Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Texas at Arlington
Abstract:Frame-semantic parsing is a critical task in natural language understanding, yet the ability of large language models (LLMs) to extract frame-semantic arguments remains underexplored. This paper presents a comprehensive evaluation of LLMs on frame-semantic argument identification, analyzing the impact of input representation formats, model architectures, and generalization to unseen and out-of-domain samples. Our experiments, spanning models from 0.5B to 78B parameters, reveal that JSON-based representations significantly enhance performance, and while larger models generally perform better, smaller models can achieve competitive results through fine-tuning. We also introduce a novel approach to frame identification leveraging predicted frame elements, achieving state-of-the-art performance on ambiguous targets. Despite strong generalization capabilities, our analysis finds that LLMs still struggle with out-of-domain data.
Abstract:Cherry-picking refers to the deliberate selection of evidence or facts that favor a particular viewpoint while ignoring or distorting evidence that supports an opposing perspective. Manually identifying instances of cherry-picked statements in news stories can be challenging, particularly when the opposing viewpoint's story is absent. This study introduces Cherry, an innovative approach for automatically detecting cherry-picked statements in news articles by finding missing important statements in the target news story. Cherry utilizes the analysis of news coverage from multiple sources to identify instances of cherry-picking. Our approach relies on language models that consider contextual information from other news sources to classify statements based on their importance to the event covered in the target news story. Furthermore, this research introduces a novel dataset specifically designed for cherry-picking detection, which was used to train and evaluate the performance of the models. Our best performing model achieves an F-1 score of about %89 in detecting important statements when tested on unseen set of news stories. Moreover, results show the importance incorporating external knowledge from alternative unbiased narratives when assessing a statement's importance.
Abstract:In this paper we present the ClaimBuster dataset of 23,533 statements extracted from all U.S. general election presidential debates and annotated by human coders. The ClaimBuster dataset can be leveraged in building computational methods to identify claims that are worth fact-checking from the myriad of sources of digital or traditional media. The ClaimBuster dataset is publicly available to the research community, and it can be found at
Abstract:In the active research area of employing embedding models for knowledge graph completion, particularly for the task of link prediction, most prior studies used two benchmark datasets FB15k and WN18 in evaluating such models. Most triples in these and other datasets in such studies belong to reverse and duplicate relations which exhibit high data redundancy due to semantic duplication, correlation or data incompleteness. This is a case of excessive data leakage---a model is trained using features that otherwise would not be available when the model needs to be applied for real prediction. There are also Cartesian product relations for which every triple formed by the Cartesian product of applicable subjects and objects is a true fact. Link prediction on the aforementioned relations is easy and can be achieved with even better accuracy using straightforward rules instead of sophisticated embedding models. A more fundamental defect of these models is that the link prediction scenario, given such data, is non-existent in the real-world. This paper is the first systematic study with the main objective of assessing the true effectiveness of embedding models when the unrealistic triples are removed. Our experiment results show these models are much less accurate than what we used to perceive. Their poor accuracy renders link prediction a task without truly effective automated solution. Hence, we call for re-investigation of possible effective approaches.
Abstract:Entity alignment seeks to find entities in different knowledge graphs (KGs) that refer to the same real-world object. Recent advancement in KG embedding impels the advent of embedding-based entity alignment, which encodes entities in a continuous embedding space and measures entity similarities based on the learned embeddings. In this paper, we conduct a comprehensive experimental study of this emerging field. This study surveys 23 recent embedding-based entity alignment approaches and categorizes them based on their techniques and characteristics. We further observe that current approaches use different datasets in evaluation, and the degree distributions of entities in these datasets are inconsistent with real KGs. Hence, we propose a new KG sampling algorithm, with which we generate a set of dedicated benchmark datasets with various heterogeneity and distributions for a realistic evaluation. This study also produces an open-source library, which includes 12 representative embedding-based entity alignment approaches. We extensively evaluate these approaches on the generated datasets, to understand their strengths and limitations. Additionally, for several directions that have not been explored in current approaches, we perform exploratory experiments and report our preliminary findings for future studies. The benchmark datasets, open-source library and experimental results are all accessible online and will be duly maintained.
Abstract:We present a study on the efficacy of adversarial training on transformer neural network models, with respect to the task of detecting check-worthy claims. In this work, we introduce the first adversarially-regularized, transformer-based claim spotter model that achieves state-of-the-art results on multiple challenging benchmarks. We obtain a 4.31 point F1-score improvement and a 1.09 point mAP score improvement over current state-of-the-art models on the ClaimBuster Dataset and CLEF2019 Dataset, respectively. In the process, we propose a method to apply adversarial training to transformer models, which has the potential to be generalized to many similar text classification tasks. Along with our results, we are releasing our codebase and manually labeled datasets. We also showcase our models' real world usage via a live public API.
Abstract:Entity alignment is the task of finding entities in two knowledge bases (KBs) that represent the same real-world object. When facing KBs in different natural languages, conventional cross-lingual entity alignment methods rely on machine translation to eliminate the language barriers. These approaches often suffer from the uneven quality of translations between languages. While recent embedding-based techniques encode entities and relationships in KBs and do not need machine translation for cross-lingual entity alignment, a significant number of attributes remain largely unexplored. In this paper, we propose a joint attribute-preserving embedding model for cross-lingual entity alignment. It jointly embeds the structures of two KBs into a unified vector space and further refines it by leveraging attribute correlations in the KBs. Our experimental results on real-world datasets show that this approach significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art embedding approaches for cross-lingual entity alignment and could be complemented with methods based on machine translation.
Abstract:This is the first study on crowdsourcing Pareto-optimal object finding, which has applications in public opinion collection, group decision making, and information exploration. Departing from prior studies on crowdsourcing skyline and ranking queries, it considers the case where objects do not have explicit attributes and preference relations on objects are strict partial orders. The partial orders are derived by aggregating crowdsourcers' responses to pairwise comparison questions. The goal is to find all Pareto-optimal objects by the fewest possible questions. It employs an iterative question-selection framework. Guided by the principle of eagerly identifying non-Pareto optimal objects, the framework only chooses candidate questions which must satisfy three conditions. This design is both sufficient and efficient, as it is proven to find a short terminal question sequence. The framework is further steered by two ideas---macro-ordering and micro-ordering. By different micro-ordering heuristics, the framework is instantiated into several algorithms with varying power in pruning questions. Experiment results using both real crowdsourcing marketplace and simulations exhibited not only orders of magnitude reductions in questions when compared with a brute-force approach, but also close-to-optimal performance from the most efficient instantiation.