Abstract:Solving partial differential equations (PDEs) is a fundamental problem in engineering and science. While neural PDE solvers can be more efficient than established numerical solvers, they often require large amounts of training data that is costly to obtain. Active Learning (AL) could help surrogate models reach the same accuracy with smaller training sets by querying classical solvers with more informative initial conditions and PDE parameters. While AL is more common in other domains, it has yet to be studied extensively for neural PDE solvers. To bridge this gap, we introduce AL4PDE, a modular and extensible active learning benchmark. It provides multiple parametric PDEs and state-of-the-art surrogate models for the solver-in-the-loop setting, enabling the evaluation of existing and the development of new AL methods for PDE solving. We use the benchmark to evaluate batch active learning algorithms such as uncertainty- and feature-based methods. We show that AL reduces the average error by up to 71% compared to random sampling and significantly reduces worst-case errors. Moreover, AL generates similar datasets across repeated runs, with consistent distributions over the PDE parameters and initial conditions. The acquired datasets are reusable, providing benefits for surrogate models not involved in the data generation.
Abstract:For classification and regression on tabular data, the dominance of gradient-boosted decision trees (GBDTs) has recently been challenged by often much slower deep learning methods with extensive hyperparameter tuning. We address this discrepancy by introducing (a) RealMLP, an improved multilayer perceptron (MLP), and (b) improved default parameters for GBDTs and RealMLP. We tune RealMLP and the default parameters on a meta-train benchmark with 71 classification and 47 regression datasets and compare them to hyperparameter-optimized versions on a disjoint meta-test benchmark with 48 classification and 42 regression datasets, as well as the GBDT-friendly benchmark by Grinsztajn et al. (2022). Our benchmark results show that RealMLP offers a better time-accuracy tradeoff than other neural nets and is competitive with GBDTs. Moreover, a combination of RealMLP and GBDTs with improved default parameters can achieve excellent results on medium-sized tabular datasets (1K--500K samples) without hyperparameter tuning.
Abstract:The accuracy of the training data limits the accuracy of bulk properties from machine-learned potentials. For example, hybrid functionals or wave-function-based quantum chemical methods are readily available for cluster data but effectively out-of-scope for periodic structures. We show that local, atom-centred descriptors for machine-learned potentials enable the prediction of bulk properties from cluster model training data, agreeing reasonably well with predictions from bulk training data. We demonstrate such transferability by studying structural and dynamical properties of bulk liquid water with density functional theory and have found an excellent agreement with experimental as well as theoretical counterparts.
Abstract:Efficiently creating a concise but comprehensive data set for training machine-learned interatomic potentials (MLIPs) is an under-explored problem. Active learning (AL), which uses either biased or unbiased molecular dynamics (MD) simulations to generate candidate pools, aims to address this objective. Existing biased and unbiased MD simulations, however, are prone to miss either rare events or extrapolative regions -- areas of the configurational space where unreliable predictions are made. Simultaneously exploring both regions is necessary for developing uniformly accurate MLIPs. In this work, we demonstrate that MD simulations, when biased by the MLIP's energy uncertainty, effectively capture extrapolative regions and rare events without the need to know \textit{a priori} the system's transition temperatures and pressures. Exploiting automatic differentiation, we enhance bias-forces-driven MD simulations by introducing the concept of bias stress. We also employ calibrated ensemble-free uncertainties derived from sketched gradient features to yield MLIPs with similar or better accuracy than ensemble-based uncertainty methods at a lower computational cost. We use the proposed uncertainty-driven AL approach to develop MLIPs for two benchmark systems: alanine dipeptide and MIL-53(Al). Compared to MLIPs trained with conventional MD simulations, MLIPs trained with the proposed data-generation method more accurately represent the relevant configurational space for both atomic systems.
Abstract:The success of over-parameterized neural networks trained to near-zero training error has caused great interest in the phenomenon of benign overfitting, where estimators are statistically consistent even though they interpolate noisy training data. While benign overfitting in fixed dimension has been established for some learning methods, current literature suggests that for regression with typical kernel methods and wide neural networks, benign overfitting requires a high-dimensional setting where the dimension grows with the sample size. In this paper, we show that the smoothness of the estimators, and not the dimension, is the key: benign overfitting is possible if and only if the estimator's derivatives are large enough. We generalize existing inconsistency results to non-interpolating models and more kernels to show that benign overfitting with moderate derivatives is impossible in fixed dimension. Conversely, we show that benign overfitting is possible for regression with a sequence of spiky-smooth kernels with large derivatives. Using neural tangent kernels, we translate our results to wide neural networks. We prove that while infinite-width networks do not overfit benignly with the ReLU activation, this can be fixed by adding small high-frequency fluctuations to the activation function. Our experiments verify that such neural networks, while overfitting, can indeed generalize well even on low-dimensional data sets.
Abstract:Sampling from Gibbs distributions $p(x) \propto \exp(-V(x)/\varepsilon)$ and computing their log-partition function are fundamental tasks in statistics, machine learning, and statistical physics. However, while efficient algorithms are known for convex potentials $V$, the situation is much more difficult in the non-convex case, where algorithms necessarily suffer from the curse of dimensionality in the worst case. For optimization, which can be seen as a low-temperature limit of sampling, it is known that smooth functions $V$ allow faster convergence rates. Specifically, for $m$-times differentiable functions in $d$ dimensions, the optimal rate for algorithms with $n$ function evaluations is known to be $O(n^{-m/d})$, where the constant can potentially depend on $m, d$ and the function to be optimized. Hence, the curse of dimensionality can be alleviated for smooth functions at least in terms of the convergence rate. Recently, it has been shown that similarly fast rates can also be achieved with polynomial runtime $O(n^{3.5})$, where the exponent $3.5$ is independent of $m$ or $d$. Hence, it is natural to ask whether similar rates for sampling and log-partition computation are possible, and whether they can be realized in polynomial time with an exponent independent of $m$ and $d$. We show that the optimal rates for sampling and log-partition computation are sometimes equal and sometimes faster than for optimization. We then analyze various polynomial-time sampling algorithms, including an extension of a recent promising optimization approach, and find that they sometimes exhibit interesting behavior but no near-optimal rates. Our results also give further insights on the relation between sampling, log-partition, and optimization problems.
Abstract:Developing machine learning-based interatomic potentials from ab-initio electronic structure methods remains a challenging task for computational chemistry and materials science. This work studies the capability of transfer learning for efficiently generating chemically accurate interatomic neural network potentials on organic molecules from the MD17 and ANI data sets. We show that pre-training the network parameters on data obtained from density functional calculations considerably improves the sample efficiency of models trained on more accurate ab-initio data. Additionally, we show that fine-tuning with energy labels alone suffices to obtain accurate atomic forces and run large-scale atomistic simulations. We also investigate possible limitations of transfer learning, especially regarding the design and size of the pre-training and fine-tuning data sets. Finally, we provide GM-NN potentials pre-trained and fine-tuned on the ANI-1x and ANI-1ccx data sets, which can easily be fine-tuned on and applied to organic molecules.
Abstract:We study the performance of different pool-based Batch Mode Deep Active Learning (BMDAL) methods for regression on tabular data, focusing on methods that do not require to modify the network architecture and training. Our contributions are three-fold: First, we present a framework for constructing BMDAL methods out of kernels, kernel transformations and selection methods, showing that many of the most popular BMDAL methods fit into our framework. Second, we propose new components, leading to a new BMDAL method. Third, we introduce an open-source benchmark with 15 large tabular data sets, which we use to compare different BMDAL methods. Our benchmark results show that a combination of our novel components yields new state-of-the-art results in terms of RMSE and is computationally efficient. We provide open-source code that includes efficient implementations of all kernels, kernel transformations, and selection methods, and can be used for reproducing our results.
Abstract:Artificial neural networks (NNs) are one of the most frequently used machine learning approaches to construct interatomic potentials and enable efficient large-scale atomistic simulations with almost ab initio accuracy. However, the simultaneous training of NNs on energies and forces, which are a prerequisite for, e.g., molecular dynamics simulations, can be demanding. In this work, we present an improved NN architecture based on the previous GM-NN model [V. Zaverkin and J. K\"astner, J. Chem. Theory Comput. 16, 5410-5421 (2020)], which shows an improved prediction accuracy and considerably reduced training times. Moreover, we extend the applicability of Gaussian moment-based interatomic potentials to periodic systems and demonstrate the overall excellent transferability and robustness of the respective models. The fast training by the improved methodology is a pre-requisite for training-heavy workflows such as active learning or learning-on-the-fly.
Abstract:We prove a non-asymptotic distribution-independent lower bound for the expected mean squared generalization error caused by label noise in ridgeless linear regression. Our lower bound generalizes a similar known result to the overparameterized (interpolating) regime. In contrast to most previous works, our analysis applies to a broad class of input distributions with almost surely full-rank feature matrices, which allows us to cover various types of deterministic or random feature maps. Our lower bound is asymptotically sharp and implies that in the presence of label noise, ridgeless linear regression does not perform well around the interpolation threshold for any of these feature maps. We analyze the imposed assumptions in detail and provide a theory for analytic (random) feature maps. Using this theory, we can show that our assumptions are satisfied for input distributions with a (Lebesgue) density and feature maps given by random deep neural networks with analytic activation functions like sigmoid, tanh, softplus or GELU. As further examples, we show that feature maps from random Fourier features and polynomial kernels also satisfy our assumptions. We complement our theory with further experimental and analytic results.