University of Wisconsin - Madison
Abstract:End-effector trajectory tracking algorithms find joint motions that drive robot manipulators to track reference trajectories. In practical scenarios, anytime algorithms are preferred for their ability to quickly generate initial motions and continuously refine them over time. In this paper, we present an algorithmic framework that adapts common graph-based trajectory tracking algorithms to be anytime and enhances their efficiency and effectiveness. Our key insight is to identify guide paths that approximately track the reference trajectory and strategically bias sampling toward the guide paths. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed framework by restructuring two existing graph-based trajectory tracking algorithms and evaluating the updated algorithms in three experiments.
Abstract:We present a method for augmenting a Large Language Model (LLM) with a combination of text and visual data to enable accurate question answering in visualization of scientific data, making conversational visualization possible. LLMs struggle with tasks like visual data interaction, as they lack contextual visual information. We address this problem by merging a text description of a visualization and dataset with snapshots of the visualization. We extract their essential features into a structured text file, highly compact, yet descriptive enough to appropriately augment the LLM with contextual information, without any fine-tuning. This approach can be applied to any visualization that is already finally rendered, as long as it is associated with some textual description.
Abstract:We investigate methods for determining if a planar surface contains geometric deviations (e.g., protrusions, objects, divots, or cliffs) using only an instantaneous measurement from a miniature optical time-of-flight sensor. The key to our method is to utilize the entirety of information encoded in raw time-of-flight data captured by off-the-shelf distance sensors. We provide an analysis of the problem in which we identify the key ambiguity between geometry and surface photometrics. To overcome this challenging ambiguity, we fit a Gaussian mixture model to a small dataset of planar surface measurements. This model implicitly captures the expected geometry and distribution of photometrics of the planar surface and is used to identify measurements that are likely to contain deviations. We characterize our method on a variety of surfaces and planar deviations across a range of scenarios. We find that our method utilizing raw time-of-flight data outperforms baselines which use only derived distance estimates. We build an example application in which our method enables mobile robot obstacle and cliff avoidance over a wide field-of-view.
Abstract:Visual validation of regression models in scatterplots is a common practice for assessing model quality, yet its efficacy remains unquantified. We conducted two empirical experiments to investigate individuals' ability to visually validate linear regression models (linear trends) and to examine the impact of common visualization designs on validation quality. The first experiment showed that the level of accuracy for visual estimation of slope (i.e., fitting a line to data) is higher than for visual validation of slope (i.e., accepting a shown line). Notably, we found bias toward slopes that are "too steep" in both cases. This lead to novel insights that participants naturally assessed regression with orthogonal distances between the points and the line (i.e., ODR regression) rather than the common vertical distances (OLS regression). In the second experiment, we investigated whether incorporating common designs for regression visualization (error lines, bounding boxes, and confidence intervals) would improve visual validation. Even though error lines reduced validation bias, results failed to show the desired improvements in accuracy for any design. Overall, our findings suggest caution in using visual model validation for linear trends in scatterplots.
Abstract:Roboticists compare robot motions for tasks such as parameter tuning, troubleshooting, and deciding between possible motions. However, most existing visualization tools are designed for individual motions and lack the features necessary to facilitate robot motion comparison. In this paper, we utilize a rigorous design framework to develop Motion Comparator, a web-based tool that facilitates the comprehension, comparison, and communication of robot motions. Our design process identified roboticists' needs, articulated design challenges, and provided corresponding strategies. Motion Comparator includes several key features such as multi-view coordination, quaternion visualization, time warping, and comparative designs. To demonstrate the applications of Motion Comparator, we discuss four case studies in which our tool is used for motion selection, troubleshooting, parameter tuning, and motion review.
Abstract:Text corpus exploration (TCE) spans the range of exploratory search tasks: it goes beyond simple retrieval to include item discovery and learning about the corpus and topic. Systems support TCE with tools such as similarity-based recommendations and embedding-based spatial maps. However, these tools address specific tasks; current systems lack the flexibility to support the range of tasks encountered in practice and the iterative, multiscale, workflows users employ. In this paper, we provide methods that enhance TCE tools with post hoc explanations and multiscale, comparative designs to provide flexible support for user needs. We introduce salience functions as a mechanism to provide post hoc explanations of similarity, recommendations, and spatial placement. This post hoc strategy allows our approach to complement a variety of underlying algorithms; the salience functions provide both exemplar- and feature-based explanations at scales ranging from individual documents through to the entire corpus. These explanations are incorporated into a set of views that operate at multiple scales. The views use design elements that explicitly support comparison to enable flexible integration. Together, these form an approach that provides a flexible toolset that can address a range of tasks. We demonstrate our approach in a prototype system that enables the exploration of corpora of paper abstracts and newspaper archives. Examples illustrate how our approach enables the system to flexibly support a wide range of tasks and workflows that emerge in user scenarios. A user study confirms that researchers are able to use our system to achieve a variety of tasks.
Abstract:We present a method for reconstructing 3D shape of arbitrary Lambertian objects based on measurements by miniature, energy-efficient, low-cost single-photon cameras. These cameras, operating as time resolved image sensors, illuminate the scene with a very fast pulse of diffuse light and record the shape of that pulse as it returns back from the scene at a high temporal resolution. We propose to model this image formation process, account for its non-idealities, and adapt neural rendering to reconstruct 3D geometry from a set of spatially distributed sensors with known poses. We show that our approach can successfully recover complex 3D shapes from simulated data. We further demonstrate 3D object reconstruction from real-world captures, utilizing measurements from a commodity proximity sensor. Our work draws a connection between image-based modeling and active range scanning and is a step towards 3D vision with single-photon cameras.
Abstract:Teleoperation systems map operator commands from an input device into some coordinate frame in the remote environment. This frame, which we call a control coordinate system, should be carefully chosen as it determines how operators should move to get desired robot motions. While specific choices made by individual systems have been described in prior work, a design space, i.e., an abstraction that encapsulates the range of possible options, has not been codified. In this paper, we articulate a design space of control coordinate systems, which can be defined by choosing a direction in the remote environment for each axis of the input device. Our key insight is that there is a small set of meaningful directions in the remote environment. Control coordinate systems in prior works can be organized by the alignments of their axes with these directions and new control coordinate systems can be designed by choosing from these directions. We also provide three design criteria to reason about the suitability of control coordinate systems for various scenarios. To demonstrate the utility of our design space, we use it to organize prior systems and design control coordinate systems for three scenarios that we assess through human-subject experiments. Our results highlight the promise of our design space as a conceptual tool to assist system designers to design control coordinate systems that are effective and intuitive for operators.
Abstract:Many applications require a robot to accurately track reference end-effector trajectories. Certain trajectories may not be tracked as single, continuous paths due to the robot's kinematic constraints or obstacles elsewhere in the environment. In this situation, it becomes necessary to divide the trajectory into shorter segments. Each such division introduces a reconfiguration, in which the robot deviates from the reference trajectory, repositions itself in configuration space, and then resumes task execution. The occurrence of reconfigurations should be minimized because they increase the time and energy usage. In this paper, we present IKLink, a method for finding joint motions to track reference end-effector trajectories while executing minimal reconfigurations. Our graph-based method generates a diverse set of Inverse Kinematics (IK) solutions for every waypoint on the reference trajectory and utilizes a dynamic programming algorithm to find the globally optimal motion by linking the IK solutions. We demonstrate the effectiveness of IKLink through a simulation experiment and an illustrative demonstration using a physical robot.
Abstract:Many industrial tasks-such as sanding, installing fasteners, and wire harnessing-are difficult to automate due to task complexity and variability. We instead investigate deploying robots in an assistive role for these tasks, where the robot assumes the physical task burden and the skilled worker provides both the high-level task planning and low-level feedback necessary to effectively complete the task. In this article, we describe the development of a system for flexible human-robot teaming that combines state-of-the-art methods in end-user programming and shared autonomy and its implementation in sanding applications. We demonstrate the use of the system in two types of sanding tasks, situated in aircraft manufacturing, that highlight two potential workflows within the human-robot teaming setup. We conclude by discussing challenges and opportunities in human-robot teaming identified during the development, application, and demonstration of our system.