Abstract:Navigating safely in dynamic and uncertain environments is challenging due to uncertainties in perception and motion. This letter presents C2U-MPPI, a robust sampling-based Model Predictive Control (MPC) framework that addresses these challenges by leveraging the Unscented Model Predictive Path Integral (U-MPPI) control strategy with integrated probabilistic chance constraints, ensuring more reliable and efficient navigation under uncertainty. Unlike gradient-based MPC methods, our approach (i) avoids linearization of system dynamics and directly applies non-convex and nonlinear chance constraints, enabling more accurate and flexible optimization, and (ii) enhances computational efficiency by reformulating probabilistic constraints into a deterministic form and employing a layered dynamic obstacle representation, enabling real-time handling of multiple obstacles. Extensive experiments in simulated and real-world human-shared environments validate the effectiveness of our algorithm against baseline methods, showcasing its capability to generate feasible trajectories and control inputs that adhere to system dynamics and constraints in dynamic settings, enabled by unscented-based sampling strategy and risk-sensitive trajectory evaluation. A supplementary video is available at: https://youtu.be/FptAhvJlQm8
Abstract:Model-free reinforcement learning has emerged as a powerful method for developing robust robot control policies capable of navigating through complex and unstructured terrains. The effectiveness of these methods hinges on two essential elements: (1) the use of massively parallel physics simulations to expedite policy training, and (2) an environment generator tasked with crafting sufficiently challenging yet attainable terrains to facilitate continuous policy improvement. Existing methods of environment generation often rely on heuristics constrained by a set of parameters, limiting the diversity and realism. In this work, we introduce the Adaptive Diffusion Terrain Generator (ADTG), a novel method that leverages Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models to dynamically expand existing training environments by adding more diverse and complex terrains adaptive to the current policy. ADTG guides the diffusion model's generation process through initial noise optimization, blending noise-corrupted terrains from existing training environments weighted by the policy's performance in each corresponding environment. By manipulating the noise corruption level, ADTG seamlessly transitions between generating similar terrains for policy fine-tuning and novel ones to expand training diversity. Our experiments show that the policy trained by ADTG outperforms both procedural generated and natural environments, along with popular navigation methods.
Abstract:Bounded rational agents often make decisions by evaluating a finite selection of choices, typically derived from a reference point termed the $`$default policy,' based on previous experience. However, the inherent rigidity of the static default policy presents significant challenges for agents when operating in unknown environment, that are not included in agent's prior knowledge. In this work, we introduce a context-generative default policy that leverages the region observed by the robot to predict unobserved part of the environment, thereby enabling the robot to adaptively adjust its default policy based on both the actual observed map and the $\textit{imagined}$ unobserved map. Furthermore, the adaptive nature of the bounded rationality framework enables the robot to manage unreliable or incorrect imaginations by selectively sampling a few trajectories in the vicinity of the default policy. Our approach utilizes a diffusion model for map prediction and a sampling-based planning with B-spline trajectory optimization to generate the default policy. Extensive evaluations reveal that the context-generative policy outperforms the baseline methods in identifying and avoiding unseen obstacles. Additionally, real-world experiments conducted with the Crazyflie drones demonstrate the adaptability of our proposed method, even when acting in environments outside the domain of the training distribution.
Abstract:Autonomous navigation in unknown environments is challenging and demands the consideration of both geometric and semantic information in order to parse the navigability of the environment. In this work, we propose a novel space modeling framework, Visual-Geometry Sparse Gaussian Process (VG-SGP), that simultaneously considers semantics and geometry of the scene. Our proposed approach can overcome the limitation of visual planners that fail to recognize geometry associated with the semantic and the geometric planners that completely overlook the semantic information which is very critical in real-world navigation. The proposed method leverages dual Sparse Gaussian Processes in an integrated manner; the first is trained to forecast geometrically navigable spaces while the second predicts the semantically navigable areas. This integrated model is able to pinpoint the overlapping (geometric and semantic) navigable space. The simulation and real-world experiments demonstrate that the ability of the proposed VG-SGP model, coupled with our innovative navigation strategy, outperforms models solely reliant on visual or geometric navigation algorithms, highlighting a superior adaptive behavior.
Abstract:Gaussian Process (GP) models are widely used for Robotic Information Gathering (RIG) in exploring unknown environments due to their ability to model complex phenomena with non-parametric flexibility and accurately quantify prediction uncertainty. Previous work has developed informative planners and adaptive GP models to enhance the data efficiency of RIG by improving the robot's sampling strategy to focus on informative regions in non-stationary environments. However, computational efficiency becomes a bottleneck when using GP models in large-scale environments with limited computational resources. We propose a framework -- Probabilistic Online Attentive Mapping (POAM) -- that leverages the modeling strengths of the non-stationary Attentive Kernel while achieving constant-time computational complexity for online decision-making. POAM guides the optimization process via variational Expectation Maximization, providing constant-time update rules for inducing inputs, variational parameters, and hyperparameters. Extensive experiments in active bathymetric mapping tasks demonstrate that POAM significantly improves computational efficiency, model accuracy, and uncertainty quantification capability compared to existing online sparse GP models.
Abstract:Efficient navigation through uneven terrain remains a challenging endeavor for autonomous robots. We propose a new geometric-based uneven terrain mapless navigation framework combining a Sparse Gaussian Process (SGP) local map with a Rapidly-Exploring Random Tree* (RRT*) planner. Our approach begins with the generation of a high-resolution SGP local map, providing an interpolated representation of the robot's immediate environment. This map captures crucial environmental variations, including height, uncertainties, and slope characteristics. Subsequently, we construct a traversability map based on the SGP representation to guide our planning process. The RRT* planner efficiently generates real-time navigation paths, avoiding untraversable terrain in pursuit of the goal. This combination of SGP-based terrain interpretation and RRT* planning enables ground robots to safely navigate environments with varying elevations and steep obstacles. We evaluate the performance of our proposed approach through robust simulation testing, highlighting its effectiveness in achieving safe and efficient navigation compared to existing methods.
Abstract:Navigation safety is critical for many autonomous systems such as self-driving vehicles in an urban environment. It requires an explicit consideration of boundary constraints that describe the borders of any infeasible, non-navigable, or unsafe regions. We propose a principled boundary-aware safe stochastic planning framework with promising results. Our method generates a value function that can strictly distinguish the state values between free (safe) and non-navigable (boundary) spaces in the continuous state, naturally leading to a safe boundary-aware policy. At the core of our solution lies a seamless integration of finite elements and kernel-based functions, where the finite elements allow us to characterize safety-critical states' borders accurately, and the kernel-based function speeds up computation for the non-safety-critical states. The proposed method was evaluated through extensive simulations and demonstrated safe navigation behaviors in mobile navigation tasks. Additionally, we demonstrate that our approach can maneuver safely and efficiently in cluttered real-world environments using a ground vehicle with strong external disturbances, such as navigating on a slippery floor and against external human intervention.
Abstract:We propose a new method for autonomous navigation in uneven terrains by utilizing a sparse Gaussian Process (SGP) based local perception model. The SGP local perception model is trained on local ranging observation (pointcloud) to learn the terrain elevation profile and extract the feasible navigation subgoals around the robot. Subsequently, a cost function, which prioritizes the safety of the robot in terms of keeping the robot's roll and pitch angles bounded within a specified range, is used to select a safety-aware subgoal that leads the robot to its final destination. The algorithm is designed to run in real-time and is intensively evaluated in simulation and real world experiments. The results compellingly demonstrate that our proposed algorithm consistently navigates uneven terrains with high efficiency and surpasses the performance of other planners. The code and video can be found here: https://rb.gy/3ov2r8
Abstract:Identifying spatially complete planar primitives from visual data is a crucial task in computer vision. Prior methods are largely restricted to either 2D segment recovery or simplifying 3D structures, even with extensive plane annotations. We present PlanarNeRF, a novel framework capable of detecting dense 3D planes through online learning. Drawing upon the neural field representation, PlanarNeRF brings three major contributions. First, it enhances 3D plane detection with concurrent appearance and geometry knowledge. Second, a lightweight plane fitting module is proposed to estimate plane parameters. Third, a novel global memory bank structure with an update mechanism is introduced, ensuring consistent cross-frame correspondence. The flexible architecture of PlanarNeRF allows it to function in both 2D-supervised and self-supervised solutions, in each of which it can effectively learn from sparse training signals, significantly improving training efficiency. Through extensive experiments, we demonstrate the effectiveness of PlanarNeRF in various scenarios and remarkable improvement over existing works.
Abstract:Mapless navigation has emerged as a promising approach for enabling autonomous robots to navigate in environments where pre-existing maps may be inaccurate, outdated, or unavailable. In this work, we propose an image-based local representation of the environment immediately around a robot to parse navigability. We further develop a local planning and control framework, a Pareto-optimal mapless visual navigator (POVNav), to use this representation and enable autonomous navigation in various challenging and real-world environments. In POVNav, we choose a Pareto-optimal sub-goal in the image by evaluating all the navigable pixels, finding a safe visual path, and generating actions to follow the path using visual servo control. In addition to providing collision-free motion, our approach enables selective navigation behavior, such as restricting navigation to select terrain types, by only changing the navigability definition in the local representation. The ability of POVNav to navigate a robot to the goal using only a monocular camera without relying on a map makes it computationally light and easy to implement on various robotic platforms. Real-world experiments in diverse challenging environments, ranging from structured indoor environments to unstructured outdoor environments such as forest trails and roads after a heavy snowfall, using various image segmentation techniques demonstrate the remarkable efficacy of our proposed framework.