Abstract:One of the most basic problems in reinforcement learning (RL) is policy evaluation: estimating the long-term return, i.e., value function, corresponding to a given fixed policy. The celebrated Temporal Difference (TD) learning algorithm addresses this problem, and recent work has investigated finite-time convergence guarantees for this algorithm and variants thereof. However, these guarantees hinge on the reward observations being always generated from a well-behaved (e.g., sub-Gaussian) true reward distribution. Motivated by harsh, real-world environments where such an idealistic assumption may no longer hold, we revisit the policy evaluation problem from the perspective of adversarial robustness. In particular, we consider a Huber-contaminated reward model where an adversary can arbitrarily corrupt each reward sample with a small probability $\epsilon$. Under this observation model, we first show that the adversary can cause the vanilla TD algorithm to converge to any arbitrary value function. We then develop a novel algorithm called Robust-TD and prove that its finite-time guarantees match that of vanilla TD with linear function approximation up to a small $O(\epsilon)$ term that captures the effect of corruption. We complement this result with a minimax lower bound, revealing that such an additive corruption-induced term is unavoidable. To our knowledge, these results are the first of their kind in the context of adversarial robustness of stochastic approximation schemes driven by Markov noise. The key new technical tool that enables our results is an analysis of the Median-of-Means estimator with corrupted, time-correlated data that might be of independent interest to the literature on robust statistics.
Abstract:We consider the problem of estimating the state transition matrix of a linear time-invariant (LTI) system, given access to multiple independent trajectories sampled from the system. Several recent papers have conducted a non-asymptotic analysis of this problem, relying crucially on the assumption that the process noise is either Gaussian or sub-Gaussian, i.e., "light-tailed". In sharp contrast, we work under a significantly weaker noise model, assuming nothing more than the existence of the fourth moment of the noise distribution. For this setting, we provide the first set of results demonstrating that one can obtain sample-complexity bounds for linear system identification that are nearly of the same order as under sub-Gaussian noise. To achieve such results, we develop a novel robust system identification algorithm that relies on constructing multiple weakly-concentrated estimators, and then boosting their performance using suitable tools from high-dimensional robust statistics. Interestingly, our analysis reveals how the kurtosis of the noise distribution, a measure of heavy-tailedness, affects the number of trajectories needed to achieve desired estimation error bounds. Finally, we show that our algorithm and analysis technique can be easily extended to account for scenarios where an adversary can arbitrarily corrupt a small fraction of the collected trajectory data. Our work takes the first steps towards building a robust statistical learning theory for control under non-ideal assumptions on the data-generating process.
Abstract:We consider a setting involving $N$ agents, where each agent interacts with an environment modeled as a Markov Decision Process (MDP). The agents' MDPs differ in their reward functions, capturing heterogeneous objectives/tasks. The collective goal of the agents is to communicate intermittently via a central server to find a policy that maximizes the average of long-term cumulative rewards across environments. The limited existing work on this topic either only provide asymptotic rates, or generate biased policies, or fail to establish any benefits of collaboration. In response, we propose Fast-FedPG - a novel federated policy gradient algorithm with a carefully designed bias-correction mechanism. Under a gradient-domination condition, we prove that our algorithm guarantees (i) fast linear convergence with exact gradients, and (ii) sub-linear rates that enjoy a linear speedup w.r.t. the number of agents with noisy, truncated policy gradients. Notably, in each case, the convergence is to a globally optimal policy with no heterogeneity-induced bias. In the absence of gradient-domination, we establish convergence to a first-order stationary point at a rate that continues to benefit from collaboration.
Abstract:Recently, there has been a surge of interest in analyzing the non-asymptotic behavior of model-free reinforcement learning algorithms. However, the performance of such algorithms in non-ideal environments, such as in the presence of corrupted rewards, is poorly understood. Motivated by this gap, we investigate the robustness of the celebrated Q-learning algorithm to a strong-contamination attack model, where an adversary can arbitrarily perturb a small fraction of the observed rewards. We start by proving that such an attack can cause the vanilla Q-learning algorithm to incur arbitrarily large errors. We then develop a novel robust synchronous Q-learning algorithm that uses historical reward data to construct robust empirical Bellman operators at each time step. Finally, we prove a finite-time convergence rate for our algorithm that matches known state-of-the-art bounds (in the absence of attacks) up to a small inevitable $O(\varepsilon)$ error term that scales with the adversarial corruption fraction $\varepsilon$. Notably, our results continue to hold even when the true reward distributions have infinite support, provided they admit bounded second moments.
Abstract:We consider a setting in which $N$ agents aim to speedup a common Stochastic Approximation (SA) problem by acting in parallel and communicating with a central server. We assume that the up-link transmissions to the server are subject to asynchronous and potentially unbounded time-varying delays. To mitigate the effect of delays and stragglers while reaping the benefits of distributed computation, we propose \texttt{DASA}, a Delay-Adaptive algorithm for multi-agent Stochastic Approximation. We provide a finite-time analysis of \texttt{DASA} assuming that the agents' stochastic observation processes are independent Markov chains. Significantly advancing existing results, \texttt{DASA} is the first algorithm whose convergence rate depends only on the mixing time $\tau_{mix}$ and on the average delay $\tau_{avg}$ while jointly achieving an $N$-fold convergence speedup under Markovian sampling. Our work is relevant for various SA applications, including multi-agent and distributed temporal difference (TD) learning, Q-learning and stochastic optimization with correlated data.
Abstract:We study the finite-time convergence of TD learning with linear function approximation under Markovian sampling. Existing proofs for this setting either assume a projection step in the algorithm to simplify the analysis, or require a fairly intricate argument to ensure stability of the iterates. We ask: \textit{Is it possible to retain the simplicity of a projection-based analysis without actually performing a projection step in the algorithm?} Our main contribution is to show this is possible via a novel two-step argument. In the first step, we use induction to prove that under a standard choice of a constant step-size $\alpha$, the iterates generated by TD learning remain uniformly bounded in expectation. In the second step, we establish a recursion that mimics the steady-state dynamics of TD learning up to a bounded perturbation on the order of $O(\alpha^2)$ that captures the effect of Markovian sampling. Combining these pieces leads to an overall approach that considerably simplifies existing proofs. We conjecture that our inductive proof technique will find applications in the analyses of more complex stochastic approximation algorithms, and conclude by providing some examples of such applications.
Abstract:Motivated by applications in large-scale and multi-agent reinforcement learning, we study the non-asymptotic performance of stochastic approximation (SA) schemes with delayed updates under Markovian sampling. While the effect of delays has been extensively studied for optimization, the manner in which they interact with the underlying Markov process to shape the finite-time performance of SA remains poorly understood. In this context, our first main contribution is to show that under time-varying bounded delays, the delayed SA update rule guarantees exponentially fast convergence of the \emph{last iterate} to a ball around the SA operator's fixed point. Notably, our bound is \emph{tight} in its dependence on both the maximum delay $\tau_{max}$, and the mixing time $\tau_{mix}$. To achieve this tight bound, we develop a novel inductive proof technique that, unlike various existing delayed-optimization analyses, relies on establishing uniform boundedness of the iterates. As such, our proof may be of independent interest. Next, to mitigate the impact of the maximum delay on the convergence rate, we provide the first finite-time analysis of a delay-adaptive SA scheme under Markovian sampling. In particular, we show that the exponent of convergence of this scheme gets scaled down by $\tau_{avg}$, as opposed to $\tau_{max}$ for the vanilla delayed SA rule; here, $\tau_{avg}$ denotes the average delay across all iterations. Moreover, the adaptive scheme requires no prior knowledge of the delay sequence for step-size tuning. Our theoretical findings shed light on the finite-time effects of delays for a broad class of algorithms, including TD learning, Q-learning, and stochastic gradient descent under Markovian sampling.
Abstract:Federated reinforcement learning (FRL) has emerged as a promising paradigm for reducing the sample complexity of reinforcement learning tasks by exploiting information from different agents. However, when each agent interacts with a potentially different environment, little to nothing is known theoretically about the non-asymptotic performance of FRL algorithms. The lack of such results can be attributed to various technical challenges and their intricate interplay: Markovian sampling, linear function approximation, multiple local updates to save communication, heterogeneity in the reward functions and transition kernels of the agents' MDPs, and continuous state-action spaces. Moreover, in the on-policy setting, the behavior policies vary with time, further complicating the analysis. In response, we introduce FedSARSA, a novel federated on-policy reinforcement learning scheme, equipped with linear function approximation, to address these challenges and provide a comprehensive finite-time error analysis. Notably, we establish that FedSARSA converges to a policy that is near-optimal for all agents, with the extent of near-optimality proportional to the level of heterogeneity. Furthermore, we prove that FedSARSA leverages agent collaboration to enable linear speedups as the number of agents increases, which holds for both fixed and adaptive step-size configurations.
Abstract:Given the success of model-free methods for control design in many problem settings, it is natural to ask how things will change if realistic communication channels are utilized for the transmission of gradients or policies. While the resulting problem has analogies with the formulations studied under the rubric of networked control systems, the rich literature in that area has typically assumed that the model of the system is known. As a step towards bridging the fields of model-free control design and networked control systems, we ask: \textit{Is it possible to solve basic control problems - such as the linear quadratic regulator (LQR) problem - in a model-free manner over a rate-limited channel?} Toward answering this question, we study a setting where a worker agent transmits quantized policy gradients (of the LQR cost) to a server over a noiseless channel with a finite bit-rate. We propose a new algorithm titled Adaptively Quantized Gradient Descent (\texttt{AQGD}), and prove that above a certain finite threshold bit-rate, \texttt{AQGD} guarantees exponentially fast convergence to the globally optimal policy, with \textit{no deterioration of the exponent relative to the unquantized setting}. More generally, our approach reveals the benefits of adaptive quantization in preserving fast linear convergence rates, and, as such, may be of independent interest to the literature on compressed optimization.
Abstract:Delays and asynchrony are inevitable in large-scale machine-learning problems where communication plays a key role. As such, several works have extensively analyzed stochastic optimization with delayed gradients. However, as far as we are aware, no analogous theory is available for min-max optimization, a topic that has gained recent popularity due to applications in adversarial robustness, game theory, and reinforcement learning. Motivated by this gap, we examine the performance of standard min-max optimization algorithms with delayed gradient updates. First, we show (empirically) that even small delays can cause prominent algorithms like Extra-gradient (\texttt{EG}) to diverge on simple instances for which \texttt{EG} guarantees convergence in the absence of delays. Our empirical study thus suggests the need for a careful analysis of delayed versions of min-max optimization algorithms. Accordingly, under suitable technical assumptions, we prove that Gradient Descent-Ascent (\texttt{GDA}) and \texttt{EG} with delayed updates continue to guarantee convergence to saddle points for convex-concave and strongly convex-strongly concave settings. Our complexity bounds reveal, in a transparent manner, the slow-down in convergence caused by delays.