Abstract:In the last decade, the generalization and adaptation abilities of deep learning models were typically evaluated on fixed training and test distributions. Contrary to traditional deep learning, large language models (LLMs) are (i) even more overparameterized, (ii) trained on unlabeled text corpora curated from the Internet with minimal human intervention, and (iii) trained in an online fashion. These stark contrasts prevent researchers from transferring lessons learned on model generalization and adaptation in deep learning contexts to LLMs. To this end, our short paper introduces empirical observations that aim to shed light on further training of already pretrained language models. Specifically, we demonstrate that training a model on a text domain could degrade its perplexity on the test portion of the same domain. We observe with our subsequent analysis that the performance degradation is positively correlated with the similarity between the additional and the original pretraining dataset of the LLM. Our further token-level perplexity observations reveals that the perplexity degradation is due to a handful of tokens that are not informative about the domain. We hope these findings will guide us in determining when to adapt a model vs when to rely on its foundational capabilities.
Abstract:This work aims to improve generalization and interpretability of dynamical systems by recovering the underlying lower-dimensional latent states and their time evolutions. Previous work on disentangled representation learning within the realm of dynamical systems focused on the latent states, possibly with linear transition approximations. As such, they cannot identify nonlinear transition dynamics, and hence fail to reliably predict complex future behavior. Inspired by the advances in nonlinear ICA, we propose a state-space modeling framework in which we can identify not just the latent states but also the unknown transition function that maps the past states to the present. We introduce a practical algorithm based on variational auto-encoders and empirically demonstrate in realistic synthetic settings that we can (i) recover latent state dynamics with high accuracy, (ii) correspondingly achieve high future prediction accuracy, and (iii) adapt fast to new environments.
Abstract:This paper studies the evolving domain of Continual Learning (CL) in large language models (LLMs), with a focus on developing strategies for efficient and sustainable training. Our primary emphasis is on continual domain-adaptive pretraining, a process designed to equip LLMs with the ability to integrate new information from various domains while retaining previously learned knowledge and enhancing cross-domain knowledge transfer without relying on domain-specific identification. Unlike previous studies, which mostly concentrate on a limited selection of tasks or domains and primarily aim to address the issue of forgetting, our research evaluates the adaptability and capabilities of LLMs to changing data landscapes in practical scenarios. To this end, we introduce a new benchmark designed to measure the adaptability of LLMs to these evolving data environments, offering a comprehensive framework for evaluation. We examine the impact of model size on learning efficacy and forgetting, as well as how the progression and similarity of emerging domains affect the knowledge transfer within these models. Our findings uncover several key insights: (i) when the sequence of domains shows semantic similarity, continual pretraining enables LLMs to better specialize in the current domain compared to stand-alone fine-tuning, (ii) training across a diverse range of domains enhances both backward and forward knowledge transfer, and (iii) smaller models are particularly sensitive to continual pretraining, showing the most significant rates of both forgetting and learning. We posit that our research marks a shift towards establishing a more realistic benchmark for investigating CL in LLMs, and has the potential to play a key role in guiding the direction of future research in the field.
Abstract:The ability of machine learning systems to learn continually is hindered by catastrophic forgetting, the tendency of neural networks to overwrite existing knowledge when learning a new task. Existing continual learning methods alleviate this problem through regularisation, parameter isolation, or rehearsal, and are typically evaluated on benchmarks consisting of a handful of tasks. We propose a novel conceptual approach to continual classification that aims to disentangle class-specific information that needs to be memorised from the class-agnostic knowledge that encapsulates generalization. We store the former in a buffer that can be easily pruned or updated when new categories arrive, while the latter is represented with a neural network that generalizes across tasks. We show that the class-agnostic network does not suffer from catastrophic forgetting and by leveraging it to perform classification, we improve accuracy on past tasks over time. In addition, our approach supports open-set classification and one-shot generalization. To test our conceptual framework, we introduce Infinite dSprites, a tool for creating continual classification and disentanglement benchmarks of arbitrary length with full control over generative factors. We show that over a sufficiently long time horizon all major types of continual learning methods break down, while our approach enables continual learning over hundreds of tasks with explicit control over memorization and forgetting.
Abstract:Latent neural ordinary differential equations have been proven useful for learning non-linear dynamics of arbitrary sequences. In contrast with their mechanistic counterparts, the predictive accuracy of neural ODEs decreases over longer prediction horizons (Rubanova et al., 2019). To mitigate this issue, we propose disentangling dynamic states from time-invariant variables in a completely data-driven way, enabling robust neural ODE models that can generalize across different settings. We show that such variables can control the latent differential function and/or parameterize the mapping from latent variables to observations. By explicitly modeling the time-invariant variables, our framework enables the use of recent advances in representation learning. We demonstrate this by introducing a straightforward self-supervised objective that enhances the learning of these variables. The experiments on low-dimensional oscillating systems and video sequences reveal that our disentangled model achieves improved long-term predictions, when the training data involve sequence-specific factors of variation such as different rotational speeds, calligraphic styles, and friction constants.
Abstract:We study for the first time uncertainty-aware modeling of continuous-time dynamics of interacting objects. We introduce a new model that decomposes independent dynamics of single objects accurately from their interactions. By employing latent Gaussian process ordinary differential equations, our model infers both independent dynamics and their interactions with reliable uncertainty estimates. In our formulation, each object is represented as a graph node and interactions are modeled by accumulating the messages coming from neighboring objects. We show that efficient inference of such a complex network of variables is possible with modern variational sparse Gaussian process inference techniques. We empirically demonstrate that our model improves the reliability of long-term predictions over neural network based alternatives and it successfully handles missing dynamic or static information. Furthermore, we observe that only our model can successfully encapsulate independent dynamics and interaction information in distinct functions and show the benefit from this disentanglement in extrapolation scenarios.
Abstract:Recent machine learning advances have proposed black-box estimation of unknown continuous-time system dynamics directly from data. However, earlier works are based on approximative ODE solutions or point estimates. We propose a novel Bayesian nonparametric model that uses Gaussian processes to infer posteriors of unknown ODE systems directly from data. We derive sparse variational inference with decoupled functional sampling to represent vector field posteriors. We also introduce a probabilistic shooting augmentation to enable efficient inference from arbitrarily long trajectories. The method demonstrates the benefit of computing vector field posteriors, with predictive uncertainty scores outperforming alternative methods on multiple ODE learning tasks.
Abstract:Model-based reinforcement learning (MBRL) approaches rely on discrete-time state transition models whereas physical systems and the vast majority of control tasks operate in continuous-time. To avoid time-discretization approximation of the underlying process, we propose a continuous-time MBRL framework based on a novel actor-critic method. Our approach also infers the unknown state evolution differentials with Bayesian neural ordinary differential equations (ODE) to account for epistemic uncertainty. We implement and test our method on a new ODE-RL suite that explicitly solves continuous-time control systems. Our experiments illustrate that the model is robust against irregular and noisy data, is sample-efficient, and can solve control problems which pose challenges to discrete-time MBRL methods.
Abstract:We present Ordinary Differential Equation Variational Auto-Encoder (ODE$^2$VAE), a latent second order ODE model for high-dimensional sequential data. Leveraging the advances in deep generative models, ODE$^2$VAE can simultaneously learn the embedding of high dimensional trajectories and infer arbitrarily complex continuous-time latent dynamics. Our model explicitly decomposes the latent space into momentum and position components and solves a second order ODE system, which is in contrast to recurrent neural network (RNN) based time series models and recently proposed non-parametric ODE techniques. In order to account for uncertainty, we propose probabilistic latent ODE dynamics parameterized by deep Bayesian neural networks. We demonstrate our approach on motion capture, image rotation and bouncing balls datasets. We achieve state-of-the-art performance in long term motion prediction and imputation tasks.
Abstract:Recent studies have illustrated that stochastic gradient Markov Chain Monte Carlo techniques have a strong potential in non-convex optimization, where local and global convergence guarantees can be shown under certain conditions. By building up on this recent theory, in this study, we develop an asynchronous-parallel stochastic L-BFGS algorithm for non-convex optimization. The proposed algorithm is suitable for both distributed and shared-memory settings. We provide formal theoretical analysis and show that the proposed method achieves an ergodic convergence rate of ${\cal O}(1/\sqrt{N})$ ($N$ being the total number of iterations) and it can achieve a linear speedup under certain conditions. We perform several experiments on both synthetic and real datasets. The results support our theory and show that the proposed algorithm provides a significant speedup over the recently proposed synchronous distributed L-BFGS algorithm.