabilities to new classes using only a few labeled examples, without forgetting the previously learned classes. Classical backpropagation-based learning and its variants are often unsuitable for battery-powered, memory-constrained systems at the extreme edge. In this work, we introduce Online Few-Shot Class-Incremental Learning (O-FSCIL), based on a lightweight model consisting of a pretrained and metalearned feature extractor and an expandable explicit memory storing the class prototypes. The architecture is pretrained with a novel feature orthogonality regularization and metalearned with a multi-margin loss. For learning a new class, our approach extends the explicit memory with novel class prototypes, while the remaining architecture is kept frozen. This allows learning previously unseen classes based on only a few examples with one single pass (hence online). O-FSCIL obtains an average accuracy of 68.62% on the FSCIL CIFAR100 benchmark, achieving state-of-the-art results. Tailored for ultra-low-power platforms, we implement O-FSCIL on the 60 mW GAP9 microcontroller, demonstrating online learning capabilities within just 12 mJ per new class.
Abstract:Classification based on Zero-shot Learning (ZSL) is the ability of a model to classify inputs into novel classes on which the model has not previously seen any training examples. Providing an auxiliary descriptor in the form of a set of attributes describing the new classes involved in the ZSL-based classification is one of the favored approaches to solving this challenging task. In this work, inspired by Hyperdimensional Computing (HDC), we propose the use of stationary binary codebooks of symbol-like distributed representations inside an attribute encoder to compactly represent a computationally simple end-to-end trainable model, which we name Hyperdimensional Computing Zero-shot Classifier~(HDC-ZSC). It consists of a trainable image encoder, an attribute encoder based on HDC, and a similarity kernel. We show that HDC-ZSC can be used to first perform zero-shot attribute extraction tasks and, can later be repurposed for Zero-shot Classification tasks with minimal architectural changes and minimal model retraining. HDC-ZSC achieves Pareto optimal results with a 63.8% top-1 classification accuracy on the CUB-200 dataset by having only 26.6 million trainable parameters. Compared to two other state-of-the-art non-generative approaches, HDC-ZSC achieves 4.3% and 9.9% better accuracy, while they require more than 1.85x and 1.72x parameters compared to HDC-ZSC, respectively.
Abstract:Abstract reasoning is a cornerstone of human intelligence, and replicating it with artificial intelligence (AI) presents an ongoing challenge. This study focuses on efficiently solving Raven's progressive matrices (RPM), a visual test for assessing abstract reasoning abilities, by using distributed computation and operators provided by vector-symbolic architectures (VSA). Instead of hard-coding the rule formulations associated with RPMs, our approach can learn the VSA rule formulations (hence the name Learn-VRF) with just one pass through the training data. Yet, our approach, with compact parameters, remains transparent and interpretable. Learn-VRF yields accurate predictions on I-RAVEN's in-distribution data, and exhibits strong out-of-distribution capabilities concerning unseen attribute-rule pairs, significantly outperforming pure connectionist baselines including large language models. Our code is available at
Abstract:MEGA is a recent transformer-based architecture, which utilizes a linear recurrent operator whose parallel computation, based on the FFT, scales as $O(LlogL)$, with $L$ being the sequence length. We build upon their approach by replacing the linear recurrence with a special temporal convolutional network which permits larger receptive field size with shallower networks, and reduces the computational complexity to $O(L)$. The resulting model is called TCNCA, a Temporal Convolutional Network with Chunked Attention. We evaluate TCNCA on EnWik8 language modeling, long-range-arena (LRA) sequence classification, as well as a synthetic reasoning benchmark associative recall. On EnWik8, TCNCA outperforms MEGA, reaching a lower loss with $1.37\times$/$1.24\times$ faster forward/backward pass during training. The dilated convolutions used in TCNCA are consistently and significantly faster operations than the FFT-based parallelized recurrence in GPUs, making them a scalable candidate for handling very large sequence lengths: they are up to $7.07\times$/$2.86\times$ faster in the forward/backward pass for sequences up to 131k. Further on LRA, TCNCA achieves, on average, $1.28\times$ speed-up during inference with similar accuracy to what MEGA achieves. On associative recall, we find that even a simplified version of TCNCA, without excessive multiplicative and additive interactions, remains superior or competitive to MEGA on a range of sequence lengths and vocabulary sizes.
Abstract:With the advent of deep learning, progressively larger neural networks have been designed to solve complex tasks. We take advantage of these capacity-rich models to lower the cost of inference by exploiting computation in superposition. To reduce the computational burden per input, we propose Multiple-Input-Multiple-Output Neural Networks (MIMONets) capable of handling many inputs at once. MIMONets augment various deep neural network architectures with variable binding mechanisms to represent an arbitrary number of inputs in a compositional data structure via fixed-width distributed representations. Accordingly, MIMONets adapt nonlinear neural transformations to process the data structure holistically, leading to a speedup nearly proportional to the number of superposed input items in the data structure. After processing in superposition, an unbinding mechanism recovers each transformed input of interest. MIMONets also provide a dynamic trade-off between accuracy and throughput by an instantaneous on-demand switching between a set of accuracy-throughput operating points, yet within a single set of fixed parameters. We apply the concept of MIMONets to both CNN and Transformer architectures resulting in MIMOConv and MIMOFormer, respectively. Empirical evaluations show that MIMOConv achieves about 2-4 x speedup at an accuracy delta within [+0.68, -3.18]% compared to WideResNet CNNs on CIFAR10 and CIFAR100. Similarly, MIMOFormer can handle 2-4 inputs at once while maintaining a high average accuracy within a [-1.07, -3.43]% delta on the long range arena benchmark. Finally, we provide mathematical bounds on the interference between superposition channels in MIMOFormer. Our code is available at