Sapienza Università di Roma, Rome, Italy
Abstract:In table grape cultivation, harvesting depends on accurately assessing fruit quality. While some characteristics, like color, are visible, others, such as Soluble Solid Content (SSC), or sugar content measured in degrees Brix ({\deg}Brix), require specific tools. SSC is a key quality factor that correlates with ripeness, but lacks a direct causal relationship with color. Hyperspectral cameras can estimate SSC with high accuracy under controlled laboratory conditions, but their practicality in field environments is limited. This study investigates the potential of simple RGB sensors under uncontrolled lighting to estimate SSC and color, enabling cost-effective, robot-assisted harvesting. Over the 2021 and 2022 summer seasons, we collected grape images with corresponding SSC and color labels to evaluate algorithmic solutions for SSC estimation on embedded devices commonly used in robotics and smartphones. Our results demonstrate that SSC can be estimated from visual appearance with human-like performance. We propose computationally efficient histogram-based methods for resource-constrained robots and deep learning approaches for more complex applications.
Abstract:Early detection of illnesses and pest infestations in fruit cultivation is critical for maintaining yield quality and plant health. Computer vision and robotics are increasingly employed for the automatic detection of such issues, particularly using data-driven solutions. However, the rarity of these problems makes acquiring and processing the necessary data to train such algorithms a significant obstacle. One solution to this scarcity is the generation of synthetic high-quality anomalous samples. While numerous methods exist for this task, most require highly trained individuals for setup. This work addresses the challenge of generating synthetic anomalies in an automatic fashion that requires only an initial collection of normal and anomalous samples from the user - a task that is straightforward for farmers. We demonstrate the approach in the context of table grape cultivation. Specifically, based on the observation that normal berries present relatively smooth surfaces, while defects result in more complex textures, we introduce a Dual-Canny Edge Detection (DCED) filter. This filter emphasizes the additional texture indicative of diseases, pest infestations, or other defects. Using segmentation masks provided by the Segment Anything Model, we then select and seamlessly blend anomalous berries onto normal ones. We show that the proposed dataset augmentation technique improves the accuracy of an anomaly classifier for table grapes and that the approach can be generalized to other fruit types.
Abstract:Advancing human-robot communication is crucial for autonomous systems operating in dynamic environments, where accurate real-time interpretation of human signals is essential. RoboCup provides a compelling scenario for testing these capabilities, requiring robots to understand referee gestures and whistle with minimal network reliance. Using the NAO robot platform, this study implements a two-stage pipeline for gesture recognition through keypoint extraction and classification, alongside continuous convolutional neural networks (CCNNs) for efficient whistle detection. The proposed approach enhances real-time human-robot interaction in a competitive setting like RoboCup, offering some tools to advance the development of autonomous systems capable of cooperating with humans.
Abstract:Task planning for robots in real-life settings presents significant challenges. These challenges stem from three primary issues: the difficulty in identifying grounded sequences of steps to achieve a goal; the lack of a standardized mapping between high-level actions and low-level commands; and the challenge of maintaining low computational overhead given the limited resources of robotic hardware. We introduce EMPOWER, a framework designed for open-vocabulary online grounding and planning for embodied agents aimed at addressing these issues. By leveraging efficient pre-trained foundation models and a multi-role mechanism, EMPOWER demonstrates notable improvements in grounded planning and execution. Quantitative results highlight the effectiveness of our approach, achieving an average success rate of 0.73 across six different real-life scenarios using a TIAGo robot.
Abstract:Large Language Models (LLMs) and Visual Language Models (VLMs) are attracting increasing interest due to their improving performance and applications across various domains and tasks. However, LLMs and VLMs can produce erroneous results, especially when a deep understanding of the problem domain is required. For instance, when planning and perception are needed simultaneously, these models often struggle because of difficulties in merging multi-modal information. To address this issue, fine-tuned models are typically employed and trained on specialized data structures representing the environment. This approach has limited effectiveness, as it can overly complicate the context for processing. In this paper, we propose a multi-agent architecture for embodied task planning that operates without the need for specific data structures as input. Instead, it uses a single image of the environment, handling free-form domains by leveraging commonsense knowledge. We also introduce a novel, fully automatic evaluation procedure, PG2S, designed to better assess the quality of a plan. We validated our approach using the widely recognized ALFRED dataset, comparing PG2S to the existing KAS metric to further evaluate the quality of the generated plans.
Abstract:The use of deep learning methods for precision farming is gaining increasing interest. However, collecting training data in this application field is particularly challenging and costly due to the need of acquiring information during the different growing stages of the cultivation of interest. In this paper, we present a method for data augmentation that uses two GANs to create artificial images to augment the training data. To obtain a higher image quality, instead of re-creating the entire scene, we take original images and replace only the patches containing objects of interest with artificial ones containing new objects with different shapes and styles. In doing this, we take into account both the foreground (i.e., crop samples) and the background (i.e., the soil) of the patches. Quantitative experiments, conducted on publicly available datasets, demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach. The source code and data discussed in this work are available as open source.
Abstract:The deployment of robots into human scenarios necessitates advanced planning strategies, particularly when we ask robots to operate in dynamic, unstructured environments. RoboCup offers the chance to deploy robots in one of those scenarios, a human-shaped game represented by a soccer match. In such scenarios, robots must operate using predefined behaviors that can fail in unpredictable conditions. This paper introduces a novel application of Large Language Models (LLMs) to address the challenge of generating actionable plans in such settings, specifically within the context of the RoboCup Standard Platform League (SPL) competitions where robots are required to autonomously execute soccer strategies that emerge from the interactions of individual agents. In particular, we propose a multi-role approach leveraging the capabilities of LLMs to generate and refine plans for a robotic soccer team. The potential of the proposed method is demonstrated through an experimental evaluation,carried out simulating multiple matches where robots with AI-generated plans play against robots running human-built code.
Abstract:Robots playing soccer often rely on hard-coded behaviors that struggle to generalize when the game environment change. In this paper, we propose a temporal logic based approach that allows robots' behaviors and goals to adapt to the semantics of the environment. In particular, we present a hierarchical representation of soccer in which the robot selects the level of operation based on the perceived semantic characteristics of the environment, thus modifying dynamically the set of rules and goals to apply. The proposed approach enables the robot to operate in unstructured environments, just as it happens when humans go from soccer played on an official field to soccer played on a street. Three different use cases set in different scenarios are presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach.
Abstract:Satellite imagery is crucial for tasks like environmental monitoring and urban planning. Typically, it relies on semantic segmentation or Land Use Land Cover (LULC) classification to categorize each pixel. Despite the advancements brought about by Deep Neural Networks (DNNs), their performance in segmentation tasks is hindered by challenges such as limited availability of labeled data, class imbalance and the inherent variability and complexity of satellite images. In order to mitigate those issues, our study explores the effectiveness of a Cut-and-Paste augmentation technique for semantic segmentation in satellite images. We adapt this augmentation, which usually requires labeled instances, to the case of semantic segmentation. By leveraging the connected components in the semantic segmentation labels, we extract instances that are then randomly pasted during training. Using the DynamicEarthNet dataset and a U-Net model for evaluation, we found that this augmentation significantly enhances the mIoU score on the test set from 37.9 to 44.1. This finding highlights the potential of the Cut-and-Paste augmentation to improve the generalization capabilities of semantic segmentation models in satellite imagery.
Abstract:In the last years' digitalization process, the creation and management of documents in various domains, particularly in Public Administration (PA), have become increasingly complex and diverse. This complexity arises from the need to handle a wide range of document types, often characterized by semi-structured forms. Semi-structured documents present a fixed set of data without a fixed format. As a consequence, a template-based solution cannot be used, as understanding a document requires the extraction of the data structure. The recent introduction of Large Language Models (LLMs) has enabled the creation of customized text output satisfying user requests. In this work, we propose a novel approach that combines the LLMs with prompt engineering and multi-agent systems for generating new documents compliant with a desired structure. The main contribution of this work concerns replacing the commonly used manual prompting with a task description generated by semantic retrieval from an LLM. The potential of this approach is demonstrated through a series of experiments and case studies, showcasing its effectiveness in real-world PA scenarios.