Abstract:Cross-lingual transfer is a popular approach to increase the amount of training data for NLP tasks in a low-resource context. However, the best strategy to decide which cross-lingual data to include is unclear. Prior research often focuses on a small set of languages from a few language families and/or a single task. It is still an open question how these findings extend to a wider variety of languages and tasks. In this work, we analyze cross-lingual transfer for 266 languages from a wide variety of language families. Moreover, we include three popular NLP tasks: POS tagging, dependency parsing, and topic classification. Our findings indicate that the effect of linguistic similarity on transfer performance depends on a range of factors: the NLP task, the (mono- or multilingual) input representations, and the definition of linguistic similarity.
Abstract:Synthesizing natural head motion to accompany speech for an embodied conversational agent is necessary for providing a rich interactive experience. Most prior works assess the quality of generated head motion by comparing them against a single ground-truth using an objective metric. Yet there are many plausible head motion sequences to accompany a speech utterance. In this work, we study the variation in the perceptual quality of head motions sampled from a generative model. We show that, despite providing more diverse head motions, the generative model produces motions with varying degrees of perceptual quality. We finally show that objective metrics commonly used in previous research do not accurately reflect the perceptual quality of generated head motions. These results open an interesting avenue for future work to investigate better objective metrics that correlate with human perception of quality.
Abstract:Generating realistic lip motions to simulate speech production is key for driving natural character animations from audio. Previous research has shown that traditional metrics used to optimize and assess models for generating lip motions from speech are not a good indicator of subjective opinion of animation quality. Yet, running repetitive subjective studies for assessing the quality of animations can be time-consuming and difficult to replicate. In this work, we seek to understand the relationship between perturbed lip motion and subjective opinion of lip motion quality. Specifically, we adjust the degree of articulation for lip motion sequences and run a user-study to examine how this adjustment impacts the perceived quality of lip motion. We then train a model using the scores collected from our user-study to automatically predict the subjective quality of an animated sequence. Our results show that (1) users score lip motions with slight over-articulation the highest in terms of perceptual quality; (2) under-articulation had a more detrimental effect on perceived quality of lip motion compared to the effect of over-articulation; and (3) we can automatically estimate the subjective perceptual score for a given lip motion sequences with low error rates.