Abstract:It has been shown recently that physics-based simulation significantly enhances the disassembly capabilities of real-world assemblies with diverse 3D shapes and stringent motion constraints. However, the efficiency suffers when tackling intricate disassembly tasks that require numerous simulations and increased simulation time. In this work, we propose a State-Based Disassembly Planning (SBDP) approach, prioritizing physics-based simulation with translational motion over rotational motion to facilitate autonomy, reducing dependency on human input, while storing intermediate motion states to improve search scalability. We introduce two novel evaluation functions derived from new Directional Blocking Graphs (DBGs) enriched with state information to scale up the search. Our experiments show that SBDP with new evaluation functions and DBGs constraints outperforms the state-of-the-art in disassembly planning in terms of success rate and computational efficiency over benchmark datasets consisting of thousands of physically valid industrial assemblies.
Abstract:The strong performance of large language models (LLMs) on natural language processing tasks raises extensive discussion on their application to code generation. Recent work suggests multiple sampling approaches to improve initial code generation accuracy or program repair approaches to refine the code. However, these methods suffer from LLMs' inefficiencies and limited reasoning capacity. In this work, we propose an LLM programming workflow (LPW) designed to improve both initial code generation and subsequent refinements within a structured two-phase workflow. Specifically, in the solution generation phase, the LLM first outlines a solution plan that decomposes the problem into manageable sub-problems and then verifies the generated solution plan through visible test cases. Subsequently, in the code implementation phase, the LLM initially drafts a code according to the solution plan and its verification. If the generated code fails the visible tests, the plan verification serves as the intended natural language solution to inform the refinement process for correcting bugs. We further introduce SLPW, a sampling variant of LPW, which initially generates multiple solution plans and plan verifications, produces a program for each plan and its verification, and refines each program as necessary until one successfully passes the visible tests. Compared to the state-of-the-art methods across various existing LLMs, our experimental results show that LPW significantly improves the Pass@1 accuracy by up to 16.4% on well-established text-to-code generation benchmarks, especially with a notable improvement of around 10% on challenging benchmarks. Additionally, SLPW demonstrates up to a 5.6% improvement over LPW and sets new state-of-the-art Pass@1 accuracy on various benchmarks, e.g., 98.2% on HumanEval, 84.8% on MBPP, 64.0% on APPS, and 35.3% on CodeContest, using GPT-4o as the backbone.
Abstract:Understanding and reconstructing occluded objects is a challenging problem, especially in open-world scenarios where categories and contexts are diverse and unpredictable. Traditional methods, however, are typically restricted to closed sets of object categories, limiting their use in complex, open-world scenes. We introduce Open-World Amodal Appearance Completion, a training-free framework that expands amodal completion capabilities by accepting flexible text queries as input. Our approach generalizes to arbitrary objects specified by both direct terms and abstract queries. We term this capability reasoning amodal completion, where the system reconstructs the full appearance of the queried object based on the provided image and language query. Our framework unifies segmentation, occlusion analysis, and inpainting to handle complex occlusions and generates completed objects as RGBA elements, enabling seamless integration into applications such as 3D reconstruction and image editing. Extensive evaluations demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach in generalizing to novel objects and occlusions, establishing a new benchmark for amodal completion in open-world settings. The code and datasets will be released after paper acceptance.
Abstract:Exploring the narratives conveyed by fine-art paintings is a challenge in image captioning, where the goal is to generate descriptions that not only precisely represent the visual content but also offer a in-depth interpretation of the artwork's meaning. The task is particularly complex for artwork images due to their diverse interpretations and varied aesthetic principles across different artistic schools and styles. In response to this, we present KALE Knowledge-Augmented vision-Language model for artwork Elaborations), a novel approach that enhances existing vision-language models by integrating artwork metadata as additional knowledge. KALE incorporates the metadata in two ways: firstly as direct textual input, and secondly through a multimodal heterogeneous knowledge graph. To optimize the learning of graph representations, we introduce a new cross-modal alignment loss that maximizes the similarity between the image and its corresponding metadata. Experimental results demonstrate that KALE achieves strong performance (when evaluated with CIDEr, in particular) over existing state-of-the-art work across several artwork datasets. Source code of the project is available at https://github.com/Yanbei-Jiang/Artwork-Interpretation.
Abstract:To fully understand the 3D context of a single image, a visual system must be able to segment both the visible and occluded regions of objects, while discerning their occlusion order. Ideally, the system should be able to handle any object and not be restricted to segmenting a limited set of object classes, especially in robotic applications. Addressing this need, we introduce a diffusion model with cumulative occlusion learning designed for sequential amodal segmentation of objects with uncertain categories. This model iteratively refines the prediction using the cumulative mask strategy during diffusion, effectively capturing the uncertainty of invisible regions and adeptly reproducing the complex distribution of shapes and occlusion orders of occluded objects. It is akin to the human capability for amodal perception, i.e., to decipher the spatial ordering among objects and accurately predict complete contours for occluded objects in densely layered visual scenes. Experimental results across three amodal datasets show that our method outperforms established baselines.
Abstract:We present a novel bi-directional Transformer architecture (BiXT) which scales linearly with input size in terms of computational cost and memory consumption, but does not suffer the drop in performance or limitation to only one input modality seen with other efficient Transformer-based approaches. BiXT is inspired by the Perceiver architectures but replaces iterative attention with an efficient bi-directional cross-attention module in which input tokens and latent variables attend to each other simultaneously, leveraging a naturally emerging attention-symmetry between the two. This approach unlocks a key bottleneck experienced by Perceiver-like architectures and enables the processing and interpretation of both semantics (`what') and location (`where') to develop alongside each other over multiple layers -- allowing its direct application to dense and instance-based tasks alike. By combining efficiency with the generality and performance of a full Transformer architecture, BiXT can process longer sequences like point clouds or images at higher feature resolutions and achieves competitive performance across a range of tasks like point cloud part segmentation, semantic image segmentation and image classification.
Abstract:The Abstraction and Reasoning Corpus (ARC) is a general artificial intelligence benchmark that poses difficulties for pure machine learning methods due to its requirement for fluid intelligence with a focus on reasoning and abstraction. In this work, we introduce an ARC solver, Generalized Planning for Abstract Reasoning (GPAR). It casts an ARC problem as a generalized planning (GP) problem, where a solution is formalized as a planning program with pointers. We express each ARC problem using the standard Planning Domain Definition Language (PDDL) coupled with external functions representing object-centric abstractions. We show how to scale up GP solvers via domain knowledge specific to ARC in the form of restrictions over the actions model, predicates, arguments and valid structure of planning programs. Our experiments demonstrate that GPAR outperforms the state-of-the-art solvers on the object-centric tasks of the ARC, showing the effectiveness of GP and the expressiveness of PDDL to model ARC problems. The challenges provided by the ARC benchmark motivate research to advance existing GP solvers and understand new relations with other planning computational models. Code is available at github.com/you68681/GPAR.
Abstract:This paper introduces two key contributions aimed at improving the speed and quality of images generated through inverse diffusion processes. The first contribution involves reparameterizing the diffusion process in terms of the angle on a quarter-circular arc between the image and noise, specifically setting the conventional $\displaystyle \sqrt{\bar{\alpha}}=\cos(\eta)$. This reparameterization eliminates two singularities and allows for the expression of diffusion evolution as a well-behaved ordinary differential equation (ODE). In turn, this allows higher order ODE solvers such as Runge-Kutta methods to be used effectively. The second contribution is to directly estimate both the image ($\mathbf{x}_0$) and noise ($\mathbf{\epsilon}$) using our network, which enables more stable calculations of the update step in the inverse diffusion steps, as accurate estimation of both the image and noise are crucial at different stages of the process. Together with these changes, our model achieves faster generation, with the ability to converge on high-quality images more quickly, and higher quality of the generated images, as measured by metrics such as Frechet Inception Distance (FID), spatial Frechet Inception Distance (sFID), precision, and recall.
Abstract:It has been shown recently that successful techniques in classical planning, such as goal-oriented heuristics and landmarks, can improve the ability to compute planning programs for generalized planning (GP) problems. In this work, we introduce the notion of action novelty rank, which computes novelty with respect to a planning program, and propose novelty-based generalized planning solvers, which prune a newly generated planning program if its most frequent action repetition is greater than a given bound $v$, implemented by novelty-based best-first search BFS($v$) and its progressive variant PGP($v$). Besides, we introduce lifted helpful actions in GP derived from action schemes, and propose new evaluation functions and structural program restrictions to scale up the search. Our experiments show that the new algorithms BFS($v$) and PGP($v$) outperform the state-of-the-art in GP over the standard generalized planning benchmarks. Practical findings on the above-mentioned methods in generalized planning are briefly discussed.
Abstract:Images of realistic scenes often contain intra-class objects that are heavily occluded from each other, making the amodal perception task that requires parsing the occluded parts of the objects challenging. Although important for downstream tasks such as robotic grasping systems, the lack of large-scale amodal datasets with detailed annotations makes it difficult to model intra-class occlusions explicitly. This paper introduces a new amodal dataset for image amodal completion tasks, which contains over 255K images of intra-class occlusion scenarios, annotated with multiple masks, amodal bounding boxes, dual order relations and full appearance for instances and background. We also present a point-supervised scheme with layer priors for amodal instance segmentation specifically designed for intra-class occlusion scenarios. Experiments show that our weakly supervised approach outperforms the SOTA fully supervised methods, while our layer priors design exhibits remarkable performance improvements in the case of intra-class occlusion in both synthetic and real images.