Abstract:Multi-object tracking algorithms are deployed in various applications, each with unique performance requirements. For example, track switches pose significant challenges for offline scene understanding, as they hinder the accuracy of data interpretation. Conversely, in online surveillance applications, their impact is often minimal. This disparity underscores the need for application-specific performance evaluations that are both simple and mathematically sound. The trajectory generalized optimal sub-pattern assignment (TGOSPA) metric offers a principled approach to evaluate multi-object tracking performance. It accounts for localization errors, the number of missed and false objects, and the number of track switches, providing a comprehensive assessment framework. This paper illustrates the effective use of the TGOSPA metric in computer vision tasks, addressing challenges posed by the need for application-specific scoring methodologies. By exploring the TGOSPA parameter selection, we enable users to compare, comprehend, and optimize the performance of algorithms tailored for specific tasks, such as target tracking and training of detector or re-ID modules.
Abstract:This paper proposes multi-target filtering algorithms in which target dynamics are given in continuous time and measurements are obtained at discrete time instants. In particular, targets appear according to a Poisson point process (PPP) in time with a given Gaussian spatial distribution, targets move according to a general time-invariant linear stochastic differential equation, and the life span of each target is modelled with an exponential distribution. For this multi-target dynamic model, we derive the distribution of the set of new born targets and calculate closed-form expressions for the best fitting mean and covariance of each target at its time of birth by minimising the Kullback-Leibler divergence via moment matching. This yields a novel Gaussian continuous-discrete Poisson multi-Bernoulli mixture (PMBM) filter, and its approximations based on Poisson multi-Bernoulli and probability hypothesis density filtering. These continuous-discrete multi-target filters are also extended to target dynamics driven by nonlinear stochastic differential equations.
Abstract:The probability hypothesis density (PHD) and Poisson multi-Bernoulli (PMB) filters are two popular set-type multi-object filters. Motivated by the fact that the multi-object filtering density after each update step in the PHD filter is a PMB without approximation, in this paper we present a multi-object smoother involving PHD forward filtering and PMB backward smoothing. This is achieved by first running the PHD filtering recursion in the forward pass and extracting the PMB filtering densities after each update step before the Poisson Point Process approximation, which is inherent in the PHD filter update. Then in the backward pass we apply backward simulation for sets of trajectories to the extracted PMB filtering densities. We call the resulting multi-object smoother hybrid PHD-PMB trajectory smoother. Notably, the hybrid PHD-PMB trajectory smoother can provide smoothed trajectory estimates for the PHD filter without labeling or tagging, which is not possible for existing PHD smoothers. Also, compared to the trajectory PHD filter, which can only estimate alive trajectories, the hybrid PHD-PMB trajectory smoother enables the estimation of the set of all trajectories. Simulation results demonstrate that the hybrid PHD-PMB trajectory smoother outperforms the PHD filter in terms of both state and cardinality estimates, and the trajectory PHD filter in terms of false detections.
Abstract:Simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) methods need to both solve the data association (DA) problem and the joint estimation of the sensor trajectory and the map, conditioned on a DA. In this paper, we propose a novel integrated approach to solve both the DA problem and the batch SLAM problem simultaneously, combining random finite set (RFS) theory and the graph-based SLAM approach. A sampling method based on the Poisson multi-Bernoulli mixture (PMBM) density is designed for dealing with the DA uncertainty, and a graph-based SLAM solver is applied for the conditional SLAM problem. In the end, a post-processing approach is applied to merge SLAM results from different iterations. Using synthetic data, it is demonstrated that the proposed SLAM approach achieves performance close to the posterior Cram\'er-Rao bound, and outperforms state-of-the-art RFS-based SLAM filters in high clutter and high process noise scenarios.
Abstract:This paper considers a batch solution to the multi-object tracking problem based on sets of trajectories. Specifically, we present two offline implementations of the trajectory Poisson multi-Bernoulli mixture (TPMBM) filter for batch data based on Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) sampling of the data association hypotheses. In contrast to online TPMBM implementations, the proposed offline implementations solve a large-scale, multi-scan data association problem across the entire time interval of interest, and therefore they can fully exploit all the measurement information available. Furthermore, by leveraging the efficient hypothesis structure of TPMBM filters, the proposed implementations compare favorably with other MCMC-based multi-object tracking algorithms. Simulation results show that the TPMBM implementation using the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm presents state-of-the-art multiple trajectory estimation performance.
Abstract:This paper proposes a metric to measure the dissimilarity between graphs that may have a different number of nodes. The proposed metric extends the generalised optimal subpattern assignment (GOSPA) metric, which is a metric for sets, to graphs. The proposed graph GOSPA metric includes costs associated with node attribute errors for properly assigned nodes, missed and false nodes and edge mismatches between graphs. The computation of this metric is based on finding the optimal assignments between nodes in the two graphs, with the possibility of leaving some of the nodes unassigned. We also propose a lower bound for the metric, which is also a metric for graphs and is computable in polynomial time using linear programming. The metric is first derived for undirected unweighted graphs and it is then extended to directed and weighted graphs. The properties of the metric are demonstrated via simulated and empirical datasets.
Abstract:This paper proposes a multi-object tracking (MOT) algorithm for traffic monitoring using a drone equipped with optical and thermal cameras. Object detections on the images are obtained using a neural network for each type of camera. The cameras are modelled as direction-of-arrival (DOA) sensors. Each DOA detection follows a von-Mises Fisher distribution, whose mean direction is obtain by projecting a vehicle position on the ground to the camera. We then use the trajectory Poisson multi-Bernoulli mixture filter (TPMBM), which is a Bayesian MOT algorithm, to optimally estimate the set of vehicle trajectories. We have also developed a parameter estimation algorithm for the measurement model. We have tested the accuracy of the resulting TPMBM filter in synthetic and experimental data sets.
Abstract:This paper develops a general trajectory probability hypothesis density (TPHD) filter, which uses a general density for target-generated measurements and is able to estimate trajectories of coexisting point and extended targets. First, we provide a derivation of this general TPHD filter based on finding the best Poisson posterior approximation by minimizing the Kullback-Leibler divergence, without using probability generating functionals. Second, we adopt an efficient implementation of this filter, where Gaussian densities correspond to point targets and Gamma Gaussian Inverse Wishart densities for extended targets. The L-scan approximation is also proposed as a simplified version to mitigate the huge computational cost. Simulation and experimental results show that the proposed filter is able to classify targets correctly and obtain accurate trajectory estimation.
Abstract:In this paper, we propose a Poisson multi-Bernoulli (PMB) filter for extended object tracking (EOT), which directly estimates the set of object trajectories, using belief propagation (BP). The proposed filter propagates a PMB density on the posterior of sets of trajectories through the filtering recursions over time, where the PMB mixture (PMBM) posterior after the update step is approximated as a PMB. The efficient PMB approximation relies on several important theoretical contributions. First, we present a PMBM conjugate prior on the posterior of sets of trajectories for a generalized measurement model, in which each object generates an independent set of measurements. The PMBM density is a conjugate prior in the sense that both the prediction and the update steps preserve the PMBM form of the density. Second, we present a factor graph representation of the joint posterior of the PMBM set of trajectories and association variables for the Poisson spatial measurement model. Importantly, leveraging the PMBM conjugacy and the factor graph formulation enables an elegant treatment on undetected objects via a Poisson point process and efficient inference on sets of trajectories using BP, where the approximate marginal densities in the PMB approximation can be obtained without enumeration of different data association hypotheses. To achieve this, we present a particle-based implementation of the proposed filter, where smoothed trajectory estimates, if desired, can be obtained via single-object particle smoothing methods, and its performance for EOT with ellipsoidal shapes is evaluated in a simulation study.
Abstract:This paper provides a comparative analysis between the adaptive birth model used in the labelled random finite set literature and the track initiation in the Poisson multi-Bernoulli mixture (PMBM) filter, with point-target models. The PMBM track initiation is obtained via Bayes' rule applied on the predicted PMBM density, and creates one Bernoulli component for each received measurement, representing that this measurement may be clutter or a detection from a new target. Adaptive birth mimics this procedure by creating a Bernoulli component for each measurement using a different rule to determine the probability of existence and a user-defined single-target density. This paper first provides an analysis of the differences that arise in track initiation based on isolated measurements. Then, it shows that adaptive birth underestimates the number of objects present in the surveillance area under common modelling assumptions. Finally, we provide numerical simulations to further illustrate the differences.