Abstract:Zero-shot cross-domain sequential recommendation (ZCDSR) enables predictions in unseen domains without the need for additional training or fine-tuning, making it particularly valuable in data-sparse environments where traditional models struggle. Recent advancements in large language models (LLMs) have greatly improved ZCDSR by leveraging rich pretrained representations to facilitate cross-domain knowledge transfer. However, a key challenge persists: domain semantic bias, which arises from variations in vocabulary and content focus across domains. This misalignment leads to inconsistencies in item embeddings and hinders generalization. To address this issue, we propose a novel framework designed to enhance LLM-based ZCDSR by improving cross-domain alignment at both the item and sequential levels. At the item level, we introduce a generalization loss that promotes inter-domain compactness by aligning embeddings of similar items across domains while maintaining intra-domain diversity to preserve unique item characteristics. This prevents embeddings from becoming overly generic while ensuring effective transferability. At the sequential level, we develop a method for transferring user behavioral patterns by clustering user sequences in the source domain and applying attention-based aggregation for target domain inference. This dynamic adaptation of user embeddings allows effective zero-shot recommendations without requiring target-domain interactions. Comprehensive experiments across multiple datasets and domains demonstrate that our framework significantly improves sequential recommendation performance in the ZCDSR setting. By mitigating domain bias and enhancing the transferability of sequential patterns, our method provides a scalable and robust approach for achieving more effective zero-shot recommendations across domains.
Abstract:Research into community content moderation often assumes that moderation teams govern with a single, unified voice. However, recent work has found that moderators disagree with one another at modest, but concerning rates. The problem is not the root disagreements themselves. Subjectivity in moderation is unavoidable, and there are clear benefits to including diverse perspectives within a moderation team. Instead, the crux of the issue is that, due to resource constraints, moderation decisions end up being made by individual decision-makers. The result is decision-making that is inconsistent, which is frustrating for community members. To address this, we develop Venire, an ML-backed system for panel review on Reddit. Venire uses a machine learning model trained on log data to identify the cases where moderators are most likely to disagree. Venire fast-tracks these cases for multi-person review. Ideally, Venire allows moderators to surface and resolve disagreements that would have otherwise gone unnoticed. We conduct three studies through which we design and evaluate Venire: a set of formative interviews with moderators, technical evaluations on two datasets, and a think-aloud study in which moderators used Venire to make decisions on real moderation cases. Quantitatively, we demonstrate that Venire is able to improve decision consistency and surface latent disagreements. Qualitatively, we find that Venire helps moderators resolve difficult moderation cases more confidently. Venire represents a novel paradigm for human-AI content moderation, and shifts the conversation from replacing human decision-making to supporting it.
Abstract:Transferability of adversarial examples is a well-known property that endangers all classification models, even those that are only accessible through black-box queries. Prior work has shown that an ensemble of models is more resilient to transferability: the probability that an adversarial example is effective against most models of the ensemble is low. Thus, most ongoing research focuses on improving ensemble diversity. Another line of prior work has shown that Lipschitz continuity of the models can make models more robust since it limits how a model's output changes with small input perturbations. In this paper, we study the effect of Lipschitz continuity on transferability rates. We show that although a lower Lipschitz constant increases the robustness of a single model, it is not as beneficial in training robust ensembles as it increases the transferability rate of adversarial examples across models in the ensemble. Therefore, we introduce LOTOS, a new training paradigm for ensembles, which counteracts this adverse effect. It does so by promoting orthogonality among the top-$k$ sub-spaces of the transformations of the corresponding affine layers of any pair of models in the ensemble. We theoretically show that $k$ does not need to be large for convolutional layers, which makes the computational overhead negligible. Through various experiments, we show LOTOS increases the robust accuracy of ensembles of ResNet-18 models by $6$ percentage points (p.p) against black-box attacks on CIFAR-10. It is also capable of combining with the robustness of prior state-of-the-art methods for training robust ensembles to enhance their robust accuracy by $10.7$ p.p.
Abstract:We show the effectiveness of automatic differentiation in efficiently and correctly computing and controlling the spectrum of implicitly linear operators, a rich family of layer types including all standard convolutional and dense layers. We provide the first clipping method which is correct for general convolution layers, and illuminate the representational limitation that caused correctness issues in prior work. We study the effect of the batch normalization layers when concatenated with convolutional layers and show how our clipping method can be applied to their composition. By comparing the accuracy and performance of our algorithms to the state-of-the-art methods, using various experiments, we show they are more precise and efficient and lead to better generalization and adversarial robustness. We provide the code for using our methods at https://github.com/Ali-E/FastClip.
Abstract:As large-scale language models become the standard for text generation, there is a greater need to tailor the generations to be more or less concise, targeted, and informative, depending on the audience/application. Existing control approaches primarily adjust the semantic (e.g., emotion, topics), structural (e.g., syntax tree, parts-of-speech), and lexical (e.g., keyword/phrase inclusion) properties of text, but are insufficient to accomplish complex objectives such as pacing which control the complexity and readability of the text. In this paper, we introduce CEV-LM - a lightweight, semi-autoregressive language model that utilizes constrained edit vectors to control three complementary metrics (speed, volume, and circuitousness) that quantify the shape of text (e.g., pacing of content). We study an extensive set of state-of-the-art CTG models and find that CEV-LM provides significantly more targeted and precise control of these three metrics while preserving semantic content, using less training data, and containing fewer parameters.
Abstract:Sequential recommenders are crucial to the success of online applications, \eg e-commerce, video streaming, and social media. While model architectures continue to improve, for every new application domain, we still have to train a new model from scratch for high quality recommendations. On the other hand, pre-trained language and vision models have shown great success in zero-shot or few-shot adaptation to new application domains. Inspired by the success of pre-trained models in peer AI fields, we propose a novel pre-trained sequential recommendation framework: PrepRec. We learn universal item representations by modeling item popularity dynamics. Through extensive experiments on five real-world datasets, we show that PrepRec, without any auxiliary information, can not only zero-shot transfer to a new domain, but achieve competitive performance compared to state-of-the-art sequential recommender models with only a fraction of the model size. In addition, with a simple post-hoc interpolation, PrepRec can improve the performance of existing sequential recommenders on average by 13.8\% in Recall@10 and 29.5% in NDCG@10. We provide an anonymized implementation of PrepRec at https://anonymous.4open.science/r/PrepRec--2F60/
Abstract:Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated remarkable performance on coding related tasks, particularly on assisting humans in programming and facilitating programming automation. However, existing benchmarks for evaluating the code understanding and generation capacities of LLMs suffer from severe limitations. First, most benchmarks are deficient as they focus on a narrow range of popular programming languages and specific tasks, whereas the real-world software development scenarios show dire need to implement systems with multilingual programming environments to satisfy diverse requirements. Practical programming practices also strongly expect multi-task settings for testing coding capabilities of LLMs comprehensively and robustly. Second, most benchmarks also fail to consider the actual executability and the consistency of execution results of the generated code. To bridge these gaps between existing benchmarks and expectations from practical applications, we introduce CodeScope, an execution-based, multilingual, multi-task, multi-dimensional evaluation benchmark for comprehensively gauging LLM capabilities on coding tasks. CodeScope covers 43 programming languages and 8 coding tasks. It evaluates the coding performance of LLMs from three dimensions (perspectives): difficulty, efficiency, and length. To facilitate execution-based evaluations of code generation, we develop MultiCodeEngine, an automated code execution engine that supports 14 programming languages. Finally, we systematically evaluate and analyze 8 mainstream LLMs on CodeScope tasks and demonstrate the superior breadth and challenges of CodeScope for evaluating LLMs on code understanding and generation tasks compared to other benchmarks. The CodeScope benchmark and datasets are publicly available at https://github.com/WeixiangYAN/CodeScope.
Abstract:Modern neural collaborative filtering techniques are critical to the success of e-commerce, social media, and content-sharing platforms. However, despite technical advances -- for every new application domain, we need to train an NCF model from scratch. In contrast, pre-trained vision and language models are routinely applied to diverse applications directly (zero-shot) or with limited fine-tuning. Inspired by the impact of pre-trained models, we explore the possibility of pre-trained recommender models that support building recommender systems in new domains, with minimal or no retraining, without the use of any auxiliary user or item information. Zero-shot recommendation without auxiliary information is challenging because we cannot form associations between users and items across datasets when there are no overlapping users or items. Our fundamental insight is that the statistical characteristics of the user-item interaction matrix are universally available across different domains and datasets. Thus, we use the statistical characteristics of the user-item interaction matrix to identify dataset-independent representations for users and items. We show how to learn universal (i.e., supporting zero-shot adaptation without user or item auxiliary information) representations for nodes and edges from the bipartite user-item interaction graph. We learn representations by exploiting the statistical properties of the interaction data, including user and item marginals, and the size and density distributions of their clusters.
Abstract:This paper provides a robust, scalable Bluetooth Low-Energy (BLE) based indoor localization solution using commodity hardware. While WiFi-based indoor localization has been widely studied, BLE has emerged a key technology for contact-tracing in the current pandemic. To accurately estimate distance using BLE on commercial devices, systems today rely on Receiver Signal Strength Indicator(RSSI) which suffers from sampling bias and multipath effects. We propose a new metric: Packet Reception Probability (PRP) that builds on a counter-intuitive idea that we can exploit packet loss to estimate distance. We localize using a Bayesian-PRP formulation that also incorporates an explicit model of the multipath. To make deployment easy, we do not require any hardware, firmware, or driver-level changes to off-the-shelf devices, and require minimal training. PRP can achieve meter level accuracy with just 6 devices with known locations and 12 training locations. We show that fusing PRP with RSSI is beneficial at short distances < 2m. Beyond 2m, fusion is worse than PRP, as RSSI becomes effectively de-correlated with distance. Robust location accuracy at all distances and ease of deployment with PRP can help enable wide range indoor localization solutions using BLE.
Abstract:When answering complex questions, large language models (LLMs) may produce answers that do not satisfy all criteria of the question. While existing self-evaluation techniques aim to detect if such answers are correct, these techniques are unable to determine which criteria of the question are satisfied by the generated answers. To address this issue, we propose answer-based claim decomposition (ABCD), a prompting strategy that decomposes questions into a series of true/false claims that can be used to verify which criteria of the input question an answer satisfies. Using the decomposed ABCD claims, we perform fine-grained self-evaluation. Through preliminary experiments on three datasets, including a newly-collected challenge dataset ObscureQA, we find that GPT-3.5 has some ability to determine to what extent its answer satisfies the criteria of the input question, and can give insights into the errors and knowledge gaps of the model.