Abstract:Image translation for change detection or classification in bi-temporal remote sensing images is unique. Although it can acquire paired images, it is still unsupervised. Moreover, strict semantic preservation in translation is always needed instead of multimodal outputs. In response to these problems, this paper proposes a new method, SRUIT (Semantically Robust Unsupervised Image-to-image Translation), which ensures semantically robust translation and produces deterministic output. Inspired by previous works, the method explores the underlying characteristics of bi-temporal Remote Sensing images and designs the corresponding networks. Firstly, we assume that bi-temporal Remote Sensing images share the same latent space, for they are always acquired from the same land location. So SRUIT makes the generators share their high-level layers, and this constraint will compel two domain mapping to fall into the same latent space. Secondly, considering land covers of bi-temporal images could evolve into each other, SRUIT exploits the cross-cycle-consistent adversarial networks to translate from one to the other and recover them. Experimental results show that constraints of sharing weights and cross-cycle consistency enable translated images with both good perceptual image quality and semantic preservation for significant differences.
Abstract:Relational triple extraction is a fundamental task in the field of information extraction, and a promising framework based on table filling has recently gained attention as a potential baseline for entity relation extraction. However, inherent shortcomings such as redundant information and incomplete triple recognition remain problematic. To address these challenges, we propose an Implicit Perspective for relational triple Extraction based on Diffusion model (IPED), an innovative approach for extracting relational triples. Our classifier-free solution adopts an implicit strategy using block coverage to complete the tables, avoiding the limitations of explicit tagging methods. Additionally, we introduce a generative model structure, the block-denoising diffusion model, to collaborate with our implicit perspective and effectively circumvent redundant information disruptions. Experimental results on two popular datasets demonstrate that IPED achieves state-of-the-art performance while gaining superior inference speed and low computational complexity. To support future research, we have made our source code publicly available online.
Abstract:Sequential recommendation has attracted a lot of attention from both academia and industry, however the privacy risks associated to gathering and transferring users' personal interaction data are often underestimated or ignored. Existing privacy-preserving studies are mainly applied to traditional collaborative filtering or matrix factorization rather than sequential recommendation. Moreover, these studies are mostly based on differential privacy or federated learning, which often leads to significant performance degradation, or has high requirements for communication. In this work, we address privacy-preserving from a different perspective. Unlike existing research, we capture collaborative signals of neighbor interaction sequences and directly inject indistinguishable items into the target sequence before the recommendation process begins, thereby increasing the perplexity of the target sequence. Even if the target interaction sequence is obtained by attackers, it is difficult to discern which ones are the actual user interaction records. To achieve this goal, we propose a CoLlaborative-cOnfusion seqUential recommenDer, namely CLOUD, which incorporates a collaborative confusion mechanism to edit the raw interaction sequences before conducting recommendation. Specifically, CLOUD first calculates the similarity between the target interaction sequence and other neighbor sequences to find similar sequences. Then, CLOUD considers the shared representation of the target sequence and similar sequences to determine the operation to be performed: keep, delete, or insert. We design a copy mechanism to make items from similar sequences have a higher probability to be inserted into the target sequence. Finally, the modified sequence is used to train the recommender and predict the next item.