Abstract:It has been shown recently that physics-based simulation significantly enhances the disassembly capabilities of real-world assemblies with diverse 3D shapes and stringent motion constraints. However, the efficiency suffers when tackling intricate disassembly tasks that require numerous simulations and increased simulation time. In this work, we propose a State-Based Disassembly Planning (SBDP) approach, prioritizing physics-based simulation with translational motion over rotational motion to facilitate autonomy, reducing dependency on human input, while storing intermediate motion states to improve search scalability. We introduce two novel evaluation functions derived from new Directional Blocking Graphs (DBGs) enriched with state information to scale up the search. Our experiments show that SBDP with new evaluation functions and DBGs constraints outperforms the state-of-the-art in disassembly planning in terms of success rate and computational efficiency over benchmark datasets consisting of thousands of physically valid industrial assemblies.
Abstract:The strong performance of large language models (LLMs) on natural language processing tasks raises extensive discussion on their application to code generation. Recent work suggests multiple sampling approaches to improve initial code generation accuracy or program repair approaches to refine the code. However, these methods suffer from LLMs' inefficiencies and limited reasoning capacity. In this work, we propose an LLM programming workflow (LPW) designed to improve both initial code generation and subsequent refinements within a structured two-phase workflow. Specifically, in the solution generation phase, the LLM first outlines a solution plan that decomposes the problem into manageable sub-problems and then verifies the generated solution plan through visible test cases. Subsequently, in the code implementation phase, the LLM initially drafts a code according to the solution plan and its verification. If the generated code fails the visible tests, the plan verification serves as the intended natural language solution to inform the refinement process for correcting bugs. We further introduce SLPW, a sampling variant of LPW, which initially generates multiple solution plans and plan verifications, produces a program for each plan and its verification, and refines each program as necessary until one successfully passes the visible tests. Compared to the state-of-the-art methods across various existing LLMs, our experimental results show that LPW significantly improves the Pass@1 accuracy by up to 16.4% on well-established text-to-code generation benchmarks, especially with a notable improvement of around 10% on challenging benchmarks. Additionally, SLPW demonstrates up to a 5.6% improvement over LPW and sets new state-of-the-art Pass@1 accuracy on various benchmarks, e.g., 98.2% on HumanEval, 84.8% on MBPP, 64.0% on APPS, and 35.3% on CodeContest, using GPT-4o as the backbone.
Abstract:The Abstraction and Reasoning Corpus (ARC) is a general artificial intelligence benchmark that poses difficulties for pure machine learning methods due to its requirement for fluid intelligence with a focus on reasoning and abstraction. In this work, we introduce an ARC solver, Generalized Planning for Abstract Reasoning (GPAR). It casts an ARC problem as a generalized planning (GP) problem, where a solution is formalized as a planning program with pointers. We express each ARC problem using the standard Planning Domain Definition Language (PDDL) coupled with external functions representing object-centric abstractions. We show how to scale up GP solvers via domain knowledge specific to ARC in the form of restrictions over the actions model, predicates, arguments and valid structure of planning programs. Our experiments demonstrate that GPAR outperforms the state-of-the-art solvers on the object-centric tasks of the ARC, showing the effectiveness of GP and the expressiveness of PDDL to model ARC problems. The challenges provided by the ARC benchmark motivate research to advance existing GP solvers and understand new relations with other planning computational models. Code is available at github.com/you68681/GPAR.
Abstract:This study describes our system for Task 1 Single-speaker Visual Speech Recognition (VSR) fixed track in the Chinese Continuous Visual Speech Recognition Challenge (CNVSRC) 2023. Specifically, we use intermediate connectionist temporal classification (Inter CTC) residual modules to relax the conditional independence assumption of CTC in our model. Then we use a bi-transformer decoder to enable the model to capture both past and future contextual information. In addition, we use Chinese characters as the modeling units to improve the recognition accuracy of our model. Finally, we use a recurrent neural network language model (RNNLM) for shallow fusion in the inference stage. Experiments show that our system achieves a character error rate (CER) of 38.09% on the Eval set which reaches a relative CER reduction of 21.63% over the official baseline, and obtains a second place in the challenge.
Abstract:It has been shown recently that successful techniques in classical planning, such as goal-oriented heuristics and landmarks, can improve the ability to compute planning programs for generalized planning (GP) problems. In this work, we introduce the notion of action novelty rank, which computes novelty with respect to a planning program, and propose novelty-based generalized planning solvers, which prune a newly generated planning program if its most frequent action repetition is greater than a given bound $v$, implemented by novelty-based best-first search BFS($v$) and its progressive variant PGP($v$). Besides, we introduce lifted helpful actions in GP derived from action schemes, and propose new evaluation functions and structural program restrictions to scale up the search. Our experiments show that the new algorithms BFS($v$) and PGP($v$) outperform the state-of-the-art in GP over the standard generalized planning benchmarks. Practical findings on the above-mentioned methods in generalized planning are briefly discussed.