Abstract:Given an input video of a person and a new garment, the objective of this paper is to synthesize a new video where the person is wearing the specified garment while maintaining spatiotemporal consistency. While significant advances have been made in image-based virtual try-ons, extending these successes to video often results in frame-to-frame inconsistencies. Some approaches have attempted to address this by increasing the overlap of frames across multiple video chunks, but this comes at a steep computational cost due to the repeated processing of the same frames, especially for long video sequence. To address these challenges, we reconceptualize video virtual try-on as a conditional video inpainting task, with garments serving as input conditions. Specifically, our approach enhances image diffusion models by incorporating temporal attention layers to improve temporal coherence. To reduce computational overhead, we introduce ShiftCaching, a novel technique that maintains temporal consistency while minimizing redundant computations. Furthermore, we introduce the \dataname~dataset, a new video try-on dataset featuring more complex backgrounds, challenging movements, and higher resolution compared to existing public datasets. Extensive experiments show that our approach outperforms current baselines, particularly in terms of video consistency and inference speed. Data and code are available at https://github.com/VinAIResearch/swift-try
Abstract:Long-term point tracking is essential to understand non-rigid motion in the physical world better. Deep learning approaches have recently been incorporated into long-term point tracking, but most prior work predominantly functions in 2D. Although these methods benefit from the well-established backbones and matching frameworks, the motions they produce do not always make sense in the 3D physical world. In this paper, we propose the first deep learning framework for long-term point tracking in 3D that generalizes to new points and videos without requiring test-time fine-tuning. Our model contains a cost volume fusion module that effectively integrates multiple past appearances and motion information via a transformer architecture, significantly enhancing overall tracking performance. In terms of 3D tracking performance, our model significantly outperforms simple scene flow chaining and previous 2D point tracking methods, even if one uses ground truth depth and camera pose to backproject 2D point tracks in a synthetic scenario.
Abstract:Decentralized planning is a key element of cooperative multi-agent systems for information gathering tasks. However, despite the high frequency of agent failures in realistic large deployment scenarios, current approaches perform poorly in the presence of failures, by not converging at all, and/or by making very inefficient use of resources (e.g. energy). In this work, we propose Attritable MCTS (A-MCTS), a decentralized MCTS algorithm capable of timely and efficient adaptation to changes in the set of active agents. It is based on the use of a global reward function for the estimation of each agent's local contribution, and regret matching for coordination. We evaluate its effectiveness in realistic data-harvesting problems under different scenarios. We show both theoretically and experimentally that A-MCTS enables efficient adaptation even under high failure rates. Results suggest that, in the presence of frequent failures, our solution improves substantially over the best existing approaches in terms of global utility and scalability.
Abstract:Fully distributed learning schemes such as Gossip Learning (GL) are gaining momentum due to their scalability and effectiveness even in dynamic settings. However, they often imply a high utilization of communication and computing resources, whose energy footprint may jeopardize the learning process, particularly on battery-operated IoT devices. To address this issue, we present Optimized Gossip Learning (OGL)}, a distributed training approach based on the combination of GL with adaptive optimization of the learning process, which allows for achieving a target accuracy while minimizing the energy consumption of the learning process. We propose a data-driven approach to OGL management that relies on optimizing in real-time for each node the number of training epochs and the choice of which model to exchange with neighbors based on patterns of node contacts, models' quality, and available resources at each node. Our approach employs a DNN model for dynamic tuning of the aforementioned parameters, trained by an infrastructure-based orchestrator function. We performed our assessments on two different datasets, leveraging time-varying random graphs and a measurement-based dynamic urban scenario. Results suggest that our approach is highly efficient and effective in a broad spectrum of network scenarios.
Abstract:Microsoft Active Directory (AD) is the default security management system for Window domain network. We study the problem of placing decoys in AD network to detect potential attacks. We model the problem as a Stackelberg game between an attacker and a defender on AD attack graphs where the defender employs a set of decoys to detect the attacker on their way to Domain Admin (DA). Contrary to previous works, we consider time-varying (temporal) attack graphs. We proposed a novel metric called response time, to measure the effectiveness of our decoy placement in temporal attack graphs. Response time is defined as the duration from the moment attackers trigger the first decoy to when they compromise the DA. Our goal is to maximize the defender's response time to the worst-case attack paths. We establish the NP-hard nature of the defender's optimization problem, leading us to develop Evolutionary Diversity Optimization (EDO) algorithms. EDO algorithms identify diverse sets of high-quality solutions for the optimization problem. Despite the polynomial nature of the fitness function, it proves experimentally slow for larger graphs. To enhance scalability, we proposed an algorithm that exploits the static nature of AD infrastructure in the temporal setting. Then, we introduce tailored repair operations, ensuring the convergence to better results while maintaining scalability for larger graphs.
Abstract:One of the most challenging issues in federated learning is that the data is often not independent and identically distributed (nonIID). Clients are expected to contribute the same type of data and drawn from one global distribution. However, data are often collected in different ways from different resources. Thus, the data distributions among clients might be different from the underlying global distribution. This creates a weight divergence issue and reduces federated learning performance. This work focuses on improving federated learning performance for skewed data distribution across clients. The main idea is to adjust the client distribution closer to the global distribution using sample weights. Thus, the machine learning model converges faster with higher accuracy. We start from the fundamental concept of empirical risk minimization and theoretically derive a solution for adjusting the distribution skewness using sample weights. To determine sample weights, we implicitly exchange density information by leveraging a neural network-based density estimation model, MADE. The clients data distribution can then be adjusted without exposing their raw data. Our experiment results on three real-world datasets show that the proposed method not only improves federated learning accuracy but also significantly reduces communication costs compared to the other experimental methods.
Abstract:This study examines the impact of class-imbalanced data on deep learning models and proposes a technique for data balancing by generating synthetic data for the minority class. Unlike random-based oversampling, our method prioritizes balancing the informative regions by identifying high entropy samples. Generating well-placed synthetic data can enhance machine learning algorithms accuracy and efficiency, whereas poorly-placed ones may lead to higher misclassification rates. We introduce an algorithm that maximizes the probability of generating a synthetic sample in the correct region of its class by optimizing the class posterior ratio. Additionally, to maintain data topology, synthetic data are generated within each minority sample's neighborhood. Our experimental results on forty-one datasets demonstrate the superior performance of our technique in enhancing deep-learning models.
Abstract:We study a Stackelberg game between an attacker and a defender on large Active Directory (AD) attack graphs where the defender employs a set of honeypots to stop the attacker from reaching high-value targets. Contrary to existing works that focus on small and static attack graphs, AD graphs typically contain hundreds of thousands of nodes and edges and constantly change over time. We consider two types of attackers: a simple attacker who cannot observe honeypots and a competent attacker who can. To jointly solve the game, we propose a mixed-integer programming (MIP) formulation. We observed that the optimal blocking plan for static graphs performs poorly in dynamic graphs. To solve the dynamic graph problem, we re-design the mixed-integer programming formulation by combining m MIP (dyMIP(m)) instances to produce a near-optimal blocking plan. Furthermore, to handle a large number of dynamic graph instances, we use a clustering algorithm to efficiently find the m-most representative graph instances for a constant m (dyMIP(m)). We prove a lower bound on the optimal blocking strategy for dynamic graphs and show that our dyMIP(m) algorithms produce close to optimal results for a range of AD graphs under realistic conditions.
Abstract:We study a Stackelberg game between one attacker and one defender in a configurable environment. The defender picks a specific environment configuration. The attacker observes the configuration and attacks via Reinforcement Learning (RL trained against the observed environment). The defender's goal is to find the environment with minimum achievable reward for the attacker. We apply Evolutionary Diversity Optimization (EDO) to generate diverse population of environments for training. Environments with clearly high rewards are killed off and replaced by new offsprings to avoid wasting training time. Diversity not only improves training quality but also fits well with our RL scenario: RL agents tend to improve gradually, so a slightly worse environment earlier on may become better later. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach by focusing on a specific application, Active Directory (AD). AD is the default security management system for Windows domain networks. AD environment describes an attack graph, where nodes represent computers/accounts/etc., and edges represent accesses. The attacker aims to find the best attack path to reach the highest-privilege node. The defender can change the graph by removing a limited number of edges (revoke accesses). Our approach generates better defensive plans than the existing approach and scales better.
Abstract:Audio-driven talking head animation is a challenging research topic with many real-world applications. Recent works have focused on creating photo-realistic 2D animation, while learning different talking or singing styles remains an open problem. In this paper, we present a new method to generate talking head animation with learnable style references. Given a set of style reference frames, our framework can reconstruct 2D talking head animation based on a single input image and an audio stream. Our method first produces facial landmarks motion from the audio stream and constructs the intermediate style patterns from the style reference images. We then feed both outputs into a style-aware image generator to generate the photo-realistic and fidelity 2D animation. In practice, our framework can extract the style information of a specific character and transfer it to any new static image for talking head animation. The intensive experimental results show that our method achieves better results than recent state-of-the-art approaches qualitatively and quantitatively.